Archived - Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy 2019-2020
Canada Border Services Agency

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Table of contents


In Canada and abroad, the effects of climate change are becoming evident. Impacts such as coastal erosion, thawing permafrost, increases in heat waves, droughts, flooding, ecosystem changes, risks to critical infrastructure, and food and water security are already being felt.

As a result, the federal government is taking action. This Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy (DSDS) will serve as a supplementary table to the Departmental Plan (DP) to the end of fiscal year 2019-2020, to guide the department in its commitment to sustainable development. Performance is reported upon annually in the Departmental Results Report (DRR).

Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEA)

The CBSA is committed to sustainable development by integrating environmental considerations into its decision making processes. Under the Guidelines for Implementing the Cabinet Directive on the Environmental Assessment of Policy, Plan and Program Proposals, the CBSA completes a strategic environmental assessment at the earliest planning stages of a CBSA-led policy, plan, or program in order to mitigate negative environmental impacts and enhance positive ones. The assessment also allows the CBSA to identify and address environmental issues in context with economic and social considerations. Once reviewed and approved by the Agency's senior management, strategic environmental assessments are submitted through Memoranda to Cabinet and Treasury Board Submission processes, where the Minister of Public Safety is the sole signatory or a co-signatory only.

Section 1 – Overview of the Federal Government's Approach to Sustainable Development

The Government of Canada is a signatory to the Paris Agreement on Climate Change and has enacted several pieces of legislation to meet our emissions reduction targets, grow the economy, and build resilience to a changing climate, including the:

The Government of Canada is also a signatory to the Convention on Biological Diversity, and has put into place the Canadian Biodiversity Strategy (CBS), and several other pieces of legislation in order to protect and support biodiversity in Canada, including the:

Section 2 - Agency Commitments under FSDS

This CBSA DSDS covers the period of 2019-2020, focusing on four of the FSDS goals:

Greening Government

The Government of Canada has a large real property portfolio that uses a significant amount of energy. Our large footprint means we have an opportunity to support the transition to a low-carbon economy, stimulate the clean tech sector, contribute to Canada’s international climate change commitments, and achieve cost savings. This includes greening our procurement, lowering our emissions and encouraging the transition to the clean economy.

Long-Term Goal: The Government of Canada leads by example through operations that are low-carbon, resilient and green.

FSDS- GGS Targets

The CBSA’s Performance Indicators Against FSDS-GGS Targets

The CBSA’s Contributing Actions

The CBSA will take action to reduce departmental emissions and ensure that the targets set out in the FSDS and GGS are met. To address these targets, the CBSA will:

Real Property

Climate Change




Healthy Wildlife Populations

Canada's plants and animals, together with the environments where they live, make up the ecosystems that benefit Canadians through valuable services such as providing food, medicine, and oxygen, controlling floods, and pollination. Maintaining biodiversity helps to ensure that ecosystems can continue to function and provide the services that all life depend on.

Long-Term Goal: All species have healthy and viable populations

FSDS Targets

The CBSA’s Performance Indicators Against FSDS Targets*

* The CBSA’s enforcement actions are not distinguished according to the FSDS Goal categories of Healthy Wildlife Populations and Sustainable Food, but the performance indicators listed speak to both goals

The CBSA’s Contributing Actions

In order to protect biodiversity, the CBSA will work to deter the introduction of invasive alien species, and plant and animal diseases into Canada. Action is taken in partnership with other federal departments and agencies, provinces and territories, and other domestic and international partners. Statistics for food, plant, and animal interceptions at the border will be reported annually.

Sustainable Food

Canada's food system, including agriculture, aquaculture, and fisheries provides safe and healthy food for Canadians, helps ensure long-term food security, and is an important part of our economy. Protecting our environment, including freshwater and soil quality, will help ensure our food systems continue to feed Canadians and create jobs over the long term.

Long-Term Goal: Innovation and ingenuity contribute to a world-leading agricultural sector and food economy for the benefit of all Canadians

FSDS Target

The CBSA’s Performance Indicators Against the FSDS Target*

* The CBSA’s enforcement actions are not distinguished according to the FSDS Goal categories of Healthy Wildlife Populations and Sustainable Food, but the performance indicators listed speak to both goals

The CBSA’s Contributing Actions

Through the enforcement actions of the Border Services agents, the CBSA will continue to work in partnership with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) to ensure compliance at the border with the CFIA's legislation and regulations with respect to food safety and plant and animal health. Statistics for food, plant, and animal interceptions at the border will be reported annually.

Safe and Healthy Communities

The Government of Canada is committed to ensuring Canadians live in clean, safe environments that contribute to their health and well-being. While chemicals are part of our everyday lives and provide many benefits, they can also be harmful if not properly managed. Managing these substances, as well as assessing and remediating contaminated sites protects the environment, the health of Canadians, and benefits Canada’s economy.

Long-Term Goal: All Canadians live in clean, sustainable communities that contribute to their health and well-being

FSDS Target

The CBSA’s Performance Indicators Against the FSDS Target

Remediation of harmful substances on federal lands

The CBSA’s Contributing Actions

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