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Notice of preliminary determination: Certain concrete reinforcing bar 5 (RB5 2024 IN)


On September 13, 2024, the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), pursuant to subsection 38(1) of the Special Import Measures Act (SIMA), made a preliminary determination of dumping respecting certain concrete reinforcing bar originating in or exported from Bulgaria, Thailand, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

The subject goods are usually imported under the following tariff classification numbers:

  1. 7213.10.00.11
  2. 7213.10.00.12
  3. 7213.10.00.13
  4. 7213.10.00.90
  5. 7214.20.00.11
  6. 7214.20.00.12
  7. 7214.20.00.13
  8. 7214.20.00.14
  9. 7214.20.00.21
  10. 7214.20.00.22
  11. 7214.20.00.23
  12. 7214.20.00.24
  13. 7214.20.00.31
  14. 7214.20.00.32
  15. 7214.20.00.33
  16. 7214.20.00.34
  17. 7214.20.00.90
  18. 7215.90.00.20
  19. 7215.90.00.30
  20. 7227.90.00.50
  21. 7228.30.00.51
  22. 7228.30.00.52
  23. 7228.30.00.53

The above-listed tariff classifications cover both subject and non-subject goods and are for convenience of reference only. Refer to the product definition, for authoritative details regarding the subject goods.

Provisional duties will now be payable on the subject goods from Bulgaria, Thailand, and the UAE that are released from the CBSA on or after September 13, 2024.

Additional information about this investigation is contained in a Statement of Reasons, which will be available within 15 days.

For assistance in properly completing accounting documents and the payment of provisional duties, please consult the Guide for Self-assessing SIMA duties.

Contact us

  • Telephone:
  • Elie Haddad: 343-573-3110


Estimated margins of dumping and provisional duties
Country of origin or export Estimated margins of dumping1 Provisional duties payable1
Promet Steel JSC 18.1% 18.1%
All other exporters   28.0%
Tata Steel Manufacturing (Thailand) Public Company Limited 2.0% 2.0%
Thai Steel Profile Public Company Limited 6.9% 6.9%
All other exporters   13.8%
United Arab Emirates
Conares Metal Supply Limited 0.4%2 0%2
All other exporters   29.4%
  1. 1Expressed as a percentage of export price
  2. 2The amount of dumping estimated for Conares Metal Supply Limited is below 2% of the export price and was, therefore, determined to be insignificant. As a result, the investigation will continue in respect of these goods but provisional dumping duty will not be imposed on subject goods imported into Canada from this exporter during the provisional period

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