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Physical fitness requirements: self-evaluation tool

The CBSA physical fitness self-evaluation tool offers the opportunity to assess your physical fitness and your ability to perform physically demanding use of force training.

Once you have completed all the tests, try to improve on the areas that are at the minimum standard or below. If you are above the minimum standard in all areas, you will be better prepared for the Officer Induction Training Program (OITP).

The "minimum" standard identifies the lowest level of fitness where you have a reasonable chance of success in meeting the physical requirements of recruit training. If you fall below these standards, your risk of failure or injury in the program increases.

The "target" standard identifies a fitness level where you are performing at an average fitness level compared to the recruit population.

The "superior" standard identifies the top end of recruit fitness performance.

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2.4 km run test

Mark out a route that covers 2.4km. Use a GPS or odometer where possible or by running 6 laps of a standard 400 meter oval.

  • Minimum standard: 13:00-14:00
  • Target standard: 10:00-12:59
  • Superior standard: <9:59

Controlled fall test

Start from a standing position. Lie on the ground, on your back, until your shoulder blades connect with the floor. Feet can be bent, straight, or in the air. Get up until you are fully standing. Repeat this as many times as possible in 1 minute.

  • Minimum standard: 16-21 repetitions
  • Target standard: 21-24 repetitions
  • Superior standard: >25 repetitions

Push-up test

Fold a hand towel into 3 parts and place it on the floor in front of you. Place yourself in a push-up position, balancing on your hands and toes with the towel on the floor below your chin. Lower yourself down until your chin touches the towel. Press up to the starting position, ensuring your elbows are completely straight at the end of each repetition. Ensure your thighs do not touch the floor throughout the test. Do as many push-ups as you can without pausing or changing positions. Do not count push-ups performed on the knees in your total count.

  • Minimum standard: 10-14 continuous repetitions
  • Target standard: 15-34 continuous repetitions
  • Superior standard: >35 continuous repetitions

Hang test

The dead hang is an exercise where you hang from an overhead bar as if you're about to do a pull-up. Grip an overhead bar or rings and hang with feet suspended from the floor with arms extended. Sustain the dead hang for as long as possible without starting to lose form.

  • Minimum standard: 00:30-00:44
  • Target standard: 00:45-00:59
  • Superior standard: >01:00

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