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FAS 2021 UP4: Carbon steel fasteners
Conclusion of normal value review


The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) has today concluded a normal value review (review) to determine normal values and export prices of certain carbon steel fasteners (fasteners) exported to Canada from the Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu (Chinese Taipei) by Sheh Fung Screws Co., Ltd. (Sheh Fung).

The review follows requests for re-determination filed by importers and is part of the CBSA’s enforcement of the Canadian International Trade Tribunal’s (CITT) order issued on September 2, 2020 in Expiry Review No. RR-2019-002, respecting the dumping of fasteners originating in or exported from the People’s Republic of China (China) and Chinese Taipei, and the subsidizing of such goods, originating in or exported from China, excluding fasteners specifically designed for application in the automotive or aerospace industry, in accordance with the Special Import Measures Act (SIMA).

The product definition and the applicable tariff classification numbers of the goods subject to the CITT’s order are contained in Appendix 1 (subject goods).

Period of investigation

For this review, the Period of Investigation (POI) was from July 1, 2019 to November 30, 2020 and the Profitability Analysis Period (PAP) was from July 1, 2019 to November 30, 2020.

Normal value review process

At the initiation of this review, on January 25, 2021, the CBSA sent Requests for Information (RFIs) to Sheh Fung and to other parties involved in the transactions in order to solicit information on the costs and selling prices of subject goods and like goods. The information was requested for purposes of determining normal values and export prices applicable to subject goods exported to Canada.

The responses to the CBSA’s RFIs and Supplemental RFIs were received accordingly from Sheh Fung and Simpson Strong-Tie Canada (SST Canada).

As part of the review, counsel on behalf of Leland Industries Inc. (Leland), a Canadian producer, submitted comments on the submissions filed by Sheh Fung prior to the close of the record as well as a case brief.

The issues raised in the commentsFootnote 1 and case briefFootnote 2 submitted on behalf of Leland concerned the deficiencies and completeness of Sheh Fung’s responses. Other representations made by Leland include: the accuracy of the costs of production, the increase in prices of wire rod since the end of the POI and the distorted input costs of Sheh Fung which support the existence of a particular market situation (PMS).

The representations submitted by all parties were given due consideration by the CBSA prior to the conclusion of this review.

Normal values for future shipments

Sheh Fung did not have any domestic sales of like goods during the PAP to determine normal values in accordance with section 15 of SIMA.

Sheh Fung provided sufficient cost of production and administrative, selling and all other costs to determine normal values pursuant to paragraph 19(b) of SIMA. However, the CBSA was unable to determine an amount for profits under paragraph 11(1)(b) of the Special Import Measures Regulations.

As such, normal values were determined pursuant to section 29 of SIMA using a method similar to that of paragraph 19(b), based on the aggregate of cost of production of the goods, a reasonable amount for administrative, selling and all other costs, and a reasonable amount for profits determined by ministerial specification.

Normal values for future shipments of fasteners have been determined for Sheh Fung. These normal values are effective today, June 28, 2021.

For the subject goods exported by Sheh Fung to Canada, export prices are determined in accordance with section 24 of SIMA.

The normal values and export prices determined as a result of this review may be applied to any requests for re-determination of importations of subject goods that have not been processed prior to the conclusion of this review, regardless of the date that the requests were received. The normal values and export prices determined as a result of this review may be applied retroactively where the conditions described below are met.

Exporter responsibility

Please note that exporters with normal values are required to promptly inform the CBSA in writing of changes to domestic prices, costs, market conditions or terms of sale associated with the production and sales of the goods. If there are changes to the exporter’s domestic prices, costs, market conditions or terms of sale associated with the production and sales of the goods, and where the CBSA considers such changes to be significant, the normal values and export prices will be updated to reflect current conditions. All parties are cautioned that where there are increases in domestic prices, and/or costs as noted above, the export price should be increased accordingly to ensure that any sale made to Canada is not only above the normal value but at or above selling prices and full costs and profit of the goods in the exporter’s domestic market. If exporters do not properly notify the CBSA of any such changes, do not adjust export prices accordingly, or do not provide the information required to make any necessary adjustments to normal values and export prices, retroactive assessments will be applied where such action is warranted.

Importer responsibility

Importers are reminded that it is their responsibility to calculate and declare their anti-dumping duty liability. If importers are using the services of a customs broker to clear importations, the brokerage firm should be advised that the goods are subject to SIMA measures and be provided with sufficient information necessary to clear the shipments. To determine their anti-dumping liability, importers should contact the exporter(s) to obtain the applicable normal values. For further information on this matter, refer to Memorandum D14-1-2, Disclosure of Normal Values, Export Prices, and Amounts of Subsidy Established under the Special Import Measures Act.

The Customs Act (Act) applies, with any modifications that the circumstances require, with respect to the accounting and payment of anti-dumping duties. As such, failure to pay the duties within the prescribed time will result in the application of the interest provisions of the Act.

Should the importer disagree with the determination made on any importation of goods, a request for re-determination may be filed. For more information on how to file a request for re-determination, please refer to the Guide for Appealing a Duty Assessment.


Any questions concerning the above should be directed to:

  • Telephone:
  • Jinhyuck Lee: 343-553-1728


Appendix 1—Product definition

Subject goods definition

“Certain carbon steel fasteners originating in or exported from the People’s Republic of China and the Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu (Chinese Taipei), excluding fasteners specifically designed for application in the automotive or aerospace industry.”

The following table is a list of subject products included in the Canadian International Trade Tribunal's (CITT) findings/orders for certain carbon steel fasteners.

  Imperial Metric
  Diameter Length Diameter Length
Wood screws #4 to #24
(0.112" to 0.386")
3/8 to 8 in. M3 to M10 10 mm to 200 mm
Square and hex lag screws #14 to #24
(1/4" to 0.386")
3/4 to 4 in. M6 to M10 20 mm to 100 mm
Sheet metal/tapping screws #4 to #24
(0.112" to 0.386")
3/8 to 8 in. M3 to M10 10 mm to 200 mm
Thread forming screws #4 to #24
(0.112" to 0.386")
3/8 to 3 in. M3 to M10 10 mm to 75 mm
Thread cutting screws #4 to #24
(0.112" to 0.386")
3/8 to 3 in. M3 to M10 10 mm to 75 mm
Thread rolling screws #4 to #24
(0.112" to 0.386")
3/8 to 3 in. M3 to M10 10 mm to 75 mm
Self-drilling tapping screws #4 to #24
(0.112" to 0.386")
3/8 to 3 in. M3 to M10 10 mm to 75 mm
Machine screws #4 to 3/8 in
(0.112" to 3/8")
3/8 to 8 in. M3 to M10 10 mm to 200 mm
Flange screws 1/4 to 5/8 in 3/8 to 4 in. M6 to M16 10 mm to 100 mm

The following products are excluded by the CITT in Inquiry No. NQ-2004-005, in Expiry Reviews No. RR-2009-001 and RR-2014-001, and in Interim Reviews No. RD-2016-001 and RD-2016-003 and, therefore, are not subject to anti-dumping duty or countervailing duty.

  • Acoustic lag screws
  • Aster screws
  • Chicago screws
  • Collated screws
  • Connector screws (kd)
  • Decor screws
  • Drawer handle screws
  • Drive spikes RR
  • Euro screws
  • Hex socket cap screws
  • Instrument screws
  • Knurled head screws
  • Machine screws with wings
  • Optical screws
  • Screw spikes RR
  • Security screws
  • Self-clinching studs
  • Socket cap screws
  • Socket set screws
  • Square-head set screws
  • Thumb screws
  • U-drive screws
  • Wing screws
  • Screws imported under tariff item Nos. 9952.00.00, 9964.00.00, 9969.00.00, 9972.00.00 and 9973.00.00 for use in the manufacture of snowmobiles, all-terrain vehicles, personal watercraft and three-wheeled motorcycles
  • R4(trademark) screws marketed by GRK Canada Limited which have the features and characteristics described in Canadian patent numbers 2 267 572 and 2 198 832 and a Climatek(trademark) coating which is certified to meet the ICC Evaluation Service, Inc. (ICC-ES) "Acceptance Criteria for Corrosion-resistant Fasteners and Evaluation of Corrosion Effects of Wood Treatment Chemicals" (AC257); or equivalent
  • RSS(trademark) rugged structural screws marketed by GRK Canada Limited which have the features and characteristics described in Canadian patent numbers 2 267 572 and 2 140 472 and a Climatek(trademark) coating which is certified to meet the ICC-ES "Acceptance Criteria for Corrosion-resistant Fasteners and Evaluation of Corrosion Effects of Wood Treatment Chemicals" (AC257); or equivalent
  • MSS(trademark) zip tip metal siding screws marketed by GRK Canada Limited which have the features and characteristics described in Canadian patent numbers 2 267 572 and 2 478 635 and a Climatek(trademark) coating which is certified to meet the ICC-ES "Acceptance Criteria for Corrosion-resistant Fasteners and Evaluation of Corrosion Effects of Wood Treatment Chemicals" (AC257); or equivalent
  • MSS(trademark) drill tip metal siding screws marketed by GRK Canada Limited which have the features and characteristics described in Canadian patent numbers 2 267 572 and 2 478 635 and a Climatek(trademark) coating which is certified to meet the ICC-ES "Acceptance Criteria for Corrosion-resistant Fasteners and Evaluation of Corrosion Effects of Wood Treatment Chemicals" (AC257); or equivalent
  • Pan(trademark) head screws marketed by GRK Canada Limited which have the features and characteristics described in Canadian patent number 2 267 572 and a Climatek(trademark) coating which is certified to meet ICC-ES "Acceptance Criteria for Corrosion-resistant Fasteners and Evaluation of Corrosion Effects of Wood Treatment Chemicals" (AC257); or equivalent
  • Cabinet(trademark) screws marketed by GRK Canada Limited which have the features and characteristics described in Canadian patent number 2 267 572 and a Climatek(trademark) coating which is certified to meet ICC-ES "Acceptance Criteria for Corrosion-resistant Fasteners and Evaluation of Corrosion Effects of Wood Treatment Chemicals" (AC257); or equivalent
  • FIN/Trim(trademark) head screws marketed by GRK Canada Limited which have the features and characteristics described in Canadian patent number 2 267 572 and a Climatek(trademark) coating which is certified to meet ICC-ES "Acceptance Criteria for Corrosion-resistant Fasteners and Evaluation of Corrosion Effects of Wood Treatment Chemicals" (AC257); or equivalent
  • White FIN/Trim(trademark) head screws marketed by GRK Canada Limited which have the features and characteristics described in Canadian patent number 2 267 572 and a Climatek(trademark) coating which is certified to meet ICC-ES "Acceptance Criteria for Corrosion-resistant Fasteners and Evaluation of Corrosion Effects of Wood Treatment Chemicals" (AC257); or equivalent
  • RT Composite(trademark) Trim(trademark) head screws marketed by GRK Canada Limited which have the features and characteristics described in Canadian patent number 2 267 572 and a Climatek(trademark) coating which is certified to meet ICC-ES "Acceptance Criteria for Corrosion-resistant Fasteners and Evaluation of Corrosion Effects of Wood Treatment Chemicals" (AC257); or equivalent
  • White RT Composite(trademark) Trim(trademark) head screws marketed by GRK Canada Limited which have the features and characteristics described in Canadian patent number 2 267 572 and a Climatek(trademark) coating which is certified to meet ICC-ES "Acceptance Criteria for Corrosion-resistant Fasteners and Evaluation of Corrosion Effects of Wood Treatment Chemicals" (AC257); or equivalent
  • Vinyl Window(trademark) screws marketed by GRK Canada Limited which have the features and characteristics described in Canadian patent number 2 267 572 and a Climatek(trademark) coating which is certified to meet ICC-ES "Acceptance Criteria for Corrosion-resistant Fasteners and Evaluation of Corrosion Effects of Wood Treatment Chemicals" (AC257); or equivalent
  • Caliburn(trademark) concrete screws marketed by GRK Canada Limited which have the features and characteristics described in Canadian patent number 2 267 572 and a Climatek(trademark) coating which is certified to meet ICC-ES "Acceptance Criteria for Corrosion-resistant Fasteners and Evaluation of Corrosion Effects of Wood Treatment Chemicals" (AC257); or equivalent
  • Kameleon(trademark) composite deck screws marketed by GRK Canada Limited which have the features and characteristics described in Canadian patent number 2 267 572 and a Climatek(trademark) coating which is certified to meet ICC-ES "Acceptance Criteria for Corrosion-resistant Fasteners and Evaluation of Corrosion Effects of Wood Treatment Chemicals" (AC257); or equivalent
  • Sharp-pointed drywall screws with diameters ranging from #6 to #7, lengths ranging from 0.4375 in. to 2.25 in., with a coarse, fine or high-low thread, with a bugle, flat, pan, truss or wafer head, with a Phillips driver and a black phosphate or standard zinc finish
  • Self-drilling drywall screws with diameters ranging from #6 to #7, lengths ranging from 0.4375 in. to 2.25 in., with a fine thread, with a bugle, flat, flat truss, pan, pancake, truss or wafer head, with a Phillips driver and a black phosphate or standard zinc finish
  • TOPLoc(trademark) or Splitstop(trademark) composite decking fasteners for exclusive use in conjunction with TimberTech® composite material decking systems
  • Titen HD(trademark) (THD) heavy-duty carbon steel screw anchors for concrete, manufactured for and imported by Simpson Strong-Tie, bearing Canadian trademark number TMA614622 and Canadian patent number CA2349358, with diameters of between 0.25 in. (1/4 in.) and 0.375 in. (3/8 in.), inclusive (i.e. between 6.35 mm and 9.525 mm, inclusive), and lengths of between 1.25 in. and 8.00 in., inclusive (i.e. between 31.75 mm and 203.2 mm, inclusive), tested or assessed in accordance with one or more of: ASTM E488 ("Standard Test Methods for Strength of Anchors in Concrete and Masonry Elements"); AC106 ("Acceptance Criteria for Predrilled Fasteners (Screw Anchors) in Masonry Elements"); AC193 ("Acceptance Criteria for Mechanical Anchors in Concrete Elements"); or ACI 355.2/ACI 355.2R ("Qualification of Post-Installed Mechanical Anchors in Concrete") as amended or replaced from time to time
  • Shoulder bolts made of steel, grade 5, and zinc-plated, with a hexagonal head, an unthreaded cylindrical shoulder section ranging from 1/4 inch to 3/4 inch in diameter, and a threaded section that is smaller in diameter than the shoulder ranging from 3/8 inch to 7/8 inch in length and between 10-24 and 5/8-11 in common thread sizes
  • Squeeeeek No More® square-drive wood screws, manufactured by or on behalf of O'Berry Enterprises Inc. under U.S. patent Nos. 5,371,992, 5,372,466 or 6,250,186, for use in wood flooring, with scoring above the threaded portion of the screw that allows the upper portion of the screw and head to be easily broken off, 3" or 3.5" in length, of a #8 or #9 diameter, threaded in part with 8 threads per inch and in part with 9 threads per inch, with the remainder unthreaded, and covered in a Gleitmo 615 lubricant coating (or equivalent coating) and imported in packages of 500 screws or less

The following products are excluded by the CITT's in Expiry Review No. RR-2019-002 and, therefore, are not subject to anti-dumping duty or countervailing duty.

  • Screws designed by 1833236 Ontario Inc. d.b.a. U2 Fasteners and marketed under the trade name Construction Screw(trademark), which have the features and characteristics described in Canadian patent number 2 979 899, a U-Gold(trademark) coating, and are certified to comply with the most recent versions of the International Building Code® and the International Residential Code® and recognized for use in wood chemically treated with waterborne alkaline copper quaternary, type D (ACQ-D); or equivalent
  • Screws designed by 1833236 Ontario Inc. d.b.a. U2 Fasteners and marketed under the trade name Vinyl Extrusion Screw(trademark), which have the features and characteristics described in Canadian patent number 2 979 899 and a proprietary coating; or equivalent
  • Composite deck screws with a dual coarse thread design, a counter boring head, a #20 TORX® ttap® drive and in lengths of 2.5 in. or 3 in., packaged together with color matched plugs made from the same material as the deck boards, and a setting tool designed to drive the screw to the appropriate level below the surface of the board, as part of the Cortex® Hidden Fastening System for Decking; or equivalent
  • PVC trim screws with a dual coarse thread design, a counter boring head, a #20 TORX® ttap® drive and in lengths of 2 in. or 2.75 in., packaged together with color matched plugs made from the same material as the PVC trim, and a setting tool designed to drive the screw to the appropriate level below the surface of the trim, as part of the Cortex® Hidden Fastening System for PVC Trim; or equivalent
  • Fascia board screws with a coarse thread design, a flat head, a #20 TORX® ttap® drive and in a length of 1.75 in., packaged together with color matched plugs made from the same material as the fascia board, a counterbore tool designed to create a hole for the screw and plug, and a setting tool designed to drive the screw to the appropriate level below the surface of the board, as part of the Cortex® Hidden Fastening System for Fascia; or equivalent
  • TrapEase® 3 composite deck screws with a dual coarse thread design, a color matched counter boring head, a #20 TORX® ttap® drive and in lengths of 2.5 in. or 3 in., packaged together with a driver bit; or equivalent
  • TrapEase® FASCIA screws with a dual coarse thread design, a color matched flat head, a #20 TORX® ttap® drive and in a length of 1.75 in., packaged together with a counterbore tool designed to create a pilot hole for screw placement and a driver bit; or equivalent
  • TimberLOK® heavy duty structural wood screws with a coarse thread design, a blank shank diameter of approximately 0.189 in., a countersinking hex washer head with a 5/16" drive and a head marking indicating overall length in inches, in various lengths, which are certified to comply with the most recent versions of the International Building Code® and the International Residential Code® and recognized for use in wood chemically treated with waterborne alkaline copper quaternary, type D (ACQ-D), packaged together with a driver bit; or equivalent
  • HeadLOK® heavy duty structural wood screws with a coarse thread design, a blank shank diameter of approximately 0.191 in., a flat head with an 8 lobe SpiderDrive(trademark) and a head marking indicating overall length in inches, in various lengths, which are certified to comply with the most recent versions of the International Building Code® and the International Residential Code® and recognized for use in wood chemically treated with waterborne alkaline copper quaternary, type D (ACQ-D), packaged together with a driver bit; or equivalent
  • FlatLOK® structural wood screws with a coarse thread design, a blank shank diameter of approximately 0.227 in., a flat head with a #40 TORX® ttap® drive and a head marking indicating overall length in inches, in various lengths, which are certified to comply with the National Building Code of Canada and recognized for use in wood chemically treated with waterborne alkaline copper quaternary (ACQ), packaged together with a driver bit; or equivalent
  • LedgerLOK® structural wood screws with a coarse thread design, a blank shank diameter of approximately 0.228 in., a hex washer head with a 5/16" drive or a flat head with a #40 TORX® ttap® drive, and a head marking indicating overall length in inches, in lengths of 3.625 in. or 5 in., which are certified to comply with the most recent versions of the International Building Code® and the International Residential Code® and recognized for use in wood chemically treated with waterborne alkaline copper quaternary, type D (ACQ-D), packaged together with a driver bit; or equivalent
  • ThruLOK® structural wood screws with a unique thread design, a Paddle Point(trademark) tip, a blank shank diameter of approximately 0.228 in., a hex washer head with a 5/16" drive and a head marking indicating overall length in inches, in various lengths, which are certified to comply with the most recent versions of the International Building Code® and the International Residential Code® and recognized for use in wood chemically treated with waterborne alkaline copper quaternary, type D (ACQ-D), packaged and used together with ThruLOK® washers and nuts; or equivalent
  • KWIK HUS-EZ high-strength self-tapping/undercutting carbon steel screw anchors for cracked concrete, uncracked concrete, seismic, concrete over metal deck, and grouted masonry applications, with a hex washer head, bearing Canadian trademark number TMA1011376 and having the features and characteristics described in Canadian patent number CA2738182, with a diameter of 0.25 in. and lengths ranging from 1.875 in. to 4 in., tested or assessed in accordance with one or more of: ASTM E488 ("Standard Test Methods for Strength of Anchors in Concrete and Masonry Elements"); ICC-ES AC106 ("Acceptance Criteria for Predrilled Fasteners (Screw Anchors) in Masonry Elements"); ICC-ES AC193 ("Acceptance Criteria for Mechanical Anchors in Concrete Elements"); American Concrete Institute (ACI) 355.2 ("Qualification of Post-Installed Mechanical Anchors in Concrete"), or National Building Code of Canada (NBCC) requirement outlined in Canadian Standards Association (CSA) A23.3-14 Annex D as amended or replaced from time to time; or equivalent
  • KWIK HUS-EZ P high-strength self-tapping/undercutting carbon steel screw anchors for cracked concrete, uncracked concrete, seismic, concrete over metal deck, and grouted masonry applications, with a pan washer head and Torx® drive, bearing Canadian trademark number TMA1011376 and having the features and characteristics described in Canadian patent number CA2738182, with a diameter of 0.25 in. and lengths of 1.875 in. or 2.625 in., tested or assessed in accordance with one or more of: ASTM E488 ("Standard Test Methods for Strength of Anchors in Concrete and Masonry Elements"); ICC-ES AC106 ("Acceptance Criteria for Predrilled Fasteners (Screw Anchors) in Masonry Elements"); ICC-ES AC193 ("Acceptance Criteria for Mechanical Anchors in Concrete Elements"); ACI 355.2 ("Qualification of Post-Installed Mechanical Anchors in Concrete"), or NBCC requirement outlined in CSA A23.3-14 Annex D as amended or replaced from time to time; or equivalent
  • KWIK HUS-EZ E high-strength self-tapping/undercutting carbon steel screw anchors for cracked concrete, uncracked concrete, seismic and concrete over metal deck applications, with an externally threaded stud with hex washer head, bearing Canadian trademark number TMA1011376 and having the features and characteristics described in Canadian patent number CA2738182, with a diameter of 0.25 in. and a length of 1.625 in., tested or assessed in accordance with one or more of: ASTM E488 ("Standard Test Methods for Strength of Anchors in Concrete and Masonry Elements"); ICC-ES AC193 ("Acceptance Criteria for Mechanical Anchors in Concrete Elements"); ACI 355.2 ("Qualification of Post-Installed Mechanical Anchors in Concrete"), or NBCC requirement outlined in CSA A23.3-14 Annex D as amended or replaced from time to time; or equivalent
  • KWIK HUS-EZ I high-strength self-tapping/undercutting carbon steel screw anchors for cracked concrete, uncracked concrete, seismic and concrete over metal deck applications, with an internally threaded hex washer head, bearing Canadian trademark number TMA1011376 and having the features and characteristics described in Canadian patent number CA2738182, with a diameter of 0.25 in. and lengths of 1.625 in. or 2.5 in., tested or assessed in accordance with one or more of: ASTM E488 ("Standard Test Methods for Strength of Anchors in Concrete and Masonry Elements"); ICC-ES AC193 ("Acceptance Criteria for Mechanical Anchors in Concrete Elements"); ACI 355.2 ("Qualification of Post-Installed Mechanical Anchors in Concrete"), or NBCC requirement outlined in CSA A23.3-14 Annex D as amended or replaced from time to time; or equivalent
  • Hangermate® case hardened carbon steel screw anchors, produced from a single piece of steel, with type 17 gimlet or self-drilling points, diameters ranging from 3/16 in. to 5/16 in., lengths ranging from 1 in. to 4 in., and various heads with threaded rod coupler sizes ranging from 1/4 in. to 1/2 in. or acoustical ceiling eyelets, approved by FM Approvals or Underwriters Laboratory, coated with a zinc plating according to ASTM B633, SC1, Type III (Fe/Zn5), for vertical, horizontal, side or variable mounting in steel or wood and intended for use in hanging applications; or equivalent
  • Hangermate®+ case hardened carbon steel screw anchors, produced from a single piece of steel, with diameters of 1/4 in. or 3/8 in., lengths ranging from 1.625 in. to 2.5 in., and internally or externally threaded heads with threaded rod coupler sizes ranging from 1/4 in. to 1/2 in., certified to comply with the most recent versions of the International Building Code® and the International Residential Code®, tested or assessed in accordance with ASTM E488 ("Standard Test Methods for Strength of Anchors in Concrete and Masonry Elements"), ICC-ES AC193 ("Acceptance Criteria for Mechanical Anchors in Concrete Elements"), and ACI 355.2 ("Qualification of Post-Installed Mechanical Anchors in Concrete"), evaluated and qualified by an accredited independent testing laboratory for recognition in cracked and uncracked concrete including seismic and wind loading and for reliability against brittle failure, approved by FM Approvals, coated with a zinc plating according to ASTM B633, SC1, Type III (Fe/Zn5), for vertical mounting in normal-weight concrete, sand-lightweight concrete and concrete over steel deck, and intended for use in hanging applications; or equivalent
  • Screw-Bolt+(trademark) case hardened carbon steel anchors, produced from a single piece of steel, with diameters ranging from 1/4 in. to 5/8 in., lengths ranging from 1.25 in. to 8 in., and a hex washer head or a flat head, certified to comply with the most recent versions of the International Building Code® and the International Residential Code®, tested or assessed in accordance with ICC-ES AC193 ("Acceptance Criteria for Mechanical Anchors in Concrete Elements") and ACI 355.2 ("Qualification of Post-Installed Mechanical Anchors in Concrete"), evaluated and qualified by an accredited independent testing laboratory for recognition in cracked and uncracked concrete including seismic and wind loading and for reliability against brittle failure, coated with a zinc plating according to ASTM B633, SC1, Type III (Fe/Zn5) or a mechanically galvanized zinc plating according to ASTM B695, Class 55, for mounting in normal-weight concrete, lightweight concrete, concrete over steel deck, grouted concrete masonry and brick masonry; or equivalent

Additional product information

  • Hex socket cap screws and socket cap screws are specifically excluded and hex cap screws as a whole are also excluded
  • "Lag bolts" are in actuality considered to be subject lag screws
  • There is a difference between wing screws and screws with wings, the former are excluded while the latter are, with the exception of machine screws with wings, included
  • Some fasteners designated as "bolts" are in reality subject screws, namely: flange bolts, bin bolts, grain bin bolts, square and hex lag bolts, and stove bolts

Tariff classification numbers

The importation of the subject goods are usually classified under the following tariff classification numbers:

  1. 7318.11.00.00
  2. 7318.12.00.00
  3. 7318.14.00.00
  4. 7318.15.00.10
  5. 7318.15.00.49

This listing of tariff classification numbers is for convenience of reference only. Refer to the product definition for authoritative details regarding the subject goods.

Page details

Date modified: