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Reporting requirements for commercial carriers, freight forwarders and sufferance warehouse operators

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Canada’s engagement with the United States

Businesses involved with the movement of goods across the Canadian border need to submit accurate information about these goods so that the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) can process shipments efficiently. If you are a carrier, a sufferance warehouse operator (for short-term storage), or a freight forwarder, learn what to report and how to submit your advance commercial information via the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and the eManifest Portal.

Commercial reporting by client type

Requirements for air carriers, highway carriers, marine carriers, rail carriers, freight forwarders and warehouse operators.

Get a CBSA-issued carrier code

Do business with the CBSA as a carrier or freight forwarder by applying for a CBSA-issued carrier code.

Change or cancel a carrier profile

Inform the CBSA of any change to your legal entity, name, address and contact information.

Highway mode: Transmit electronic commercial information

How highway carriers and highway freight forwarders can comply with CBSA reporting requirements when sending their Advance Commercial Information (ACI).

Electronic Data Interchange / Portal Clients

Refer to the different options to submit information about your commercial shipments.

eManifest Portal: Apply for a shared secret

How to apply for a shared secret as a highway carrier, freight forwarder, warehouse operator, or customs broker.

Sufferance warehouse operators and sublocation codes

A list of sufferance warehouse operators by province. Includes addresses and sublocation codes.

Detailed commodity descriptions

Examples of acceptable cargo descriptions when reporting commercial goods.

Administrative Monetary Penalty System

How the CBSA issues monetary penalties to commercial clients for violating CBSA's trade and border legislation.

Contact client support

Find out who to contact for general inquiries, technical support, client registration, and eManifest presentations.

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