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COVID-19: Appearance before the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Health ()—CBSA expenditures on COVID-19

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Proposed response

As the priority of the Agency has turned to COVID-19 specific costs to the pandemic are emerging.

As of , the CBSA has incurred additional salary costs of $0.7 million and additional operating costs of $3.2 million, for a total of $3.9 million above and beyond its normal appropriations.

The additional salary costs are for overtime, the backfill of positions and the diversion of resources, and are primarily associated with the repatriation flights to Trenton.

Much of the incurred increased salary costs are not yet reflected in these numbers as recent overtime amounts have not yet been entered into the CBSA's financial system.

In the purchase of masks and other personal protective equipment (PPE), the CBSA incurred $1.5 million.

In updating Primary Inspection Kiosk (PIK) machines with the screening questions and increasing safety by supporting Mobile Border Application (PIK on phone), the CBSA incurred $0.9 million.

Other additional operating costs are for IT equipment, uniforms, translation, printing and travel. Costs related for cleaning are not yet assessed.

I would like to note that these figures are preliminary and will increase by the day.

The CBSA has the financial flexibility to manage all COVID-19 related pressures for this fiscal year. Constant monitoring and reassessment will occur during the new fiscal year as the situation evolves.

In addition, a significant number of staff have been reallocated from their normal duties to help deal with this emergency. The additional opportunity costs, resulting from delays in planned activities, have not yet been assessed.

CBSA COVID-19 costs as of

and —Headquarters
Branch Salary ($) O&M ($) Salary ($) O&M ($)
Strategic Policy 50,000 - 50,000 -
Travellers 16,256 - 22,270 -
Intelligence & Enforcement 4,452 - 22,148 -
Finance and Corporate Management - - - -
Human Resources - - - -
Information, Science and Technology - - 5,033 -
Total Salary/O&M 70,708 - 99,451 -
and —Regions
Region Salary ($) O&M ($) Salary ($) O&M ($)
Greater Toronto Area - - - 2,500
Atlantic - - - -
Northern Ontario Region 94,564 8,447 113,659 27,490
Pacific 13,094 - 13,592 1,017
Prairies - - - -
Southern Ontario Region - - - 400
Quebec - - 531 698
Total Salary/O&M 107,658 8,447 127,782 32,105
and : Total—Headquarters and Regions
Salary ($) O&M ($) Salary ($) O&M ($)
Headquarters 70,708 - 99,451 -
Regions 107,658 8,447 127,782 32,105
Total Salary/O&M 178,366 8,447 227,233 32,105
Total Figures 186,813 259,338
and anticipated cost—Headquarters
Anticipated cost
Branch Salary ($) O&M ($) Item Salary ($) O&M ($) Item
Strategic Policy 179,000 22,329 International staff costs in HQ + Related Travel 179,000 22,329 International Region: 4 Liaison Officers and Temporary Duty Officers - $152,041
Travellers 22,270 317,591 Travel, Translation, Goods (sanitizer, mask) - 11,760 Forms Invoiced and paid
Intelligence & Enforcement 42,980 450 National Targeting Centre - 450 Sanitizer for National Targeting Centre employees
Finance and Corporate Management - 11,803 Computer equipment - - Cleaning services for FCMB/BGIS contract TBC
Human Resources - 1,291 Travel and Sanitary supplies - -
Information, Science and Technology 6,436 914,100 P.O. for 5 IT Tech. Consultants - - Additionnal costs related to bandwidth, laptop, PIK, etc - TBC
Total Salary/O&M 250,686 1,267,565 179,000 34,540
and anticipated cost—Regions
Anticipated cost
Region Salary ($) O&M ($) Item Salary ($) O&M ($) Item
Greater Toronto Area 9,061 165,951 Printing of forms / Forms also in Travellers HQ above - 64,648 Printing forms
Atlantic 84 9,748 - -
Northern Ontario Region 117,335 31,961 Travel for Assisted Departures - Trenton - -
Pacific 18,733 40,951 Travel for Assisted Departures - Vancouver - -
Prairies 1,789 22,119 - -
Southern Ontario Region 3,100 37,874 - -
Quebec 8,054 13,996 - -
Total Salary/O&M 158,156 322,600 - 64,648
and anticipated cost: Total—Headquarters and Regions
Anticipated cost
Salary ($) O&M ($) Salary ($) O&M ($)
Headquarters 250,686 1,267,565 179,000 34,540
Regions 158,156 322,600 - 64,648
Total Salary/O&M 408,842 1,590,165 179,000 99,188
Total Figures 1,999,007 278,188

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