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Canadian customs: Secondary inspections

At any point during your interactions with Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) officers at a port of entry, you may be referred to a secondary area for further processing or for a detailed inspection of your conveyance (vehicle, boat or mode of transport) or the goods you are carrying with you.

Secondary inspections are a normal part of the process when anyone crosses the border, including Canadian citizens, permanent residents and visitors.

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Reasons for secondary inspections

There are many reasons why a border services officer may determine that you, or the goods you are carrying with you, require further processing or inspection. For example, an officer may need to:

Officers do not refer travellers for secondary inspections on the basis of race, nationality, religion, age or gender.

What to expect from a secondary inspection

If you are referred for a more detailed inspection, an officer may:

While the majority of travellers we inspect comply with Canadian laws and regulations, we do encounter individuals with criminal intentions. For this reason, an officer may not always answer specific questions during a secondary inspection.

What we ask of you during a secondary inspection

Canadian law requires you to present yourself to an officer, respond truthfully to all questions, accurately report your goods, and, if requested, present your goods for examination. This may include unpacking and repacking the contents of your luggage or vehicle.

To help us get you on your way as quickly as possible, we ask that you:

We administer more than 90 acts, regulations and international agreements, many on behalf of other federal departments and agencies, the provinces and the territories. These include the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, the Customs Act, and food, plant and animal regulations.

Our officers are authorized by these laws and regulations to conduct secondary inspections, including the inspection of travellers and goods, at Canadian ports of entry. While we appreciate that in some cases a secondary inspection may appear intrusive, it enables us to ensure we are complying with Canada's laws and regulations.

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Your feedback is important to us. It directly impacts the development and review of our policies and programs. Please ask to speak with the supervisor on duty if:

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