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Notice of final decisions: Certain concrete reinforcing bar 5 (RB5 2024 IN)


On December 12, 2024, pursuant to paragraph 41(1)(a) of the Special Import Measures Act (SIMA), the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) terminated the dumping investigation in respect of concrete reinforcing bar exported from Thailand by Thai Steel Profile Public Company Limited, as the goods were not dumped.

On the same day, pursuant to paragraph 41(1)(b) of the SIMA, the CBSA made a final determination of dumping of concrete reinforcing bar originating in or exported from Bulgaria, Thailand, and the United Arab Emirates, for all other exporters for which the dumping investigation has not been terminated.

The subject goods are usually classified under the tariff classification numbers:

  1. 7213.10.00.11
  2. 7213.10.00.12
  3. 7213.10.00.13
  4. 7213.10.00.90
  5. 7214.20.00.11
  6. 7214.20.00.12
  7. 7214.20.00.13
  8. 7214.20.00.14
  9. 7214.20.00.21
  10. 7214.20.00.22
  11. 7214.20.00.23
  12. 7214.20.00.24
  13. 7214.20.00.31
  14. 7214.20.00.32
  15. 7214.20.00.33
  16. 7214.20.00.34
  17. 7214.20.00.90
  18. 7215.90.00.20
  19. 7215.90.00.30
  20. 7227.90.00.50
  21. 7228.30.00.51
  22. 7228.30.00.52
  23. 7228.30.00.53

The above-listed tariff classifications cover both subject and non-subject goods and are for convenience of reference only. Refer to the product definition for authoritative details regarding the subject goods.

The Canadian International Trade Tribunal (CITT) will continue its inquiry into the question of injury to the Canadian industry and will issue its decision by January 13, 2025. Provisional duties will continue to be imposed on the subject goods from Bulgaria, Thailand, and the United Arab Emirates until the CITT renders its decision. However, provisional duties will no longer be imposed on imports of goods for which the dumping investigation have been terminated.

Additional information about this investigation is contained in a Statement of Reasons, which will be available within 15 days.

For additional information regarding the application of provisional duties on subject goods imported into Canada, please refer to the CBSA’s Measures in force.

Contact us

  • Telephone:
  • Stephen Chung: 416-200-9640


Margins of dumping
Exporter Margin of dumping
(% of export price)
Promet Steel JSC 15.9%
Tata Steel Manufacturing (Thailand) Public Company Limited 6.2%
Thai Steel Profile Public Company Limited 0%
United Arab Emirates
Conares Metal Supply Limited 4.2%
Note The margins of dumping reported in the table above are the margins determined by the CBSA for the purposes of the final determination of dumping. These margins do not reflect the anti-dumping duty to be levied on future importations of dumped goods. In the event of an injury finding by the CITT, normal values have been provided to the exporters which provided sufficient information for future shipments to Canada and these normal values would come into effect the day after the injury finding. Information regarding normal values of the subject goods should be obtained from the exporter. Imports of subject goods from exporters/producers that did not provide sufficient information to the CBSA during the dumping investigation and who are not listed in the table above will be subject to the All Other Exporters anti-dumping duty rate pursuant to a ministerial specification.

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