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The Canada Border Services College

From: Canada Border Services Agency

The Canada Border Services College is the agency's primary training centre, providing ongoing training and development to border services officers and regional employees.

It is at the main campus that all recruits complete the 14-week in-residence phase of the Officer Induction Training Program.

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The Canada Border Services College includes 8 campuses (Pacific, Prairies, Northern Ontario Region, Southern Ontario Region, Greater Toronto Area, Rigaud, Quebec, Atlantic), two centers of expertise (marine and canine), a National Delivery Support and Strategies Unit and a school of official languages.

History of the main campus of the Canada Border Services College


Canada Border Services College: Where it all begins

Watch the video

In , the Canadian Government purchased the facility in Rigaud, Quebec, from the Clercs de St-Viateur. At that time, the newly acquired Customs and Excise College had the capacity to accommodate 100 students at a time. A major facility expansion project was conducted from 1982 to 1985 to increase the college's capacity from 100 to 316 bedrooms and from 12 to 20 classrooms.

After a 6-year expansion to add a firing range and hangar to accommodate the CBSA arming initiative, a state-of-the-art training facility was officially inaugurated on .

By the end of 2021, a new Canine Center of Expertise will include additional kenneling infrastructure, multiple training areas that simulate live operational environments, dedicated areas for detector dog pre-training and socialization activities, all of which will be available year round for the delivery of training.

Today, the Canada Border Services College main campus occupants are recruits in the Officer Induction Training Program (OITP), Defensive Tactics Unit, and Detector Dog Training Program (DDTP). The main campus also welcomes clientele from other CBSA programs and external departments and agencies for training and conferences.

Information for CBSA border services officer recruits


An orientation/guided tour of the Canada Border Services College main campus is provided to recruits within the first two days of arrival.


During the in-residence training phase, all recruits must reside on-site and are provided with a private bedroom and bathroom equipped with a bed, bed sheets, bath towels, closet, dresser, desk, chair, small fridge, telephone, television and safe.

Note that other than electric shavers, hair dryers and flat/curling irons, only electrical appliances provided by the Canada Border Services College are permitted in the bedrooms.

Twice a week, bedroom and bathroom cleaning service is provided. However, recruits must keep their room clean and tidy at all times.

A site manual is provided to all recruits prior to their arrival. It contains additional information about the Canada Border Services College rules, regulations and services, as well as information about Rigaud and the surrounding area.

Quiet study

In addition to studying in their assigned bedrooms, recruits can study in their classrooms at any time.


There is no curfew. However, quiet hours are enforced at all times as many academic activities are held day and night.

Leaving the main campus

Under normal circumstances, if there are no planned mandatory activities taking place, residents can leave during evenings and weekends.


Recruits may not receive visitors at the main campus during training.


No pets are permitted.

Alcohol and cannabis

The consumption and possession of alcoholic beverages and cannabis, cannabis products or illicit drugs are prohibited on Canada Border Services College Main Campus premises, including in residence rooms and parking lots. Alcohol consumption is only authorized in the Vaudreuil Lounge and must be purchased on site.


Meals are provided in the full-service cafeteria.

Cafeteria's hours
  Monday to Friday Saturday, Sunday and holidays Evening training
Breakfast 5 am to 9:45 am 7 am to 11 am 9:45 am to 4 pm à la carte
Morning coffee break
cafeteria and canteen
9 am to 10:30 am n/a n/a
Lunch 10:45 am to 1:30 pm 11 am to 1:30 pm n/a
Grill / snack counter / sandwiches 11 am to 9 pm 11 am to 9 pm 8 pm to 2 am
Afternoon coffee break
cafeteria and canteen
1:45 pm to 3:30 pm n/a n/a
Dinner 5 pm to 9 pm 5 pm to 9 pm n/a
Evening coffee break
cafeteria and canteen
n/a n/a 9:30 pm to 10:30 pm
Closing hours
  • 10:30 to 10:45 am
  • 1:30 to 1:45 pm
  • 4:30 to 5 pm
  • 10:30 to 10:45 am
  • 1:30 to 1:45 pm
  • 4:30 to 5 pm

The cafeteria can accommodate a variety of diets due to health concerns or religious beliefs. Upon your arrival, please provide reception with the complete details of your food allergies and dietary needs. Then, you will meet with the cafeteria chef to discuss the information you have provided to ensure your needs are met.

Computer and internet access

Each recruit receives a laptop to use while attending the Canada Border Services College. The training laptops do not have Wi-Fi capability, however, Wi-Fi is available in the residence section and cafeteria for personal devices. Residents can use the internet (Facebook, Skype, etc.) to keep in touch with their families and friends throughout during their training at the Canada Border Services College.

The Canada Border Services College also has several computers with internet access that are available 24 hours a day.

Fitness, sports and recreational services

The Canada Border Services College provides various fitness and sports services including a gymnasium equipped with a weight room and cardio machines. Organized sports activities include:

  • volleyball
  • badminton
  • soccer
  • floor hockey
  • boot camp
  • spinning
  • other various seasonal activities

A recreational room is also available in the basement and contains pool tables, a movie room and video game consoles.

All fitness, sports and recreational activities are offered to residents free of charge.


The Canada Border Services College provides transportation from the airport to the main campus and back at the beginning and end of the training.

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