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Booking your NEXUS interview at a Canadian airport enrolment centre

Find out the steps to completing your NEXUS interviews at our Canadian airport enrolment centres.



A/Chief of Operations Moore is at the Vancouver International Airport.

Welcome to the Vancouver International Airport! The NEXUS Enrolment Centre is opening here as of April 3, as well as seven other enrolment centres across Canada.

A/Chief of Operations Moore shows the Vancouver airport enrolment centre.

There are two-steps to airport NEXUS interviews:

First, you must book and complete your Canadian NEXUS interview at an air enrolment centre such as this one.

A/Chief of Operations Moore shows the preclearance/US check-in areas of the Vancouver airport.

The U.S. portion of your interview will also take place at a Canadian airport. It will take place at the preclearance location, right before you board your flight to the U.S.

No appointment is needed for the U.S. interview but give yourself extra time so that you can make your flight.

If you start the interview process at an airport, you have to finish at an airport. You cannot complete the U.S portion at a land enrolment centre.

You don’t need to complete both interviews on the same day, or at the same airport.

Also, remember to bring all of your travel documents when you come to your interview.

Book your Canadian NEXUS interview through the Trusted Traveller Portal.

Click here for more information.

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