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Canada Border Services Agency enforcement action statistics

This page shares statistics on various CBSA enforcement actions, including the seizures of illicit drugs and firearms, as well as intercepted stolen vehicles.

On this page

Intercepted and detained stolen vehicles

The CBSA provides support to other law enforcement and assists them in disrupting, investigating, and ultimately prosecuting auto theft-related crimes. Police across Canada lead investigations into vehicle theft, and the Agency acts on 100% of referrals from them to stop stolen vehicles from leaving the country. The CBSA counts on police to provide timely referrals and intelligence, to take swift possession of stolen vehicles, and to successfully prosecute cases to stem vehicle theft at the source. In addition, the CBSA also performs searches based on its own intelligence.

Export examinations are a part of the CBSA's export control regulatory mandate. Border services officers are responsible for conducting these types of exams at ports of entry across the country. CBSA officers in local export units have the authority to conduct daily audits of export declarations (primary examination) and select containers of interest for secondary examination at docks or warehouses. Police officers may also conduct enforcement activities at the Port upon presentation of a warrant.

The data below shows the total number of stolen vehicles intercepted and detained by calendar quarter and previous calendar years.

Stolen vehicle data by calendar year

Total number of stolen vehicles intercepted and detained by region for calendar years -
Region Table note1
Atlantic (ATL) 73 30 100 118 51 188 142 26
Quebec (QUE) 348 605 816 1,020 1,050 1,204 1,313 163
Northern Ontario (NOR) 0 0 1 2 3 0 0 0
Southern Ontario (SOR) 4 5 2 0 9 0 0 0
Greater Toronto Area (GTA) 25 69 250 194 229 773 680 36
Prairies 2 2 0 1 0 0 6 0
Pacific 11 55 75 10 6 0 136 35
Total 463 766 1,244 1,345 1,348 1,806 2,277 260

Table note

Table note 1

Stats for the current calendar year are updated on a monthly basis and therefore may not reflect the most recent figure.

Return to table note 1 referrer

Source: Regional Reporting

Created by: Special Operational Response Directorate, Intelligence and Enforcement Branch


These statistics represent vehicles detained by CBSA officers in all modes for the specified period, and may be subject to change.

Seized goods

The CBSA investigates, detects, and apprehends violators of the Customs Act. We ensure that inadmissible goods do not enter Canada.

The data below shows the total number and quantity of inadmissible goods seized entering and leaving Canada by fiscal year and fiscal quarter.

Seized goods data by fiscal year


Total number of seizures by quarter for fiscal year to
All commodities First quarter Second quarter Third quarter Fourth quarter Year-to-date total
Total seizures 13,081 13,488 9,656 0 36,225
Quantity of goods seized, by quarter for fiscal year to
Selected commodities Unit of measure First quarter Second quarter Third quarter Fourth quarter Total
Cannabis productsFootnote 1 Grams 5,656,165 3,818,639 4,711,592 N/A 14,186,396
Hashish Grams 304,785 4,969 11,111 N/A 320,865
Cocaine/CrackFootnote 2 Grams 786,563 325,031 1,357,241 N/A 2,438,835
Heroin Grams 67 5,488 30,756 N/A 36,311
Fentanyl Grams 209 4,228 153 N/A 4,590
Other opioidsFootnote 3 Grams 84,514 110,531 125,482 N/A 320,527
Dosage 0 93 0 N/A 93
Other narcotics, drugs and chemicals Grams 6,221,399 3,907,771 10,395,615 N/A 20,524,785
ml 1,278,001 0 3,500 N/A 1,281,501
Dosage 251,265 11,716,361 392,863 N/A 12,360,489
FirearmsFootnote 4  
Seized at the border Number 265 311 216 N/A 792
Seized during a search warrant (inland) Number 48 22 4 N/A 74
Prohibited weapons Number 6,266 2,595 2,974 N/A 11,835
Child pornography Number 63 32 36 N/A 131
Currency CAD $7,719,591 $11,154,869 $9,737,827 N/A $28,612,287
Suspected proceeds of crime CAD $1,099,404 $1,440,440 $2,765,935 N/A $5,305,779
Alcohol Litres 16,228 7,447 24,189 N/A 47,864
Number 270 0 0 N/A 270
Tobacco Cartons 58,799 14,223 6,172 N/A 79,194
Kg 196,487 247,080 115,270 N/A 558,837
Number 190,990 241,472 840,298 N/A 1,272,760
Jewellery Number 870 536 1,233 N/A 2,639

Source: ICES

Created by: Data Analytics and Performance Reporting Unit, Travellers Branch


These statistics represent all seizures made by CBSA officers in all modes for the specified period, and may change due to late entries or further evaluation.


Total number of seizures by quarter for fiscal year to
All commodities First quarter Second quarter Third quarter Fourth quarter Year-to-date total
Total seizures 14,454 24,951 12,159 10,491 62,055
Quantity of goods seized, by quarter for fiscal year to
Selected commodities Unit of measure First quarter Second quarter Third quarter Fourth quarter Total
Cannabis productsFootnote 1 Grams 5,293,149 5,413,684 8,336,338 4,509 867 23,553,038
Hashish Grams 2,698 107,768 7,840 7,904 126,210
Cocaine/CrackFootnote 2 Grams 336,882 478,833 505,634 2,122,233 3,443,582
Heroin Grams 5,247 82,304 54 1,695 89,300
Fentanyl Grams 410 86 104 346 946
Other opioidsFootnote 3 Grams 933,343 698,824 108,073 31,001 1,769,046
Dosage 0 0 3 0 3
Other narcotics, drugs and chemicals Grams 19,434,454 11,455,166 6,093,640 8,601,346 45,558,605
ml 2,180 0 34,000 31,000 67,180
Dosage 215,471 464,567 142,361 326,407 1,148,806
FirearmsFootnote 4 Number 246 318 178 132 874
Prohibited weapons Number 5,070 8,942 7,775 5,403 27,190
Child pornography Number 33 25 14 37 109
Currency CAD $6,060,349 $6,341,868 $7,659,249 $6,142,054 $26,203,700
Suspected proceeds of crime CAD $1,471,094 $684,112 $1,010,548 $663,176 $3,828,930
Alcohol Litres 13,104 8,966 4,938 3,058 30,066
Number 6 0 0 0 6
Tobacco Cartons 4,710 8,844 4,668 11,328 29,550
Kg 166,108 221,086 246,998 48,924 681,106
Number 96,250 7,104 34,237 197,951 335,542
Jewellery Number 598 743 2,444 1,869 5,654

Source: ICES

Created by: Data Analytics and Performance Reporting Unit, Travellers Branch


These statistics represent all seizures made by CBSA officers in all modes for the specified period, and may change due to late entries or further evaluation.


Total number of seizures by quarter for fiscal year to
All commodities First quarter Second quarter Third quarter Fourth quarter Year-to-date total
Total seizures 13,007 13,993 10,300 14,076 51,376
Quantity of goods seized, by quarter for fiscal year to
Selected commodities Unit of measure First quarter Second quarter Third quarter Fourth quarter Total
Cannabis productsFootnote 1 Grams 4,367,053 3,575,856 4,146,341 4,878,593 16,967,843
Hashish Grams 10,689 3,115 1,052 574 15,429
Cocaine/CrackFootnote 2 Grams 294,645 338,560 712,487 466,340 1,812,032
Heroin Grams 83,202 26,215 105,148 19 214,584
Fentanyl Grams 3,058 158 481 59 3,756
Other opioidsFootnote 3 Grams 363,950 423,802 2,747,187 1,049,792 4,584,731
Dosage 0 7 0 0 7
Other narcotics, drugs and chemicals Grams 9,577,357 8,668,381 6,677,867 14,010,973 38,934,578
ml 5,525,135 1,010 40,000 0 5,566,145
Dosage 348,682 279,548 216,253 162,402 1,006,885
FirearmsFootnote 4 Number 331 372 150 181 1,034
Prohibited weapons Number 6,956 4,166 1,883 5,354 18,359
Child pornography Number 62 14 34 15 125
Currency CAD $3,129,545 $4,384,381 $4,378,397 $5,120,087 $17,012,410
Suspected proceeds of crime CAD $489,894 $201,418 $427,671 $523,819 $1,642,802
Alcohol Litres 9,242 3,632 14,717 2,232 29,823
Number 16 0 0 3 19
Tobacco Cartons 12,703 111,600 2,411 11,101 137,815
Kg 61,846 106,977 176,850 167,505 513,178
Number 152,400 88,195 0 0 240,595
Jewellery Number 241 438 271 5,438 6,388

Source: ICES

Created by: Data Analytics and Performance Reporting Unit, Travellers Branch


These statistics represent all seizures made by CBSA officers in all modes for the specified period, and may be subject to change.


Total number of seizures by quarter for fiscal year to
All commodities First quarter Second quarter Third quarter Fourth quarter Year-to-date total
Total seizures 11,846 16,495 11,297 12,711 52,349
Quantity of goods seized, by quarter for fiscal year to
Selected commodities Unit of measure First quarter Second quarter Third quarter Fourth quarter Total
Cannabis productsFootnote 1 Grams 3,049,528 7,452,399 3,328,205 2,303,823 16,133,955
Hashish Grams 7,107 1,273 15,286 4,922 28,588
Cocaine/CrackFootnote 2 Grams 522,950 201,355 336,887 1,813,961 2,875,152
Heroin Grams 56,263 26,148 34,143 170,984 287,537
Fentanyl Grams 1 304 73 185 563
Other opioidsFootnote 3 Grams 9,638 27,554 110,261 2,653,511 2,800,964
Dosage 0 0 59 0 59
Other narcotics, drugs and chemicals Grams 2,780,822 7,254,282 5,156,921 7,286,025 22,478,050
ml 3,429,648 1,274,965 24,428 2,414,004 7,143,045
Dosage 627,703 174,845 214,359 337,741 1,354,649
FirearmsFootnote 4 Number 509 169 277 248 1,203
Prohibited weapons Number 6,398 19,476 35,784 11,442 73,101
Child pornography Number 37 22 16 6 81
Currency CAD $4,100,292 $2,621,350 $2,733,752 $2,703,784 $12,159,179
Suspected proceeds of crime CAD $541,262 $1,361,105 $544,171 $341,644 $2,788,183
Alcohol Litres 3,428 1,592 10,062 11,261 26,344
Number 0 0 0 0 0
Tobacco Cartons 4,493 535,623 13,987 2,382 556,485
Kg 102,772 190,128 178,480 64,021 535,401
Number 15 0 0 520 535
Jewellery Number 347 701 350 315 1,366

Source: ICES

Created by: Data Analytics and Performance Reporting Unit, Travellers Branch

Date: updated quarter 4

These statistics represent all seizures made by CBSA officers in all modes for the specified period, and may be subject to change.


Total number of seizures by quarter for fiscal year to
All commodities First quarter Second quarter Third quarter Fourth quarter Year-to-date total
Total seizures 14,462 20,199 31,105 9,525 75,291
Quantity of goods seized, by quarter for fiscal year to
Selected commodities Unit of measure First quarter Second quarter Third quarter Fourth quarter Total
Cannabis productsFootnote 1 Grams 3,022,613 3,654,293 2,552,149 2,548,773 11,777,828
Hashish Grams 648 6,270 2,050 1,358 10,326
Cocaine/CrackFootnote 2 Grams 78,003 691,535 192,621 252,350 1,214,509
Heroin Grams 6,660 20,112 11,882 39,820 78,475
Fentanyl Grams 614 4,259 1 2,525 7,399
Other opioidsFootnote 3 Grams 48,956 16,184 39,933 1,055,879 1,160,952
Dosage 5 0 0 0 5
Other narcotics, drugs and chemicals Grams 1,604,621 5,400,618 10,943,915 6,514,840 24,463,994
ml 19,762 162,524 222,250 16,010,909 16,415,445
Dosage 103,717 205,936 215,240 170,580 695,473
FirearmsFootnote 4 Number 166 120 103 159 548
Prohibited weapons Number 16,444 12,297 17,879 5,290 51,910
Child pornography Number 15 13 25 41 94
Currency CAD $930,373 $2,408,402 $2,940,798 $3,729,527 $10,009,100
Suspected proceeds of crime CAD $371,257 $1,869,937 $543,126 $599,327 $3,383,647
Alcohol Litres 697 966 1,412 9,556 12,631
Number 0 6 4 0 10
Tobacco Cartons 1,676 178,285 1,994 3,084 185,040
Kg 157,175 94,300 244,661 63,303 559,439
Number 50 36,129 72 10,300 46,551
Jewellery Number 13 120 2,745 655 3,533

Source: ICES

Created by: Data Analytics and Performance Reporting Unit, Travellers Branch


These statistics represent all seizures made by CBSA officers in all modes for the specified period, and may be subject to change.


Total number of seizures by quarter for fiscal year to
All commodities First quarter Second quarter Third quarter Fourth quarter Year-to-date total
Total seizures 12,667 16,041 10,812 12,208 51,728
Quantity of goods seized, by quarter for fiscal year to
Selected commodities Unit of measure First quarter Second quarter Third quarter Fourth quarter Total
Cannabis productsFootnote 1 Grams 726,103 703,261 546,432 2,346,330 4,322,136
Hashish Grams 353 708 17,916 5,393 24,370
Cocaine/CrackFootnote 2 Grams 300,717 474,213 304,351 225,622 1,304,903
Heroin Grams 10,536 17,675 94,254 55,841 178,306
Fentanyl Grams 1,424 1,268 220 39 2,951
Other opioidsFootnote 3 Grams 74,036 229,204 69,315 618,757 991,312
Dosage 0 70 0 0 70
Other narcotics, drugs and chemicals Grams 11,473,683 4,158,928 7,422,022 4,066,886 27,121,519
ml 59,440 3,068,755 377,500 5,544,621 9,050,316
Dosage 117,135 134,928 132,573 173,455 558,091
FirearmsFootnote 4 Number 233 308 106 106 753
Prohibited weapons Number 3,396 7,056 2,351 6,163 18,966
Child pornography Number 121 67 57 50 295
Currency CAD $8,334,645 $7,126,666 $6,948,137 $5,083,603 $27,493,051
Suspected proceeds of crime CAD $675,509 $1,039,816 $921,768 $890,683 $3,527,776
Alcohol Litres 3,967 5,043 2,777 2,422 14,209
Number 0 0 0 0 0
Tobacco Cartons 3,304 2,492 2,874 1,948 10,618
Kg 34,451 47,476 24,752 66,712 173,391
Number 5 115 53,722 267 54,109
Jewellery Number 6,683 7,752 376 331 15,142

Source: ICES

Created by: Data Analytics and Performance Reporting Unit, Travellers Branch

Date: May 29, 2020

These statistics represent all seizures made by CBSA officers in all modes for the specified period, and may be subject to change.


All commodities Total number of seizures
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total
Total seizures 8,449 9,281 16,410 13,626 47,765
Selected commodities Units of measure Quantity of goods seized
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total
Cannabis productsFootnote 1 Grams 9,884 282,888 573,773 430,078 1,296,623
Dosage 63 963 120,825 212,111 333,963
ml     2,770 22,928 25,698
Hashish Grams 16,775 688,913 23,322 108 729,118
MarijuanaFootnote 1 Grams 201,335 207,192 3,655   412,183
Cocaine/CrackFootnote 2 Grams 385,937 384,631 247,216 411,681 1,429,465
Heroin Grams 22,429 12,691 56,796 27,967 119,884
Fentanyl Grams 3,982 625 139 420 5,166
Other opioidsFootnote 3 Grams 42,616 122,893 75,080 117,755 358,345
Dosage 10 50 70   130
Other narcotics, drugs and chemicals Grams 2,465,888 1,778,841 2,916,730 5,608,892 12,770,350
ml 3,603,320 55,576 102,168 2,087 3,763,151
Dosage 263,326 139,271 270,690 136,759 810,046
FirearmsFootnote 4 Number 209 240 163 84 696
Prohibited weapons Number 4,452 4,360 9,411 4,042 22,264
Child pornography Number 79 53 43 52 227
Currency CAD $8,624,122 $9,856,101 $8,197,762 $6,221,471 $32,899,456
Suspected proceeds of crime CAD $495,411 $978,816 $635,047 $699,556 $2,808,831
Alcohol Litres 7,895 3,387 8,978 1,809 22,070
Number 6       6
Tobacco Cartons 3,265 3,078 4,972 3,245 14,560
Kg 20,204 83,075 47,208 10,897 161,384
Number   28,003 3,990 220,807 252,800
Jewellery Number 1,998 1,927 1,681 1,234 6,839

Source: ICES

Created by: Data Analytics and Performance Reporting Unit, Travellers Branch

Date: May 8, 2019

These statistics represent all seizures made by CBSA officers in all modes for the specified period, and are subject to change.

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