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Overview: Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security—Study on Mandate Letter Commitments (March 21, 2024)

Scenario note


On , the Committee passed a motion that included an intention to invite the Minister of Public Safety and department officials to appear regarding his mandate. The committee is also mandated to study the 2023 to 2024 Supplementary Estimates (C) (tabled in the House of Commons on ) and 2024 to 2025 Main Estimates (tabled in the House of Commons on ), thus an invitation for the Minister to appear on this topic was also being anticipated. An invitation to the Minister was received for the Mandate Letter Commitments, but the department and portfolios should prepare briefing material on both possible topics.

The Agency should be prepared to support the Minister on inquiries regarding two mandate commitments that implicate the CBSA:

  • Continue working with the Minister of Health and the Minister of Transport to protect the health and safety of Canadians through safe, responsible and compassionate management of the border with the United States and other ports of entry into Canada
  • Continue modernizing infrastructure and processes at Canada's ports of entry, including digital and right touch technology for travellers and conveyances, and ensuring the safety, security and integrity of our borders. This includes measures to address irregular migration and combat the trafficking of firearms and illicit drugs

The Agency should also anticipate questions on items contained in the recent Supplementary Estimates (C) and Main Estimates. Public Safety Canada had tasked issue notes on these topics for both Estimates:

2023 to 2024 Supplementary Estimates (C)

  • Traveller Modernization
  • Strengthening the Front Line
  • National Security Intelligence Review
  • Adjustments to the Employee Benefit Plan
  • Transfers to and from Other Organizations

2024 to 2025 Main Estimates Issue Note

  • Base Funding
  • Compensation Adjustments
  • Employee Benefit Plans (EBP) Adjustments
  • Various Transfers
  • Modernize and Sustain Travel and Trade at Canadian Borders
  • Temporary Resident Processing
  • Strengthening the Front Line Capacity
  • Immigration Levels Plan
  • Funding to Replace Large- Scale Imaging Equipment
  • Implementation of Canada's Indo-Pacific Strategy
  • National Security Intelligence Review
  • Canada Trade Remedy System
  • Land Border Crossing Project
  • Border Infrastructure (Lacolle)
  • Canada's Asylum Irregular Migration System
  • Resettlement of Afghan Refugees
  • Gordie Howe International Bridge Project

Recent hot issues of concern to the CBSA include vehicle thefts and the role of the Port of Montreal in their export (which the committee intends to study separately), ArriveCAN allegations (OAG Report, CBSA Procurement Practices and False Quarantine Issues), and the CBSA's efforts to enforce sanctions against Russia, Mexico eTA-x Implementation, Refocusing Government Spending (RGS), CBSA Assessment and Revenue Management (CARM). Given the ongoing media attention on multiple issues of concern to Public Safety Canada and the portfolios, members may pose a questions on a multitude of topics.

General information

Time: 8:15 am to 10:15 am
Location: Room 025-B, West Block


Public Safety Canada

  • The Honourable Dominic Leblanc, Minister (for first hour only)
  • Shawn Tupper, Deputy Minister

Canada Border Services Agency

  • Ted Gallivan, Executive Vice-President

Canadian Security Intelligence Service

  • Jérome Laliberté, Deputy Director and Chief Financial Officer, Administration
  • David Vigneault, Director

Correctional Service of Canada

  • Anne Kelly, Commissioner
  • Tony Matson, Assistant Commissioner and Chief Financial Officer, Corporate Services
  • France Gratton, Assistant Commissioner, Correctional Operations and Programs

Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness

  • Patrick Amyot, Assistant Deputy Minister and Chief Financial Officer, Corporate Management Branch
  • Tricia Geddes, Associate Deputy Minister
  • Shannon Grainger, Assistant Deputy Minister

Parole Board of Canada

  • Jennifer Oades, Chairperson
  • Claudine Legault, Chief Financial Officer

Royal Canadian Mounted Police

  • Michael Duheme, Commissioner
  • Samantha Hazen, Chief Financial Officer

Opening remarks

At the beginning of the meeting, the chair will invite the Minister to deliver opening remarks, for no longer than five minutes. This will be followed by questions from committee members.

Rounds of questioning

At the Chair's discretion, questions from committee members will proceed as follows:

  • First round: 6 minutes for each party in the following order: CPC, LPC, BQ, NDP
  • For the second and subsequent rounds: CPC, 5 minutes; LPC, 5 minutes; BQ 2.5 minutes and NDP 2.5 minutes; CPC, 5 minutes ; LPC, 5 minutes
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