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COVID-19: Appearance before the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Health ()—Questions from HESA members (and associate members) Daily technical briefings with parliamentarians

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Date MP Question Reponse

Jenny Kwan*
New Democrat
(Vancouver East)

(*Associate member – has been present at all COVID-19 hearings)

What is the plan for homeless/vulnerable people who cannot socially distance or do things like wash their hands. How is the government providing provisions to vulnerable populations?

PHAC: Local officials best to address this, these responses then could get rolled up into a provincial plan that could supported by the federal government.

Luc Theriault
Bloc Quebecois

What do students who do not have enough hours worked to qualify for EI do to get support?

ESDC: As long as they have made more then $5,000 a year, they are eligible.

Tamara Jensen
Cloverdale—Langley City

A constituent expected his temporary foreign workers (TFW) in yesterday, however, they were booted off flights from Mexico as they are not Canadian citizens or Permeant Residents, and thus not prioritized. What is the situation with the TFW program?

ESDC: We are making exemptions for TFW based on their important role. GAC may be able to deal with this.

GAC: This is an IRCC matter.

IRCC: The permits have been issued, the people should be on their way, but it's more of a boarding problem, which lies with the CBSA.

CBSA: We are not aware of the specific issue, but there is direction from Transport Canada based on who can or cannot board. The exemptions for TFW have not been signed off yet, but they will be soon, so they can be brought into Canada soon to self-isolate and work.

Tamara Jansen
Cloverdale—Langley City

Will there be a specific government program for farmers who are being affected by COVID-19 so they won't go bankrupt?

AAFC: We are very aware of the difficulties going on. There is something that does need to be done different, here is additional credit through Farm Credit Canada, but we are looking at other options.

ESDC: TFW will be allowed into Canada, working closely with the sector, but we are working to make sure they self -isolate. More details coming in soon.

Robert Kitchen
(Souris – Moose Mountain)

Do people who need to connect to another part of the country must quarantine in the area they arrive in even if they are asymptomatic or symptomatic. Can you define what the prognosis of what "recovered" is and if a recovered person can travel or move around the country.

PHAC: Symptomatic people cannot board public conveyance, asymptomatic people can. They will be asked to self isolate, but they can connect to different flights. Defining a recovered person means they have received 2 negative tests, as science evolves this may change. Recovering individuals are not required to be in isolation, but are encouraged to social distance.

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