Coding of Customs Accounting Documents
Memorandum D17-1-10

Note to reader

Canada Border Services Agency is currently reviewing this D-memo. It will be updated in the context of the CBSA Assessment Revenue Management (CARM) initiative and made available to stakeholders as soon as possible. Find out about CARM.

Ottawa, November 28, 2012

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In Brief

1. Pending its full revision to ensure compliance with the standard on Web accessibility, this memorandum has been partially updated to introduce the temporary country code XK for imports from Kosovo. [Rev. June 5, 2015]

2. Imports from Kosovo should be coded with the Canadian temporary code "XK" in Field No. 12 – Country of Origin and Field No. 13 – Place of Export of the B3, Canada Customs Coding Form. The currency for completing Field No. 17 is "EUR" (Euro Dollar). [Rev. June 5, 2015]

This memorandum describes various forms of accounting documentation and gives instructions for their completion.

Table of Contents

Guidelines and General Information

1. This memorandum is a guide for Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) personnel, brokers, and importers/owners who are involved in preparing and processing various customs coding forms.

2. Accounting documents must be properly coded before they can be accepted for either manual or automated data processing. The information used to prepare these documents is obtained from invoices, cargo control data, and other sources, and is coded and placed in a designated area on the coding form referred to as a field.

Description of Forms

Form B3, Canada Customs Coding Form

3.This form is a customs document used to account for imported goods, regardless of value, destined for commercial use in Canada according to sections 6 and 7 of the Accounting for Imported Goods and Payment of Duties Regulations (SOR/86-1062).

4. The CBSA will reprint B3 forms on white paper in blue ink. However, companies may privately print B3 forms in blue or black ink according to Memorandum D17-1-11, Private Printing Policy and Procedures. Importers/brokers must apply coloured wrappers to B3 forms as follows:

Type Colour
AB and AD (LVS threshold or more)


AB and AD (less than LVS threshold that quote a remission order number in Field No. 26)


C, D, H, M, and V (account) (LVS threshold or more) blue
C, D, H, M, and V (account) (less than LVS threshold that quote a remission order number in Field No. 26) blue
C, D, H, M, and V (cash) (regardless of value)


C (one-time release prior to payment)


C, D, H, M, and V (account) (less than LVS threshold)


F (consolidated account) (less than LVS threshold)


AB and AD (less than LVS threshold

white (mark AB or AD on wrapper)

10, 20, 21, 22, and 30, including CADEX bonded warehouse


CADEX non-bonded warehouse


5. Refer to Appendices B, C, and J for instructions and format examples of Form B3, Form B3 (bonded warehouse), and Form B3 (consolidated) respectively.

Form B3B, Canada Customs Cargo Control Continuation Sheet

6. Form B3B is used together with Form B3 when there is more than one cargo control document to be acquitted by one B3 form. A copy of Form B3B can be found in Appendix D.

Form B6D, Ships' Stores Delivery Declaration

7. Form B6D is used together with Form B3, type 22, Ships' Stores, Sales to the Governor General and Diplomats. It has the declaration of the vessel's master or agent, or the airline company's agent, certifying that the goods are for use as ships' stores. It also has the border service officer's certificate that the goods were accompanied on board and sealed on the vessel or aircraft. You can find more information on ships' stores in Memorandum D4-2-1, Ships' Stores Regulations.

Information Requirements

8. It is in the best interest of brokers, importers/owners, and CBSA personnel to present accurate documents to CBSA. This allows CBSA to carry out its processing and enforcement functions and expedites release of the shipment to the importer/owner or broker.

9. All information on the coding forms must be legible and all fields must be completed according to the instructions in the appendices.

10. The B3 form package must also include all certificates, licences, permits, or other documents that may be required by another government department or agency as they apply to their acts or regulations for imported goods. However, consolidated Form B3 accounting documents (Form B3, type F) used to account for goods released under the Courier/Low Value Shipment (LVS) Program are not to include supporting documentation when the accounting document is presented to customs. Any supporting documentation (i.e., invoices, Orders in Council) are to be held at the importer's and broker's premises to allow an officer in the future to perform an audit of the records and to obtain or verify the information on which the calculation of duties was based.

11. The border services officer will review Form B3 documentation to ensure compliance with the CBSA's requirements. They will return any B3 form that does not meet the requirements to the importer/owner or broker, and where applicable, withhold release of goods. In all such cases, the border services officer will inform the importer/owner or broker of the reasons for rejection.

Documentation Requirements

12. When Form B3 is presented at a terminal office and is paid either by cash or account, only one copy is required: the CBSA copy. The official receipt for monies tendered for payment of Form B3 at automated locations is a stamped duty-paid copy of a Detailed Coding Statement (DCS) for cash entries or a Form K84, Importer/Broker Account Statement, for account entries. Both these statements are generated by the customs automated system. For details, refer to Memorandum D17-1-5, Registration, Accounting and Payment for Commercial Goods.

13. When requesting release prior to payment under a Release on Minimum Documentation (RMD) (excluding CADEX), two copies of the release documentation must be presented. The original will be retained by the CBSA for control purposes when the shipment is released and the duplicate returned to the importer/owner or broker for use with the confirming Form B3. In the case of a one-time release prior to payment, three copies of the release documentation are required. The third copy will be attached to the request from the importer/owner or broker to transact bonded operations. For more details, refer to MemorandumD1-7-1, Posting Security for Transacting Bonded Operations, and Memorandum D17-1-5.

14. Under the Courier LVS Program, approved participants can consolidate a number of shipments on Form B3, type F. This consolidation may include a number of LVS, which were released from the CBSA. Goods that are prohibited, controlled, or regulated by an Act of Parliament or a regulation made under such an Act are excluded from this program. However, the program accepts goods for which a special authority (i.e., Order in Council) applies. Goods valued at greater than the Courier LVS threshold are also excluded from this program. Consolidation of this B3 form may be made by a CBSA office, a regional consolidation, a consolidation by carrier, a consolidation by importer, or a national consolidation. For more information regarding the Courier LVS Program, refer to Memorandum D17-4-0, Courier Low Value Shipment Program.

15. Because Form B3 (bonded warehouse) is a multi-use form, the number of copies required will depend on the type. The following chart outlines this information when Form B3 is presented at a terminal office.

Form B3 Type and Wrapper Colour Copies Required Remarks
10 (grey) Form B3 for Warehouse 3 1 to CBSA
1 to warehouse control
1 to warehouse operator
13 (grey) Form B3 for Re-warehouse 3 1 to CBSA
20 (grey) Ex warehouse Form B3 for Consumption 1 to warehouse control
21 (grey) Form B3 Ex warehouse for Export 1 to warehouse operator
30 (grey) Transfer of Goods
22 (grey) Form B3 Ships' Stores, Sales to the Governor General and Diplomats 5 1 to CBSA
1 to warehouse control
1 to warehouse operator
2 to the vessel

16. At non-terminal offices, an importer's/broker's copy of the documentation is required for return with a daily notice of transactions finalized that day. The CBSA copy will be date-stamped with the date of final accounting and forwarded to the appropriate automated office.

Additional Information

17. Any questions regarding Form B3 coding instructions or format examples in this memorandum should be directed to the nearest CBSA office.



The following indicates the maximum field size for each field on FormB3 where:


*If the amount to be inserted in this field exceeds the maximum field size, the total amount should be divided among as many detail lines as are necessary.



The fields of Form B3 must be completed according to the following instructions.

Note: For instructions on completing Form B3, consolidated accounting document, type F, see Appendix J, and for warehouse types, see Appendix C.

Field No. 1 - Importer Name and Address

Must complete importer's name on all Form B3 types. If Form B3 has two or more pages, complete on the first page. (For Form B3, type F requirements, see Appendix J.)

Show the importer's address if it does not appear on the supporting invoice.

In the "No." section of this field, show the customs business account number. This number is a standard way of identifying importing and exporting businesses, and is used in the processing of customs accounting documents. If you have one or more customs accounts, indicate the six-digit account identifier (e.g., RM0001).

Field No. 2 - Transaction Number

Must complete on all types of Form B3 when release prior to payment security is being used.

This number is 14 digits in length and contains the following:

Show the transaction number assigned at time of release, if applicable, on all copies of Form B3 and on the first page of the supporting documents. It must be in bar-coded format (see the following note on bar coding) on the first page of the CBSA copy of Form B3. Refer to Appendix I for bar code specifications. The typed or clearly annotated transaction number must appear on all the remaining pages of Form B3 and on the first page of the supporting documents. If the supporting document is multi-paged, the total number of attachments must also be shown on the first page. This eliminates the need to include the transaction number on each page of the supporting documents.

The transaction number must also be typed or clearly annotated on all applicable permits, certificates, and licences.

The transaction number must not be duplicated for 7 years and 3 months (6-year period plus 15 current months). Note that if a transaction is adjusted, the 7 year period plus 3 months will begin at the date of final decision.


The transaction number field on unsecured Form B3s and Form B3s type M, must be left blank because Form B3 will be numbered by customs upon presentation. Transaction numbers applied by importers and brokers will not be valid for mail shipments. Customs will apply a cash transaction number from the local numbering series.

Field No. 3 - Type

Must complete on all B3 form types. If Form B3 has two or more pages, the B3 form type is to be shown on the first page.

Code B3 form types alphabetically as follows:

The date of direct shipment (Field No. 16) equals the date of presentation for exchange purposes.

Applied duty rates are those in effect on the date of presentation of the V-type accounting document.

Field No. 4 - Office Number

Must complete for all Form B3 types.

If Form B3 has two or more pages, complete on the first page.

Show the CBSA office of release code number. (See Appendix H, List 1(a) or 1(b) for the code number of the CBSA office responsible for the release of the goods.)

For Forms B3 accounting for postal shipments, show the CBSA office code number where the goods are being accounted for.

Field No. 5 - GST Registration Number

If a Business Number (BN) is used in Field No. 1, this field may be left blank.

Field No. 6 - Payment Code

Show an "I" on the first page of Form B3 if an importer has posted security and the goods are released under a customs broker's account security number.

In such cases, the daily Form K84, Importer/Broker Account Statement, will be produced for the broker, separating transactions for the importers identified above.

Field No. 7 - Mode of Transport

Complete for all shipments valued at greater than CAN$2500 exported from the United States. Leave blank for types H, M, and V. (For Form B3, type F requirements, see Appendix J.)

Show the code for the mode of transport by which the goods arrived in Canada. Valid codes are as follows:

Air 1
Highway 2
Rail 6
Pipeline 7
Commercial Hand Carried Goods 8
Marine 9

Field No. 8 - Port of Unlading

Complete for all marine shipments valued at greater than CAN$2500 exported from the United States. (See Appendix H, List1(a) or 1(b) for the code number of the port of unlading.)

Leave blank for types F, H, M, and V.

Field No. 9 - Total Value for Duty

Must complete for all types of Form B3. (For Form B3, type F requirements, see Appendix J.)

Add each of the classification line (Field No. 37) value for duty amounts to obtain total value for duty of the shipment in Canadian dollars, and round the total to the nearest dollar. (Do not include a decimal point.)

If Form B3 has two or more pages, complete only on the first page.

Field No. 10 - Sub-header Number

Must complete on the first page of each sub-header for all types of Form B3.

Leave blank on any subsequent pages unless a change occurs to the content of the sub-header fields (i.e., vendor name, countries, tariff treatment, direct shipment date, currency code, time limit).

Sub-header numbers must be assigned in sequence from 1 to 999.

Note: When an additional sub-header must be prepared, all the sub-header fields must be completed and not just those fields which are different from the previous sub-header.

Field No. 11 - Vendor Name

Must complete on the first page of each sub-header for all types of Form B3. (For Form B3, type F requirements, see Appendix J.)

If the goods are invoiced from the United States, show the name, three-digit state code as listed in Appendix H, and the five-digit zip code of the vendor or consignor of the goods as they appear on the supporting invoice(s).

Each new vendor must be shown on a new sub-header.

Show the name of the vendor or the consignor of the goods as it appears on the supporting invoice(s). Do not abbreviate the name. Use the same name format consistently on all B3 forms.

Where the goods are shipped from one country and invoiced (i.e., sold or consigned) from another, show the vendor's name of the actual seller or consignor; for example, goods shipped from Nippon Textiles of Tokyo, Japan and invoiced from Textile Exporters Inc. of New York, US, show the vendor's name as Textile Exporters Inc.

If the goods are invoiced from a country other than the United States, but are exported from the United States, indicate the name of the foreign vendor followed by the state code and zip code of the US exporter.

Field No. 12 - Country of Origin

Must complete on the first page of each sub-header for all types of Form B3. (For Form B3, type F requirements, see Appendix J.)

Show the three-digit alphabetic state code if the country of origin is the United States. Show a two-digit alphabetic International Organization for Standardization (ISO) country code if the country of origin is other than the United States. Refer to the list of country/state codes in Appendix H.

In the case of identical goods from multiple countries of origin, each of which is entitled to the same tariff treatment, allocate an estimated quantity and value of the imported goods on a proportionate basis according to country of origin.

Each new country or state must be shown on a new sub-header.

Field No. 13 - Place of Export

Must complete on the first page of each sub-header for all types of Form B3. (For Form B3, type F requirements, see Appendix J.)

Show the three-digit alphabetic state code if the country of export is the United States. If the goods were exported from a US foreign trade zone, show the appropriate code for that zone. Show the two-digit alphabetic ISO country code if the country of export is other than the United States. Refer to the list of country/state/foreign trade zone codes in Appendix H. Each new foreign trade zone, state, or country must be shown on a new sub-header.

Field No. 14 - Tariff Treatment

Must complete on the first page of each sub-header for all types of Form B3. (For Form B3, type F requirements, see Appendix J.)

Use one of the following codes:

Tariff Treatment Code
Commonwealth Developing Countries Remission Orders 1
Most-Favoured-Nation Tariff 2
General Tariff 3
Australia Tariff 4
New Zealand Tariff 5
Commonwealth Caribbean Countries Tariff 7
Least Developed Country Tariff 8
General Preferential Tariff 9
United States Tariff 10
Mexico Tariff 11
Mexico-United States Tariff 12
Canada-Israel Agreement Tariff 13
Chile Tariff 14
Costa Rica Tariff 21
Iceland Tariff 22
Norway Tariff 23
Switzerland-Liechtenstein Tariff 24
Peru Tariff 25
Colombia Tariff 26

The use of code 10 for the United States Tariff treatment, code 11 for the Mexico Tariff treatment, code 12 for the Mexico-United States Tariff treatment, code 14 for Chile Tariff treatment or code 21 for Costa Rica Tariff treatment is permissible only under two circumstances. The first most common situation is when the importer/owner or broker is making a declaration that the imported goods originate and that the importer/owner or broker is in possession of a valid NAFTA, CCFTA or CCRFTA Certificate of Origin, as the case may be, which covers the goods being imported. The second situation is when the importer/owner or broker is importing certain non-originating textile goods under a tariff preference level and has a statement certifying that the goods have met the conditions set out in the Textile and Apparel Extension of Benefit Order. Deliberate use of these codes when the goods are not entitled to such tariff treatments may result in enforcement action.

Each new tariff treatment must be shown on a new sub-header.

Refer to the Customs Tariff for information on the applicability of these tariff treatments.

Field No. 15 - U.S. Port of Exit

Complete on the first page of each sub-header on Form B3, types AB, AD, C, and D, for shipments valued at greater than CAN$2500 exported from the United States. (For Form B3, type F requirements, see Appendix J.)

US port of exit is defined as the "US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) port at which or nearest to which the land surface carrier transporting the merchandise crosses the border of the United States into Canada, or in the case of exportation by vessel or air, the US CBP port where the merchandise is loaded on the vessel or aircraft which is to carry the merchandise to Canada."

Show the four-digit port of exit code as indicated in Appendix H, List 6.

Field No. 16 - Direct Shipment Date

Must complete on the first page of each sub-header for all types of Form B3 if the currency code is other than Canadian dollars. May be left blank if currency code is Canadian dollars. (For Form B3, type F requirements, see Appendix J.)

This date is the date used to select the rate of exchange for converting the foreign currency into Canadian funds.

Show MM DD (Month, Day).

Each new date must be shown on a new sub-header.

Field No. 17 - Currency Code

Must complete on the first page of each sub-header for all types of Form B3. (For Form B3, type F requirements, see Appendix J.)

The ISO codes will be used (e.g., United States Dollar = USD). Refer to the list of currency codes in Appendix H.

Each new currency must be shown on a new sub-header.

Field No. 18 - Time Limit

Complete on the first page of types D and AD of Form B3.

Complete on the first page of each sub-header for types C and AB of Form B3, if a time control applies.

When a sight Form B3, type D or AD is prepared, 90 D must be shown as the time limit unless a time limit is required for any other purpose. In this latter case, the sight Form B3 time limit must not be shown.

When 1/60 and 1/120 Forms B3 are prepared, the time limit must be shown in months.

Each new time limit must be shown on a new sub-header.

Show the time limit according to the format in the examples below:

Time Limit Shown As
1 week

1 W

30 days

30 D

1 month 1 M
60 days 60 D
2 months 2 M
90 days 90 D
3 months 3 M
1 year 1 Y or 12 M
2 years 2 Y or 24 M
15 years 15 Y

Field No. 19 - Freight

Must complete on the first sub-header for shipments valued at greater than CAN$2500 exported from the United States. It is acceptable to show valid amounts on each sub-header or to show a total amount on the first page. Do not leave the first sub-header blank. (For Form B3, type F requirements, see Appendix J.)

Leave blank for types H, M, and V.

Show the total freight charges, to the nearest Canadian dollar, to transport the imported goods from the place of direct shipment in the US to the consignee in Canada. A table may be used to assess freight charges. In cases where no freight was paid, such as when the owner uses his or her own transportation to pick up the goods, an estimated typical case should be shown.

Field No. 20 - Release Date

Leave blank. (Excluding type F, see Appendix J.)

Field No. 21 - Line

Must complete on all types of Form B3.

Enter the sequential value for the classification line each time a classification number is assigned. Each occurrence of a classification number must be assigned a unique line number regardless of the number of rates or detail lines required to display it.

Line numbers may not be skipped or duplicated within Form B3, regardless of the number of sub-headers.

Field No. 22 - Description

Show all references, such as D Memorandum numbers, value and classification ruling numbers, and import permit numbers. (For Form B3, type F requirements, see Appendix J.)

Must show the reason for the use of sight Form B3 documents in this field.

For goods subject to the Special Import Measures Act (SIMA), importers not enrolled in the Customs Self-Assessment (CSA) program must clearly show the description of the goods. The description must conform to the written notification provided by an officer of the CBSA.

For goods subject to the SIMA, importers enrolled in the CSA program must provide, upon request and within 21 days, documents which clearly show the description of the goods. The description must conform to the written notification provided by an officer of the CBSA.

Importers may be assessed an administrative monetary penalty if they fail to provide the required description as outlined in the written notification provided by an officer of the CBSA for any goods subject to SIMA.

Field No. 23 - Weight in Kilograms

Complete for all shipments valued at greater than CAN$2500 exported from the United States by air or marine modes of transport. Leave blank for types H, M, and V. (For Form B3, type F requirements, see Appendix J.)

Complete only on the first detail line of each transaction.

Show the gross weight, to the nearest whole kilogram, of the goods described in the transaction.

Field No. 24 - Previous Transaction Number

Leave blank on all types of Form B3, except type H.

Field No. 25 - Previous Transaction Line

Leave blank on all types of Form B3.

Field No. 26 - Special Authority

Complete on each classification line for all types of Form B3, if applicable. (For Form B3, type F requirements, see AppendixJ.)

Leave blank on each classification line where an Order in Council (OIC), other than a remission order, reduces or removes duties on specified goods.

When the owner is authorized by OIC to import goods under special conditions, show the OIC number in this field. Show the number in the formats indicated below:

(For more information, refer to Memorandum D7-4-1, Duties Relief Program.)

If the OIC number contains an oblique stroke (/), this must be shown as a hyphen (-): e.g., Order in Council 67-23/261 must be shown as 67-23-261.

Where Form B3 for goods entered under an OIC contains two or more lines of calculations, such as a remission Form B3 for goods entered under several classification numbers, the OIC number must be shown again with each new classification line.

In any case where an OIC number is amended, the original number must be quoted in this field. That is, the number of the amending Order is to be ignored.

The benefits of the United States Tariff and the Mexico Tariff may, under the Textile and Apparel Extension of Benefit Order, be extended to certain textile and apparel goods which are cut and sewn or otherwise assembled (or woven or knit) in the United States or Mexico from fabric (or yarn or fibre) produced or obtained in a non NAFTA country. When accounting documents are presented for such goods, the appropriate special authority number must be shown. In the event an Order in Council applies to these goods, the number for that Order would take precedence over the special authority number used to identify the textile and apparel goods referenced above.

Field No. 27 - Classification Number

Must complete on all types of Form B3. (For Form B3, type F requirements, see Appendix J.)

Show the correct classification number as indicated in the Customs Tariff for each commodity included in the shipment covered by Form B3.

The first six digits represent the International Harmonized System Code, the seventh and eighth digits are subdivisions for customs purposes, and the remaining two digits represent a statistical suffix.

A decimal point must be placed after the fourth, sixth, and eighth digits (e.g., 1234.56.78.90).

Field No. 28 - Tariff Code

Complete on all types of Form B3 if the conditions specified in the Chapter 99 (special classification provisions) tariff item apply. Indicate only the first four digits of the tariff item (e.g., 9923). (For Form B3, type F requirements, see Appendix J.)

Field No. 29 - Quantity

Complete on each classification line for all types of Form B3, in the unit of measure required by the Customs Tariff. (For FormB3, type F requirements, see Appendix J.)

Leave blank if no unit of measure is applied from the Customs Tariff or to any excise tax rates.

If a quantity is required for excise tax in a unit of measure different from that specified in the Customs Tariff, the quantity required for excise tax should be indicated on the next Form B3 line. The line number must not be completed for this line.

If only one quantity applies to a classification line, it must be shown on the first detail line. However, this quantity may be repeated on subsequent detail lines.

Field No. 30 - Unit of Measure

Complete on each classification line for all types of Form B3 as specified in the Customs Tariff.

Leave blank if no unit of measure is applied from the Customs Tariff or to any excise tax rates.

As a result of Customs Tariff requirements, only metric alphabetic codes can be used. Consequently, imperial measures indicated on an invoice must be converted to metric prior to completion of Form B3. Refer to metric conversion tables in Appendix E.

If a unit of measure is required for excise tax and is different from that specified in the Customs Tariff, the unit of measure required for excise tax should be completed on the next Form B3 line. The line number must not be completed for this line.

If only one unit of measure applies to a classification line, it must be shown on the first detail line. However, this unit of measure may be repeated on subsequent detail lines.

Refer to the list of unit of measure codes in Appendix H.

Field No. 31 - Value for Duty Code

Complete on each classification line for all types of Form B3. (For Form B3, type F requirements, see Appendix J.)

Use a combination of one of the first-digit code numbers and one of the second-digit code numbers to indicate the basis on which the value for duty was determined.

The first-digit code number (relationship)


The second-digit code number (valuation method used)


Example: If the vendor and purchaser are related firms and the value for duty is the transaction value of similar goods, code 26 is shown.

Field No. 32 - SIMA Code

Complete on all types of Form B3 for goods subject to an action under the Special Import Measures Act (SIMA) and/or a Surtax Order. (For Form B3, type F requirements, see Appendix J.)

Identify the type of SIMA disposition applicable to the goods being imported as well as the mode of payment in the following manner:

The first digit will be the SIMA assessment type:

Note: When goods are subject to a CITT finding and/or a surtax order and SIMA duty and/or a surtax amount are covered by a remission order, SIMA code 50 should be used.

The second digit will indicate a nil assessment or the payment mode:

Importers may be assessed an administrative monetary penalty (AMP) if they fail to provide the required code for any goods subject to SIMA.

Field No. 33 - Rate of Customs Duty

Must complete on each classification line for all types of Form B3 if a rate of customs duty applies. (For Form B3, type F requirements, see Appendix J.)

Where the Chapter 99 (special classification provisions) classification number reduces the rate to 0, this field must be left blank.

Where percentage and specific duties apply, the percentage rate of duty is shown on the first detail line. The specific rate of duty is shown on the next detail line. The line number must not be completed for this line.

If an additional rate of duty equivalent to an excise duty applies, show this rate of duty on the next detail line in this field. The line number must not be completed for this line.

The format must be as shown in the following examples:

Rate(s) Shown As

Free, any combination of zeros or blank.



20% 20 or 20.0
$ .94/kg .0094


Field No. 34 - Excise Tax Rate

Must complete with either an excise tax rate or an exemption code on the first detail line of each classification line for all types of Form B3. (See Appendix H, List 7 for excise tax exemptions and Appendix J for Form B3, type F requirements.)

If excise tax does not apply, leave this field blank.

Commodities with different excise tax rates or exemption codes must be coded on separate classification lines.

Where excise tax is payable, show the rate in the same format as the examples of appendix B.

Rate(s) Shown As
$ .0205/L




10% of the duty-paid value 10 or 10.0
$100.00 per air conditioner, installed in a vehicle 100.00

Note: Goods subject to excise tax may not be combined on the same detail line with goods not subject to excise tax.

Field No. 35 - Rate of Goods and Services Tax (GST)

Must complete with either a GST rate or a GST status code on the first detail line of each classification line for all types of Form B3. (For Form B3, type F requirements, see Appendix J.)

Where GST is payable, show the rate as 5 or 5.0.

Where a GST status code applies, complete this field using code numbers from List 4 of Appendix H.

Packing materials or packing containers are subject to GST at a rate of 5%, except where the packing materials or packing containers qualify for non-taxable importation under a section of Schedule VII to the Excise Tax Act.

Field No. 36 - Value for Currency Conversion

Complete on each classification line for all types of Form B3. (For Form B3, type F requirements, see Appendix J.)

Show this amount in the currency specified on the invoice to a maximum of two decimal points. For example, 55,000 yen is shown as 55000.00.

For assistance in determining the amount to be shown in this field, consult the Memoranda D13 series.

Field No. 37 - Value for Duty

Complete on each classification line for all types of Form B3 by multiplying the value for currency conversion by the exchange rate. (For Form B3, type F requirements, see Appendix J.)

Show the value for duty in Canadian dollars separated by a decimal point. For example, $96.00 is shown as 96.00.

Calculations must be made to the cent.

Field No. 38 - Customs Duties

Complete on all types of Form B3 if customs duty applies. (For Form B3, type F requirements, see Appendix J.)

Show the amount of customs duty which is payable (not including provisional, anti-dumping, or countervailing duty) in dollars and cents separated by a decimal point. For example, $105.00 is shown as 105.00 and $123.84 as 123.84.

When a percentage rate of customs duty applies, customs duty is obtained by multiplying the value for duty by the rate of customs duty. When a specific rate of customs duty applies, customs duty is obtained by multiplying the quantity by the rate.

Note: Special calculations may apply if a remission order applies. Refer to the format examples in this appendix.

Field No. 39 - SIMA Assessment

Complete on all types of Form B3 if an amount of surtax and/or provisional duty, anti-dumping duty or countervailing duty is payable. (For Form B3, type F requirements, see Appendix J.)

When goods are subject to a Surtax Order, refer to the Memoranda D16 series.

For provisional, anti-dumping and/or countervailing duty refer to the Memoranda D14 and D15 series.

Show the amount in dollars and cents separated by a decimal point.

Note: These amounts and/or duties form part of the value for the calculation of excise taxes, except if provisional duty is deferred by bond.

Field No. 40 - Excise Tax

Complete on each classification line for all types of Form B3 if an excise tax applies. (For Form B3, type F requirements, see Appendix J.)

When a percentage rate applies, calculate excise tax by multiplying the total of the value for duty, customs duties, and the SIMA assessment by the excise tax rate.

When a specific rate applies, calculate excise tax by multiplying the quantity by the excise tax rate.

Note: Special calculations may apply if a remission order is applicable. Refer to the format examples in this appendix.

Field No. 41 - Value for Tax

Complete on each classification line for all types of Form B3 if GST is payable. (For Form B3, type F requirements, see Appendix J.)

Add the value for duty, customs duties, any SIMA assessment, and any excise tax, and show the total amount in this field.

Show the amount in dollars and cents separated by a decimal point. For example, $1056.00 is shown as 1056.00.

Field No. 42 - GST

Complete on each classification line for all types of Form B3 if GST applies. (For Form B3, type F requirements, see Appendix J.)

Calculate GST to the cent by multiplying the value for tax by the rate of GST.

Show the amount of GST, if any, in dollars and cents separated by a decimal point.

Note: Special calculations may apply if a remission order is applicable. Refer to the format examples in this appendix.

Field No. 43 - Deposit

Complete on types D and AD of Form B3. (For Form B3, type F requirements, see Appendix J.)

Leave blank on all other types.

Calculate 10% of the value of the goods for which the importer/owner or broker cannot account to obtain the sight deposit applied.

The minimum deposit is $100 and the maximum deposit is $1,000.

The deposit must be included in the total customs duties (Field No. 47).

If Form B3 has two or more pages, complete only on the last page.

Field No. 44 - Warehouse Number

Leave blank on all types of Form B3.

Field No. 45 - Cargo Control Number

Complete on Form B3, types C, D, M, AB, and AD. Leave blank for types H and V. (For Form B3, type F requirements, see Appendix J.)

Show the cargo control number exactly as it appears on the cargo control document, including the carrier code.

Any hyphens shown in the carrier code (first four digits) must be indicated.

Only one cargo control number can be shown in Field No. 45. If there is more than one cargo control document to be acquitted by one Form B3, list all the cargo control numbers on Form B3B and show the Form B3B in this field.

If there are two or more pages on Form B3, complete only on the last page.

Leave this field blank if no cargo control document is required.

For more information concerning cargo control documents, refer to Memorandum D3-1-1, Policy Respecting the Importation and Transportation of Goods.

Field No. 46 - Carrier Code at Importation

Complete for shipment valued at greater than CAN$2500 exported from the United States by air or marine.

Leave blank on document types F, H, M, and V.

Show the four-character carrier code of the carrier on which the goods were laden at the time of their importation into Canada.

Where there are only three digits, as in an air carrier, show the three-character code plus a hyphen.

Field No. 47 - Customs Duties

Complete on all types of Form B3 if customs duties are payable. (For Form B3, type F requirements, see Appendix J.)

If there is no customs duty payable, leave blank or show any combination of zeros.

This field will include customs duty and deposit amounts only.

Add each of the detail line (Field No. 38) customs duty amounts and any deposit amount to obtain total customs duties.

Show the total in dollars and cents separated by a decimal point.

If Form B3 has two or more pages, complete this field only on the last page.

Field No. 48 - SIMA Assessment

Complete on all types of Form B3 if an amount of surtax and/or provisional duty, anti-dumping duty or countervailing duty is payable. (For Form B3, type F requirements, see Appendix J.)

Show the total of each of the classification lines (Field No. 39) provisional duty or SIMA duty amounts and/or the amounts of a surtax, unless deferred by bond as designated by SIMA Codes 32 or 52 or covered by a remission order as indicated by SIMA code 50.

Show the total in dollars and cents separated by a decimal point.

If Form B3 has two or more pages, complete only on the last page.

Field No. 49 - Excise Tax

Complete on all types of Form B3 if excise tax is payable. (For Form B3, type F requirements, see Appendix J.)

If there is no excise tax payable, leave blank or show any combination of zeros.

Add each of the detail line (Field No. 40) excise tax amounts to obtain total excise tax.

Show the total amount of all excise tax in dollars and cents separated by a decimal point.

If Form B3 has two or more pages, complete only on the last page.

Field No. 50 - GST

Complete on all types of Form B3 if GST is payable. (For Form B3, type F requirements, see Appendix J.)

If there is no GST payable, leave blank or show any combination of zeros.

Add each of the detail line (Field No. 42) GST amounts to obtain total GST.

Show the total amount of all GST in dollars and cents separated by a decimal point.

If Form B3 has two or more pages, complete only on the last page.

Field No. 51 - Total

Must complete on all types of Form B3. (For Form B3, type F requirements, see Appendix J.)

If there are no customs duties or taxes payable, show any combination of zeros. Do not leave blank.

If Form B3 has two or more pages, complete only on the last page.

Field - Importer/Agent Declaration

Complete on all types of Form B3.

Show the name and telephone number of the person making the declaration, and identify the company represented by the person making the declaration.

Date and sign the declaration on the original copy of Form B3. The importer/owner/agent declaration must be signed by the person whose name appears in the declaration.

If Form B3 has two or more pages, complete only on the last page.

The person making the declaration is indicating that the information on Form B3 is accurate and complete. The importer/owner/agent should keep in mind that the deliberate use of code 10 for the United States Tariff, code 11 for the Mexico Tariff, code 12 for the Mexico-United States Tariff, code 13 for the Israel Tariff, code 14 for the Chile Tariff, or code21 for the Costa Rica Tariff when such use is not appropriate may result in enforcement action.

Form B3 - Format Examples and Explanations

The examples included in this section are designed to provide importers/brokers with essential information about the various Form B3 format requirements. These examples depict typical, not actual transactions.

Note: The rates of duty, GST, and excise taxes, as well as the rates of exchange used for calculation and testing purposes on the examples are not necessarily currently in effect. Therefore, while the actual coding on the examples is correct, information such as tariff rates and tax rates should be verified by checking the Customs Tariff, the Excise Tax Act, and other reference sources to ensure accuracy. Bar codes shown on Form B3 examples are for illustration purposes only.

The examples have been set forth in the following order:

Example No. Type Format
Simple Form B3 Type Formats
1 AB - Confirming Form B3
2 C - Perfect Form B3
3 D - Sight Form B3
4 AD - Confirming Sight Form B3
5 V - Voluntary (bona fide)
6 V - Voluntary (investigation)
7 H - Supplementary B3 Form
Complex B3 Form Formats
8 Multiple Sub-headers (diplomatic goods)
9 Chapter 99 special classification provisions
10 Packaged manufactured tobacco with package exceeding 200 grams
11 Packaged manufactured tobacco
12 Additional duty on cigar ($0.067 per cigar)
13 Additional duty on cigar (duty-paid value)
14 Cigarettes containing tobacco 1361 g per thousand
15 Excise taxes and special levies
16 SIMA assessment (payment)
17 SIMA assessment (deferred by bond)
18 Canadian goods repaired abroad without warranty in a country other than the United States, Mexico, Chile, Israel or another CIFTA beneficiary, or Costa Rica
19 Importation of goods repaired free under warranty in a Country other than the United States, Mexico, Chile, Israel or another CIFTA beneficiary, or Costa Rica
20 Importation of goods repaired without warranty in the United States, Mexico, Chile, Israel or another CIFTA beneficiary, or Costa Rica
21 Importation of goods repaired free under warranty in the United States, Mexico, Chile, Israel or another CIFTA beneficiary, or Costa Rica
22 Partial remission (flat rate per month)

Repayment of drawback, refund or remission


Duty deferral program


Imported Spirits for Blending Remission Order


Partial remission of GST (1/60)

27 Packing (duty and goods and services tax)

Canadian goods returned

29 Proportional duty (1/120) - Vessels

Computer Carrier Media Remission Order - Dutiable import


Forms B3 and E29B, for temporary importations


Type AB - Confirming Form B3

This example shows the format to be used to complete a simple Form B3, type AB when accounting for goods released on minimum documentation.


Type C - Perfect Form B3

This example shows the format to be used to complete a simple Form B3, type C.


Type D - Sight Form B3

This example shows the format to be used when an importer/owner prepares a sight Form B3 because fully satisfactory documentation cannot be submitted. The sight deposit amount must be shown in Field No. 43 and added into total duty (Field No. 47). The reason for the sight document is shown in Field No. 22 on the line following the last line accounting for the goods. The time limit must be shown in Field No. 18.


Type AD - Confirming sight Form B3

This example shows the format to be used when accounting for goods released on minimum documentation where a sight deposit applies. The sight deposit amount must be shown in Field No. 43 and added into the total duty (Field No. 47). The reason for the sight document is shown in Field No. 22 on the line following the last line accounting for the goods. The time limit must be shown in Field No. 18.


Type V - Voluntary (bona fide)

This example shows the format to be used by an importer/owner who has come forward and voluntarily declared goods that were delivered to him without the benefit of CBSA clearance. The importer/owner has also produced invoices for this shipment, and therefore, all the fields on Form B3 can be correctly completed. A brief statement of the circumstances is shown in the body of Form B3.


Type V - Voluntary (investigation)

This example shows the format to be used when a voluntary or assessment Form B3 is prepared as a result of a CBSA file or ruling: in this case, an Investigation Division file. Those fields for which the required information is not available or is not applicable must be left blank (e.g., Field No. 45, "Cargo Control Number"). The file relating to Form B3 is shown in the description field and a brief statement of the circumstances is shown in the body of Form B3.


Type H - Supplementary Form B3

This example shows the format to be used to voluntarily account for goods previously reported but not accounted for at the time of final accounting: for example, to account for a line on an invoice that was inadvertently omitted on a previous Form B3. Field No. 24, "Previous Transaction Number" is to indicate the transaction number of the previous Form B3. No cargo control number is required in Field No. 45, "Cargo Control Number." The release date must be shown in the body of Form B3.


Multiple sub-headers (diplomatic goods)

This example shows the format to be used when a change occurs to the content of the sub-header (e.g., vendor name). All fields within the sub-header must be completed on each new page as well as the appropriate fields on the related classification line. Sub-header fields should never be completed on new pages if a new sub-header is not applicable. Note that in any situation where multiple pages apply, trailer information in Field Nos. 43 to 51 should only be completed on the final Form B3 page.

EXAMPLE 8 - cont

The certificate referred to in Field No. 22 is one attested to by a signing officer of the embassy or consulate, declaring the goods to be for official use and not for sale.


Chapter 99 - Special classification provisions

This example shows the format to be used when a special classification provision of Chapter 99 of the Customs Tariff is applicable. In Field No. 27 indicate the classification number for the goods from Chapters 1 97 of the Schedule to the Customs Tariff. Indicate only the first four digits of the Chapter 99 tariff item in Field No. 28 (i.e., tariff item 9967.00.00 is indicated as 9967). In this case the normal rate of duty equal to 6% is lowered to a free rate by the Chapter 99 tariff item. GST is still payable unless the goods qualify for the use of a GST status code.


Packaged manufactured tobacco with package exceeding 200 grams

For tobacco of Heading 24.03 imported in packages greater than 200 grams, the importer is required to manually calculate the excise duty rate and the amount. Therefore, if an importer brings in 20 packages weighing 454 grams each, the quantity of 20 would be entered in field 29; while the 44.00 would be coded into field 34. The importer must then calculate the total excise duties owed and enter that amount into field 40. The excise duty per package is calculated by multiplying $2.8925 (the rate for each 50 gram increment or fraction of 50 grams contained in a package) by the number of units of 50 grams, including fractions of 50 gram, in each package. In this case there are 10 units of 50 grams in each package. Thus the excise duty amount per package would be $28.925 ($2.8925 times 10) and the excise duty payable on the total shipment of 20 packages would be $578.50 ($28.925 times 20).


Packaged manufactured tobacco

As of July 30, 2008, only one rate of excise duty is to be applied on each entry line. Although this legislative change concerns an adjustment to the excise duty for "packaged" manufactured tobacco of Heading 24.03, for systems validation purposes the excise tax rate field 34 will be used to validate the excise duty amount owing. Therefore, for "packaged" manufactured tobacco of this Heading, the excise tax rate field must be completed with the applicable excise duty rates that apply to E codes E37-41 as follow:

Package size Rate

Up to but not exceeding 50 grams


Greater than 50 grams but not exceeding 100 grams


Greater than 100 grams but not exceeding 150 grams


Greater than 150 grams but not exceeding 200 grams



Additional duty on cigar ($0.067 per cigar)

As of January 1, 2008 the excise duty rate on cigars is $18.50 per 1000 cigars (Section 4 of Schedule 1 to the Excise Act, 2001); and the additional duty rate is the greater of $0.067 per cigar or the 67% of the duty-paid value with the later meaning, in respect of imported cigars, the value of the cigars as it would be determined for the purpose of calculating an ad valorem duty on the cigars in accordance with the Customs Act, whether or not the cigars are subject to ad valorem duty, plus the amount of any duty imposed on the cigars under section 42 of the Excise Act, 2001 and section 20 of the Customs Tariff. In this example the rate of $0.067 per cigar is greater than the rate of 67% of the duty-paid value.


Additional duty on cigar (duty-paid value)

In this example, the additional excise duty on cigars applies and is calculated at the rate of 67% of the duty-paid value (see previous example for the definition of duty-paid value)


Cigarettes containing tobacco 1361 g per thousand

The excise duty rate is $0.425 for each five cigarettes of fraction of five cigarettes contained in any package as per section 1(b) of Schedule 1 to the Excise Act, 2001. For standard package sizes (i.e. packages of 20 or 25 cigarettes), this amounts to $85.00 per 1000 cigarettes.

If a cigarette exceeds 102mm in length, each portion of 76 mm or less is considered to be a separate cigarette (Section 2 of the Excise Act, 2001); therefore, the quantity reported should reflect the each portion of 76 mm or less.

For classification line 1, nine cigarettes not exceeding 102mm in length are being imported. Therefore, a quantity of nine is reported and the rate of $85.00 per 1000 applies.

For classification line 2, nine cigarettes exceeding 102mm in length (i.e. 110 mm) are being imported. In this case, each cigarette contains 2 portions of 76mm or less. Therefore, the quantity is multiplied by 2 as shown in the example on classification line 2, for the calculation of the excise duty.


Excise taxes and special levies

This example shows the format to be used when accounting for automobiles with various excise tax rates. When different excise tax rates apply, a new classification line must be completed for each line. In this example the special levy does not apply on line 1, only the $100 for the air conditioner. A listing of vehicles, associated fuel-efficiency ratings and the formula for the calculation of the weighted fuel consumption (in a case where a specific brand is not listed) can be found either at the CRA or NRCan Web site at or; automobiles that have a weighted average fuel consumption rating of 13 or more litres per 100 kilometres will be subject to the excise tax at the following rates:


SIMA assessment (payment)

This example shows the format to be used when the goods are subject to SIMA assessment, and payment of SIMA duty is made. The SIMA code in Field No. 32 shows 31; the first digit indicates that provisional duty is being assessed and the second digit indicates that the amount is being paid in cash. The export price has been determined to be the selling price on the invoice and is 5¢ each or $50 for the shipment. The normal value has been determined to be 10¢ each or $100 for the shipment. The provisional anti dumping duty is the amount by which the export price is lower than the normal value, in this case 5¢ per unit times the number of units released during the provisional period (1000 × 5¢ = $50). Value for tax in Field No. 41 must include the SIMA assessment amount completed in Field No. 39. Total SIMA assessment must be included in Field No. 48.


SIMA assessment (deferred by bond)

This example shows the format to be used when the goods are subject to SIMA assessment, and a bond has been posted for deferral of payment of the SIMA assessment. The SIMA code in Field No. 32 shows 32; the first digit indicates that provisional duty is being assessed and the second digit indicates the payment is deferred by a SIMA bond (See Memorandum D14 1 5 for details respecting use of the SIMA bond). Provisional anti dumping duty is the difference between normal value and export price (see previous example for details). Value for tax in Field No. 41 does not include the SIMA assessment amount which is shown in Field No. 39. The total SIMA assessment amount in Field No. 48 is nil.

Note that the bond number is shown in Field No. 22.


Canadian goods repaired abroad without warranty in a country other than the United States, Mexico, Chile, Israel or another CIFTA beneficiary, or Costa Rica

This example shows the format to be used when Canadian goods are returned after being repaired without warranty in a country other than the United States, Mexico, Chile, Israel or another CIFTA beneficiary, or Costa Rica. The first classification line shows the value of the goods at the time of import less the value of the repairs. Duty and GST are relieved under the Canadian Goods Abroad Program. Indicate 98-01-0101 in Field No. 26, "Special Authority." The second classification line shows the value of the repairs. Duty and taxes must be calculated for this line in the normal manner. Total value for duty in Field No. 9 includes the value of the goods at the time of export as well as the value of the repairs.


Importation of goods repaired free under warranty in a country other than the United States, Mexico, Chile, Israel or another CIFTA beneficiary, or Costa Rica

This example shows the format to be used when goods are returned after being repaired under warranty in a country other than the United States, Mexico, Chile, Israel or another CIFTA beneficiary, or Costa Rica.

Total value for duty in Field No. 9 includes the value of the goods at the time of export, as well as the value of the repairs. The value for duty code in Field No. 31 will be "19" or "29," as appropriate, for the residual method of valuation.


Importation of goods repaired without warranty in the United States, Mexico, Chile, Israel or another CIFTA beneficiary, or Costa Rica

This example shows the format to be used when Canadian goods are returned after being repaired in the United States, Mexico, Chile, Israel or another CIFTA beneficiary, or Costa Rica where the goods are not under warranty. Indicate the classification number of the goods in Chapters 1 97 of the Customs Tariff in Field No. 27. Indicate "9992" in Field No. 28. The goods and repairs are duty free because they qualify under a Chapter 99 special classification provision (tariff item 9992.00.00), but the goods are subject to GST on the value of the repair that appears in Field 37 of the classification line. The value for duty code in Field No. 31 will be "19" or "29," as appropriate, for the residual method of valuation.


Importation of goods repaired free under warranty in the United States, Mexico, Chile, Israel or another CIFTA beneficiary, or Costa Rica

This example shows the format to be used when Canadian goods are returned after being repaired free under warranty in the United States, Mexico, Chile, Israel or another CIFTA beneficiary, or Costa Rica. The goods and the repairs are duty free because they qualify under a Chapter 99 special classification provision (tariff item 9992.00.00) and are not subject to GST because they qualify under GST status code 66. Indicate the classification number of the goods in Chapters 1 97 of the Customs Tariff in Field No. 27. Indicate "9992" in Field No. 28. The value for duty code in Field No. 31 will be "19" or "29," as appropriate, for the residual method of valuation.


Partial remission (flat rate per month)

This example shows the format to be used when an importer/owner is entitled to partial remission of GST based on a flat rate per month as specified in the remission order. The duty and taxes payable are not related to the value for duty or to the rate of duty payable under the particular classification number. Indicate "9993" in Field No. 28.


Repayment of drawback, refund, or remission

This example shows the format to be used when documenting the importation of goods once exported from Canada and are re imported (heading No. 9813, 9814, or 9992) and on which the customs duties, refunds or drawbacks allowed at the time of exportation, must be repaid. In Field No. 26, insert special authority number 50 0000. In Field No. 38, "Customs Duties" or Field No. 42, "GST," insert the amount being repaid. The statement shown on the body of the example is required.


Duty Deferral Program

This example shows the format to be used when goods are imported under the Duty Deferral Program. In this case, 60% of the imported goods are subject to remission of customs duty only. The remaining 40% of the goods have to be shown on the first classification line on which regular customs duty and GST must be paid. The second line accounts for 60% of the goods which are entitled to remission of 100% of the customs duty. The GST is not remitted under this program. Depending on the authorization granted to the importer of the goods, the amount of relief may vary. The relief amount will be indicated on the authorization. For further information, refer to Memorandum D7 4 1, Duties Relief Program.


Imported Spirits for Blending Remission Order

This example shows the format to be used when remitting partial duty under the Imported Spirits for Blending Remission Order. This Order remits customs duty payable equivalent to excise duty on spirits, wine, or flavouring materials having a spirit content, imported into Canada for the purpose of being blended in a distillery with spirits in bond. Indicate the OIC number "83-2525" in Field No. 26. For more information, see Memorandum D8-2-18, Imported Spirits for Blending Remission Order.


Partial remission of GST (1/60)

This example shows the format to be used when goods are duty free, but are subject to relief of GST on a proportional (1/60) basis only. Note that only one classification line is required. The value for currency conversion must be completed in Field No. 36. If the goods are subject to GST, it is calculated on the value for tax divided by 60 multiplied by the time limit (in this example, $150,000 ÷ 60 × 3(months) × 5% = $375.00). For more information, refer to Memorandum D8 1 1, Temporary Importation (Tariff Item No. 9993.00.00) Regulations.


Packing (duty and goods and services tax)

This example shows the format to be used when duty and GST are collected for packing on a separate classification line. Note that the line accounting for packing follows the line accounting for the goods to which it relates.


Canadian goods returned

This example shows the format to be used when Canadian goods are re imported into Canada. The shipper should be shown in Field No. 11 for vendor. Field No. 16, "Direct Shipment Date," is not required. Field No. 17, "Currency Code," must show the code for Canadian currency. The value for duty code in Field 31 will be "19" or "29," as appropriate, for the residual method of valuation.

Note: GST may apply to goods classified under tariff No. 9813.00.00. Use code 66 only if no GST is payable. Refer to example 21 for more information.


Proportional duty (1/120) - Vessels

This example shows the format to be used when goods are subject to a remission on a proportional 1/120 basis. Order in Council 88 0357 must be quoted in Field No. 26, "Special Authority." The Headquarters' authorization number (e.g., CCV 88/999) must be quoted in Field No. 22, "Description." Form B3 must be accompanied by a copy of the Headquarters' authorization. The entire amount may be accounted for on Form B3, but if payments are made on a monthly basis, they should be accounted for on Form B2 with reference to the original Form B3.


Computer Carrier Media Remission Order - Dutiable import

This example shows the format to be used when dutiable software is imported. The value of the carrier medium and the reproduction service is accounted for on line 1. The value of the data or instructions contained on the carrier medium is accounted for on line 2. The Computer Carrier Media Remission Order relieves the duty but GST applies. See Memorandum D8-3-15, Computer Carrier Media Remission Order, for further information.


Forms B3 and E29B, for temporary importations

This example shows the format to be used when goods are temporarily imported and are subject to full relief of duty but only partial (1/60) relief of GST. GST is calculated on 1/60th of the value for duty multiplied by the number of months the goods will remain in Canada (i.e., $1000 ÷ 60 × 3(months) = $50). They must be documented on Forms E29B and B3 and the forms are cross referenced.


The fields of Form B3 (bonded warehouse) must be completed according to the following instructions.

Field No.1 - Importer Name and Address

Must complete importer's name on all Form B3 types. If Form B3 has two or more pages, complete on the first page. (For Form B3, type F requirements, see Appendix J)

Show the importer's address if it does not appear on the supporting invoice.

In the "No." section of this field, show the Business Number and the CBSA account number. This number is a standard way of identifying importing and exporting businesses, and is used in the processing of CBSA accounting documents. If you have one or more CBSA accounts, indicate the six-digit account identifier (e.g., RM0001).

Field No.2 - Transaction Number

Must complete on all types of Form B3 when release prior to payment security is being used.

This number is 14 digits in length and includes the following:

Show the transaction number assigned at time of release, if it applies, on all copies of Form B3 and on the first page of the supporting documents. It must be in bar-coded format (see the following note on bar coding) on the first page of the CBSA copy of Form B3. Refer to Appendix I for bar code specification. The typed or clearly written transaction number must appear on all the remaining pages of Form B3 and on the first page of the supporting documents. If the supporting document is multi-paged, the total number of attachments must also be shown on the first page. This eliminates the need to include the transaction number on each page of the supporting documents.

The transaction number must also be typed or clearly written on all applicable permits, certificates, and licences.

The transaction number must not be duplicated for 7 years and 3 months (a 6-year period plus 15 current months). Note that if a transaction is adjusted, the 7-year period plus 3 months will begin at the date of final decision.


Field No.3 - Type

Must complete on all Form B3 types. If Form B3 has two or more pages, Form B3 type is to be shown on the first page.

Code Form B3 types numerically as follows:

Field No.4 - Office Number

Must complete on all Form B3 types.

If Form B3 has two or more pages, complete on the first page.

Show the CBSA accounting office code number. (See Appendix H, List 1(a) or 1(b) for the code number of the CBSA office responsible for the accounting of the goods.)

Field No.5 - GST Registration Number

If a Business Number (BN) number is used in Field No. 1, this field may be left blank.

Field No.6 - Payment Code

Show an "I" on the first page of Form B3 if an importer has posted security and the goods are released under a customs broker's account security number.

In such cases, the daily Form K84, Importer/Broker Account Statement, will be produced for the broker, separating transactions for the importers identified above.

Field No.7 - Mode of Transport

Complete on Form B3, type 10 for all shipments valued at greater than CAN$2500.

Show the code for the mode of transport by which the goods arrived in Canada. Valid codes are as follows:

Air 1
Highway 2
Rail 6
Pipeline 7
Commercial Hand Carried Goods 8
Marine 9

Field No.8 - Port of Unlading

Complete on Form B3, type 10 for all marine shipments valued at greater than CAN$2500 exported from the United States. (See Appendix H, List 1(a) or 1(b) for the code number of the port of unlading.)

Field No.9 - Total Value for Duty

Must complete on all types of Form B3.

Add each of the classification line (Field No. 37) value for duty amounts to obtain total value for duty of the shipment in Canadian dollars, and round the total to the nearest dollar. (Do not include a decimal point.)

If Form B3 has two or more pages, complete only on the first page.

Field No.10 - Sub-header Number

Must complete on the first page of each sub-header for all types of Form B3.

Leave blank on any subsequent pages unless a change occurs to the content of the sub-header fields (i.e., vendor's name, countries, tariff treatment, direct shipment date, currency code, time limit).

Sub-header numbers must be assigned in sequence from 1 to 999.

Note: When an additional sub-header must be prepared, all the sub-header fields must be completed and not just those fields which are different from the previous sub-header.

Field No.11 - Vendor Name

Must complete on the first page of each sub-header.

If the goods are invoiced from the United States, show the name, three-digit state code as listed in Appendix H and the five-digit zip code of the vendor or consignor of the goods as they appear on the supporting invoices.

Each new vendor must be shown on a new sub-header.

Show the name of the vendor or the consignor of the goods as it appears on the supporting invoices. Do not abbreviate the name. Use the same name format consistently on all B3 forms.

Where the goods are shipped from one country and invoiced (i.e., sold or consigned) from another, show the vendor's name of the actual seller or consignor, e.g., goods shipped from Nippon Textiles of Tokyo, Japan and invoiced from Textile Exporters Inc. of New York, US, show the vendor's name as Textile Exporters Inc.

If the goods are invoiced from a country other than the United States, but are exported from the United States, indicate the name of the foreign vendor followed by the state code and zip code of the US exporter.

Field No.12 - Country of Origin

Must complete on the first page of each sub-header for all types of Form B3.

Show the three-digit alphabetic state code if the country of origin is the United States. Show a two-digit alphabetic International Organization for Standardization (ISO) country code if the country of origin is other than the United States. Refer to the list of country/state codes in Appendix H.

In the case of identical goods from multiple countries of origin, each of which is entitled to the same tariff treatment, allocate an estimated quantity and value of the imported goods on a proportionate basis according to the country of origin.

Each new country or state must be shown on a new sub-header.

Field No.13 - Place of Export

Must complete on the first page of each sub-header for all types of Form B3.

Show the three-digit alphabetic state code if the country of export is the United States. If the goods were exported from a US foreign trade zone, show the appropriate code for that zone. Show a two-digit alphabetic ISO country code if the country of export is other than the United States. Refer to the list of country/state/foreign trade zone codes in Appendix H. Each new foreign trade zone, state, or country must be shown on a new sub-header.

Field No.14 - Tariff Treatment

Must complete on the first page of each sub-header for all types of Form B3.

Use one of the following codes:

Tariff Treatment Code
Commonwealth Developing Countries Remission Orders 1
Most-Favoured-Nation Tariff 2
General Tariff 3
Australia Tariff 4
New Zealand Tariff 5
Commonwealth Caribbean Countries Tariff 7
Least Developed Country Tariff 8
General Preferential Tariff 9
United States Tariff 10
Mexico Tariff 11
Mexico-United States Tariff 12
Canada-Israel Agreement Tariff 13
Chile Tariff 14
Costa Rica Tariff 21
Iceland Tariff 22
Norway Tariff 23
Switzerland-Liechtenstein Tariff 24
Peru Tariff 25
Colombia Tariff 26

States Tariff treatment, code 11 for the Mexico Tariff treatment, code 12 for the Mexico-United States Tariff treatment, code 14 for Chile Tariff treatment, code 21 for Costa Rica treatment is permissible only under two circumstances. The first and most common situation is when the importer/owner or broker is making a declaration that the imported goods originate and that the importer/owner or broker is in possession of a valid NAFTA, CCFTA, or CCRFTA Certificate of Origin, as the case may be, which covers the goods being imported. The second situation is when the importer/owner or broker is importing certain non-originating textile goods under a tariff preference level and has a statement certifying that the goods have met the conditions set out in the Textile and Apparel Extension of Benefit Order. Deliberate use of these codes when the goods are not entitled to such tariff treatments may result in enforcement action.

Each new tariff treatment must be shown on a new sub-header.

Refer to the Customs Tariff for information on the applicability of these tariff treatments.

Field No.15 - US Port of Exit

Must complete on the first page of each sub-header for Form B3, type 10, for shipments valued at greater than CAN$2500 exported from the United States.

The US port of exit code is defined as "the US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) port at which or nearest to which the land surface carrier transporting the merchandise crosses the border of the United States into Canada, or in the case of exportation by vessel or air, the US CBP port where the merchandise is loaded on the vessel or aircraft which is to carry the merchandise to Canada."

Show the four-digit port of exit code as indicated in Appendix H, List 6.

Field No.16 - Direct Shipment Date

Must complete on the first page of each sub-header of Form B3, type 10 if the currency code is other than Canadian dollars. On all other types, Field No. 17 must show CAD for Canadian dollars, and Field No. 16 must be left blank.

This date is the date used to select the rate of exchange for converting the foreign currency into Canadian funds.

Show MM DD (Month, Day).

Each new date must be shown on a new sub-header.

Field No.17 - Currency Code

Must complete on the first page of each sub-header for all types of Form B3.

The ISO country code will be used (e.g., United States Dollar = USD). Refer to the list of currency codes in Appendix H.

Each new currency must be shown on a new sub-header.

Field No.18 - Time Limit

Must complete on the first page of types 10, 13, and 30 of Form B3.

Complete on the first page of each sub-header for type 20 of Form B3, if a time control applies.

Leave blank on types 21 and 22 of Form B3.

When 1/60 and 1/120 Forms B3 are prepared, the time limit must be shown in months.

Each new time limit must be shown on a new sub-header.

Show the time limit according to the format in the examples below:

Time Limit Shown As
1 week

1 W

30 days

30 D

1 month 1 M
60 days 60 D
2 months 2 M
90 days 90 D
3 months 3 M
1 year 1 Y or 12 M
2 years 2 Y or 24 M
15 years 15 Y

Field No.19 - Freight

Must complete on the first page of each sub-header of Form B3, type 10 for shipments valued at greater than CAN$2500 exported from the United States. It is acceptable to show valid amounts on each sub-header or to show a total amount on the first page. Do not leave the first sub-header blank.

Show, to the nearest Canadian dollar, the total freight charges to transport the imported goods from the place of direct shipment in the United States to the consignee in Canada. A table may be used to assess freight charges. In cases where no freight was paid, such as when the owner uses his own transportation to pick up the goods, an estimated typical cost should be shown.

Field No.20 - Release Date

Leave blank.

Field No.21 - Line

Must complete on all types of Form B3.

Enter the sequential value for the classification line each time a classification number is assigned. Each occurrence of a classification number must be assigned a unique line number regardless of the number of rates or detail lines required to display it.

Line numbers may not be skipped or duplicated within Form B3, regardless of the number of sub-headers.

Field No.22 - Description

Show references such as D Memorandum numbers, value and classification ruling numbers, and import permit numbers.

Show the quantity, marks, and numbers of the packages.

Show "Final ex-warehouse transaction against previous transaction number cited in Field No. 24" when the last portion of the shipment is removed from a bonded warehouse.

Must show the reason for the use of sight Form B3 documents in this field.

For goods subject to the Special Import Measures Act (SIMA), importers not enrolled in the Customs Self-Assessment (CSA) program must clearly show the description of the goods. The description must conform to the written notification provided by an officer of the CBSA.

For goods subject to the SIMA, importers enrolled in the CSA program must provide, upon request and within 21 days, documents which clearly show the description of the goods. The description must conform to the written notification provided by an officer of the CBSA.

Importers may be assessed an administrative monetary penalty if they fail to provide the required description as outlined in the written notification provided by an officer of the CBSA for any goods subject to SIMA.

Field No.23 - Weight in Kilograms

Complete on Form B3, type 10 for all shipments valued at greater than CAN$2500 exported from the United States by air or marine modes of transport.

Complete only on the first detail line of each transaction.

Show the gross weight of the goods described in the transaction to the nearest whole kilogram.

Field No.24 - Previous Transaction Number

Must complete on all Form B3 types, except type 10, when applicable. If shipments from multiple warehouse B3 forms are being consolidated on an ex-warehouse or transfer Form B3, the oldest warehouse Form B3 number should be used.

Show the transaction number from Field No. 2 of the warehouse Form B3 to which the new Form B3 refers. See chart below:

Field No.25 - Previous Transaction Line

Must complete on all types of Form B3, when applicable.

Show the classification line number (Field No. 25) from the warehouse Form B3 to which the new Form B3 refers.

Field No.26 - Special Authority

Complete on each classification line for all types of Form B3, if applicable.

Leave blank on each classification line where an Order in Council (OIC), other than a remission order, reduces or removes duties on specified goods.

When the owner is authorized by OIC to import goods under special conditions, the OIC number is to be shown in this field. Show the number in the formats indicated below:

(For further information, refer to Memorandum D7-4-1, Duties Relief Program.)

If the OIC number contains an oblique stroke (/), this must be shown as a hyphen (-): e.g., Order in Council 67-23/261 must be shown as 67-23-261.

Where Form B3 for goods entered under an OIC contains two or more lines of calculations, such as a remission Form B3 for goods entered under several classification numbers, the OIC number must be shown again with each new classification line.

In any case where an OIC is amended, the original OIC number must be quoted in this field. That is, the number of the amending Order is to be ignored.

The benefits of the United States Tariff and the Mexico Tariff may, under the Textile and Apparel Extension of Benefit Order, be extended to certain textile and apparel goods which are cut and sewn or otherwise assembled (or woven or knit) in the United States or Mexico from fabric (or yarn or fibre) produced or obtained in a non-NAFTA country. When accounting documents are presented for such goods, the special authority number 61-3-62 must be shown. In the event an Order in Council applies to these goods, the number for that Order would take precedence over the special authority number 61-3-62 used to identify the textile or apparel goods referenced above.

Field No.27 - Classification Number

Must complete on all types of Form B3.

Show the correct classification number as indicated in the Customs Tariff for each commodity included in the shipment covered by Form B3.

The first six digits represent the International Harmonized System Code, the seventh and eighth digits are subdivisions for customs purposes, and the remaining two digits represent a statistical suffix.

A decimal point must be placed after the fourth, sixth, and eighth digits (e.g., 1234.56.78.90).

Field No.28 - Tariff Code

Complete on all type of Form B3 if the conditions specified in the Chapter 99 (special classification provisions) tariff item apply. Indicate only the first four digits of the tariff item (e.g., 9923). Where the Chapter 99 tariff item reduces the rate to "0", this field must be left blank.

Field No.29 - Quantity

Complete on each classification line for all types in the unit of measure required by the Customs Tariff or stated in Field No. 30.

If a quantity is required for excise tax in a unit of measure different from that specified in the Customs Tariff, the quantity required for excise tax should be indicated on the next Form B3 line. The line number must not be completed for this line.

If only one quantity applies to a classification line, it must be shown on the first detail line. However, this quantity may be repeated on subsequent detail lines.

Field No.30 - Unit of Measure

Complete on each classification line for all types of Form B3 as specified in the Customs Tariff. If the Customs Tariff does not prescribe a unit of measure, the most logical unit for the commodity should be used.

As a result of Customs Tariff requirements, only metric alphabetic codes can be used. Consequently, imperial measures indicated on an invoice must be converted to metric before completing Form B3. Refer to Metric Conversion tables in Appendix E.

If a unit of measure is required for excise tax and is different from that specified in the Customs Tariff, the unit of measure required for excise tax should be completed on the next Form B3 line. The line number must not be completed for this line.

If only one unit of measure applies to a classification line, it must be shown on the first detail line. However, this unit of measure may be repeated on subsequent detail lines.

Refer to the list of unit of measure codes in Appendix H.

Field No.31 - Value for Duty (VFD) Code

Complete on each classification line for all types of Form B3.

Use a combination of one of the first-digit code numbers and one of the second-digit code numbers to indicate the basis on which the value for duty was determined.

The first-digit code number (relationship)

The second-digit code number (valuation method used)

Field No.32 - SIMA Code

Complete on all types of Form B3 for goods subject to an action under the Special Import Measures Act (SIMA) and/or a Surtax Order.

Identify the type of SIMA disposition applicable to the goods being imported as well as the mode of payment in the following manner:

The first digit will be the SIMA assessment type:

The second digit will indicate a nil assessment or the payment mode:

Importers may be assessed an administrative monetary penalty if they fail to provide the required code for any goods subject to SIMA.

Field No.33 - Rate of Customs Duty

Must complete on each classification line if a rate of customs duty applies.

Leave blank on type 21 and 22 of Form B3 or where the tariff code reduces the duty to 0.

Where percentage and specific duties apply, the percentage rate of duty is shown on the first detail line. The specific rate of duty is shown on the next detail line. Line number must not be completed for this line.

If an additional rate of duty equivalent to an excise duty applies, show this rate of duty on the next detail line in this field. Line number must not be completed for this line.

The format must be as shown in the following examples:

Rate(s) Shown As

Free, any combination of zeros or blank.



20% 20 or 20.0
$ .94/kg .0094


Field No.34 - Excise Tax Rate

Must complete with either an excise tax rate or an exemption code on the first detail line of each classification line. (See Appendix H, List 7, for excise tax exemption codes.)

Leave blank on type 21 and 22 of Form B3 or if excise tax does not apply.

Commodities with different excise tax rates or exemption codes must be coded on separate classification lines.

Where excise tax is payable, show the rate in the same format as the following examples:

Rate(s) Shown As
$ .0205/L




10% of the duty-paid value 10 or 10.0
$100.00 per air conditioner, installed in a vehicle 100.00

A new classification line is required for each rate.

Note: Goods subject to excise tax may not be combined on the same classification line with goods not subject to excise tax.

Field No.35 - Rate of GST

Must complete with either a GST rate or a GST status code on the first detail line of each classification line.

Leave blank on type 21 and 22 of Form B3.

Where GST is payable, show the rate as 5 or 5.0.

Where a GST status code applies, complete this field using code numbers from List 4 of Appendix H.

Packing materials or packing containers are subject to GST at a rate of 5%, except where the packing materials or packing containers qualify for non-taxable importation under a section of Schedule VII to the Excise Tax Act.

Field No.36 - Value for Currency Conversion

Complete on each classification line for all types of Form B3.

Show this amount in the currency specified on the invoice to a maximum of two decimal points. For example, 55,000 yen is shown as 55000.00.

For assistance in determining the amount to be shown in this field, consult the Memoranda D13 series.

Field No.37 - Value for Duty

Complete on each classification line for all types of Form B3 by multiplying the value for currency conversion by the exchange rate.

Show the value for duty in Canadian dollars separated by a decimal point. For example, $96.00 is shown as 96.00.

Calculations must be made to the cent.

Field No.38 - Customs Duties

Complete on Form B3, type 20 if customs duty applies.

Show the amount of customs duty which is payable (not including provisional, anti-dumping, or countervailing duty) in dollars and cents separated by a decimal point. For example, $105.00 is shown as 105.00 and $123.84 as 123.84.

When a percentage rate of customs duty applies, customs duty is obtained by multiplying the value for duty by the rate. When a specific rate of customs duty applies, customs duty is obtained by multiplying the quantity by the rate.

Note: Special calculations may apply if a remission order is applicable. Refer to the format examples in this appendix.

Field No.39 - SIMA Assessment

Complete on Form B3, type 20 if an amount of surtax and/or provisional duty, anti-dumping duty, or countervailing duty is payable.

When goods are subject to a surtax order, refer to the Memoranda D16 series.

For provisional, anti-dumping and/or countervailing duty refer to the Memoranda D14 and D15 series.

Show the amount in dollars and cents separated by a decimal point.

Note: These amounts and/or duties form part of the value for the calculation of excise taxes, except if provisional duty is deferred by bond.

Field No.40 - Excise Tax

Complete on each classification line for Form B3, type 20 if an excise tax applies.

When a percentage rate applies, calculate excise tax by multiplying the total of the value for duty, customs duties, and the SIMA assessment by the excise tax rate.

When a specific rate applies, calculate excise tax by multiplying the quantity by the excise tax rate.

Note: Special calculations may apply if a remission order is applicable. Refer to the format examples in this Appendix.

Field No.41 - Value for Tax

Complete on each classification line for Form B3, type 20 if GST is payable.

Add the value for duty, customs duties, any SIMA assessment, and any excise tax, and show the total amount in this field.

Show the amount in dollars and cents separated by a decimal point. For example, $1056.00 is shown as 1056.00.

Field No.42 - GST

Complete on each classification line for Form B3, type 20 if GST applies.

Calculate GST to the cent by multiplying the value for tax by the rate of GST.

Show the amount of GST, if any, in dollars and cents separated by a decimal point.

Note: Special calculations may apply if a remission order is applicable. Refer to the format examples in this appendix.

Field No.43 - Deposit

Leave blank.

Field No.44 - Warehouse Number

Must complete on all types of Form B3.

Show the last digits of the number assigned by customs to the customs bonded warehouse:

If Form B3 has two or more pages, complete only on the last page.

Field No.45 - Cargo Control Number

Must complete on Form B3, type 10.

Show the cargo control number exactly as it appears on the cargo control document, including the carrier code.

Any hyphens shown in the carrier code (first four digits) must be indicated.

Only one cargo control number can be shown in Field No. 45. If there is more than one cargo control document to be acquitted by one Form B3, list all the cargo control numbers on Form B3B and show Form B3B in this field.

If Form B3 has two or more pages, complete only on the last page.

For more information concerning cargo control documents, refer to Memorandum D3-1-1, Policy Respecting the Importation and Transportation of Goods.

Field No.46 - Carrier Code at Importation

Complete on Form B3, type 10 for shipments valued at greater than CAN$2500, exported from the United States by air or marine. Show the four-character carrier code of the carrier on which the goods were laden at the time of their importation into Canada.

Where there are only three digits, as in an air carrier, show the three-character code plus a hyphen.

Field No.47 - Customs Duties

Complete on Form B3, type 20 if customs duties are payable.

If there is no customs duty payable, leave blank or show any combination of zeros.

This field will include customs duty and deposit amounts only.

Add each of the detail line (Field No. 38) customs duty amounts and any deposit amount to obtain total customs duties.

Show the total in dollars and cents separated by a decimal point.

If Form B3 has two or more pages, complete this field only on the last page.

Field No.48 - SIMA Assessment

Complete on all types of Form B3 if an amount of surtax and/or provisional duty, anti-dumping duty or countervailing duty is payable.

Show the total of each of the classification lines (Field No. 39) provisional duty or SIMA duty amounts and/or the amounts of a surtax, unless deferred by bond as designated by SIMA Code 32 or 52 or covered by a remission order as indicated by SIMA code 50.

Show the total in dollars and cents separated by a decimal point.

If Form B3 has two or more pages, complete only on the last page.

Field No.49 - Excise Tax

Complete on Form B3, type 20 if excise tax is payable.

If there is no excise tax payable, leave blank or show any combination of zeros.

Add each of the detail line (Field No. 40) excise tax amounts to obtain total excise tax.

Show the total amount of all excise tax in dollars and cents separated by a decimal point.

If Form B3 has two or more pages, complete only on the last page.

Field No.50 - GST

Complete on Form B3, type 20 if GST is payable.

If there is no GST, leave blank or show any combination of zeros.

Add each of the detail line (Field No. 42) GST amounts to obtain total GST.

Show the total amount of all GST in dollars and cents separated by a decimal point.

If Form B3 has two or more pages, complete only on the last page.

Field No.51 - Total

Must complete on Form B3, type 20.

If there are no customs duties or taxes payable, show any combination of zeros. Do not leave blank.

If Form B3 has two or more pages, complete only on the last page.

Field - Importer/Agent Declaration

Complete on all types of Form B3.

Show the name of the person making the declaration, and identify the company represented by the person making the declaration.

Date and sign the declaration on the original copy of Form B3. The importer/owner/agent declaration must be signed by the person whose name appears on the declaration.

If Form B3 has two or more pages, complete only on the last page.

The person making the declaration is indicating that the information given on Form B3 is accurate and complete. The importer/owner/agent should keep in mind that the deliberate use of code 10 for the United States Tariff, code 11 for the Mexico Tariff, code 12 for the Mexico-United States Tariff, code 13 for the Israel Tariff, code 14 for the Chile Tariff, or code 21 for the Costa Rica Tariff when such use is not appropriate may result in enforcement action.

On Form B3, type 30, for transfer of ownership, the transferor is to complete the importer/agent declaration.

On Form B3, type 13, used for re-warehousing, the person who re-warehouses the goods is to complete the importer/agent declaration. For example, when goods are re-warehoused after removal and transfer, the declaration is to be signed by the transferee.

Additional Coding Instructions for Transfer Concerning Form B3, Type 30

Field - Transferor/Transferee Declaration

Must complete on Form B3, type 30 for transfer of ownership.

If Form B3 has two or more pages, complete only on the last page.

The declaration must read as follows: "The property in the above goods is hereby transferred bona fide by the undersigned transferor to the undersigned transferee who hereby accepts such transfers."

Type or print the name of the company or individual who is receiving the goods in the same space as for the signature of the transferee or attorney.

Add the declaration to Form B3 by means of a block stamp or by typing the data directly on the body of the coding form.

The declaration is to be dated and signed by both the transferor and transferee or their agents.

Field - Remove to Warehouse Number

Must complete on Form B3, type 30.

If Form B3 has two or more pages, complete only on the last page.

Add the warehouse number by means of a block stamp or by typing the number in the body of the form.

Form B3 (Bonded Warehouse) - Format Examples and Explanations

This section contains examples of Form B3 illustrating typical bonded warehouse and ex-warehouse formats. These examples depict typical, not actual transactions. An index is provided to assist anyone completing a B3 coding form to find an example of the type of warehouse transaction to be prepared. If the required format is not shown in this index, check the index in Appendix B. Form B3 formats for the body and most fields of Forms B3 and Form B3 (Bonded Warehouse) are similar, especially for types 20 to 22 ex-warehouse B3 forms.

Note: The rates of duty, GST, and excise taxes as well as the rates of exchange used for calculating and testing purposes on the examples are not necessarily currently in effect. Therefore, while the actual coding on the examples is correct, information such as tariff rates and tax rates should be verified by checking the Customs Tariff, the Excise Tax Act, and other reference sources to ensure accuracy. Bar codes shown on Form B3 examples are for illustration purposes only.

The examples have been set forth in the following order:

Example No. Format
1 Type 10 - Warehouse
2 Type 10 - Warehouse, goods consigned to order in care of bank
3 Type 10 - Warehouse, goods deemed exported
4 Type 13 - Re-warehouse

Type 20 - Ex-warehouse, consumption

6 Type 20 - Ex-warehouse, remission

Type 20 - Ex-warehouse, SIMA assessment (paid)


Type 20 - Ex-warehouse, SIMA assessment (deferred by bond)

9 Type 21 - Ex-warehouse, export

Type 21 - Ex-warehouse, damaged goods

11 Type 21 - Ex-warehouse, export for goods deemed exported

Type 22 - Ships' stores, sales to the Governor General and diplomats

13 Type 30 - Transfer of goods within a CBSA office

Type 30 - Transfer of ownership within a CBSA office

15 Type 30 - Transfer of ownership within a CBSA office, goods consigned to order in care of Bank
16 Type 30 - Transfer of ownership and goods within a CBSA office
17 Type 30 - Transfer of goods to another CBSA office

Type 30 - Transfer of ownership and goods to another CBSA office


Type 10 - Warehouse

This example shows the format to be used when goods are entered into a bonded warehouse. As the goods are being warehoused, it is necessary to supply the cargo control number in Field No. 45 and also provide the total value for duty for the goods in Field No. 9. The time the goods may remain in the warehouse is shown in Field No. 18. Note that duty and tax calculations are not to be completed for this Form B3 type.



Type 10 - Warehouse, goods consigned to order in care of bank

This example shows the format to be used when the goods are consigned to order, and a bank keeps the title to the goods until the purchaser pays for them. It is permissible for the goods to be warehoused into the customs bonded warehouse owned by the purchaser. When the purchaser pays the bank, title to the goods will be transferred to the purchaser.


Type 10 - Warehouse, goods deemed exported

This example shows the format to be used when goods are being warehoused to claim drawback under subsection 89(3) of the Customs Tariff, and are destined for exportation. This Form B3, type 10 must be used as supporting documentation for Form K32, Drawback Claim.


Type 13 - Re-warehouse

This example shows the format to be used each time goods are re-warehoused following a transfer of the goods and/or ownership. The previous transaction number and the affected line of the transfer should appear in Field Nos. 24 and 25 respectively. The time limit shown is the number of months left that the goods may remain in warehouse.


Type 20 - Ex warehouse, consumption

This example shows the format to be used when goods are removed from the warehouse for consumption. Note that the applied duty and/or taxes must be paid and the summary block completed. In addition, Field Nos. 24 and 25 must show the previous transaction number and line reference of the corresponding warehouse Form B3 to which these goods relate.


Type 20 - Ex warehouse, remission

This example shows a typical remission format when 100% of the duty is remitted. Note that Field No. 22 must show the number of cartons actually removed from the warehouse including any marks.


Type 20 - Ex warehouse, SIMA assessment (paid)

This example shows the format to be used when part of a shipment is removed from the warehouse and is subject to SIMA assessment. The SIMA code in Field No. 32 shows 31; the first digit indicates that provisional duty is being assessed and the second digit indicates that the amount is being paid in cash. The export price has been determined to be the selling price on the invoice and is 5¢ each or $50 for the shipment. The normal value has been determined to be 10¢ each or $100 for the shipment. The provisional anti dumping duty is the amount by which the export price is lower than the normal value. In this case, 5¢ per unit times the number of units ex warehoused during the provisional period (1000 × 5¢ = $50).

Value for tax in Field No. 41 must include the SIMA assessment amount completed in Field No. 39. Total SIMA assessment must be included in Field No. 48.


Type 20 - Ex warehouse, SIMA assessment (deferred by bond)

This example shows the format to be used when part of a shipment is removed from the warehouse and is subject to SIMA assessment. The SIMA code in Field No. 32 shows 32; the first digit indicates that provisional duty is being assessed and the second digit indicates that the payment is deferred by a SIMA bond. (See Memorandum D14 1 5 for details respecting use of the SIMA bond). Provisional anti dumping duty is the difference between the normal value and export price (see Example 9 for details).

Value for tax in Field No. 41 does not include the SIMA assessment amount which is shown in Field No. 39. The total SIMA assessment amount in Field No. 48 is nil. Note that the bond number is shown in Field No. 22.


Type 21 - Ex warehouse, export

This example shows the format to be used when goods are being removed from the warehouse and exported from Canada. The name and number of the office of export should be indicated either by means of a block stamp or by typing the information in the body of the coding form. Field Nos. 24 and 25 must be completed indicating the previous Form B3 transaction number and line reference on which the goods were warehoused.


Type 21 - Ex Warehouse, damaged goods

This example shows the format to be used when accounting for damage to goods entered on a previous warehouse Form B3. The previous transaction number and line reference of that warehouse Form B3 must appear in Field Nos. 24 and 25, respectively. The amount of damage allowed on Form K11, Certificate of Damaged Goods, is shown on a Form B3, type 21. The balance of the goods accounted for on the previous warehouse Form B3 must be documented on the appropriate Form B3 type.


Type 21 - Ex warehouse, export for goods deemed exported

This example shows the format to be used for goods previously deemed exported. It is used to ex warehouse the goods entered on a Form B3, type 10. The export routing CBSA office must be shown in the body of Form B3.


Type 22 - Ships' stores, sales to the Governor General and diplomats

This example shows the format to be used when goods are ex warehoused for ships' stores. In addition to this coding form, Form B6D, Ships' Stores Delivery Declaration, is to be completed in as much detail as possible. As duty and/or taxes are not collected, these fields should not be completed. If the goods must be forwarded to another CBSA office prior to loading on the vessel, the office name and number should be typed or block stamped in the body of Form B3.


Type 30 - Transfer of goods within a CBSA office

This example shows the format to be used when transferring part of a shipment to another bonded warehouse within an area serviced by the same CBSA office. The new warehouse number must be typed or block stamped in the body of the form. The time the goods may remain in the warehouse is shown in Field No. 18.


Type 30 - Transfer of ownership within a CBSA office

This example shows the format to be used when there is a transfer of ownership within an area serviced by the same customs office with the goods remaining in the same customs bonded warehouse. The transfer declaration must be signed by both the transferor and the transferee. The details of the original warehouse Form B3 are entered in the body of the coding form and the previous transaction number and its line reference must be completed in Field Nos. 24 and 25.


Type 30 - Transfer of ownership within a CBSA office, goods consigned to order in care of bank

This example shows the format to be used for a transfer of ownership with the goods remaining in the same customs bonded warehouse. The transfer declaration is signed by both parties, as they are both located within the area covered by the same CBSA office. All the details from the original warehouse Form B3 are shown in the body of the transfer Form B3. Because the goods were originally consigned to order in care of a bank, and are now being transferred to the owner, this transfer is exempted from the provisions of subsection 30(j) of the Customs Act. (This transfer is not one of the three transfers allowed.)


Type 30 - Transfer of ownership and goods within a CBSA office

This example shows the format to be used when the ownership of goods, which have been warehoused, is transferred, and the goods are relocated to another bonded warehouse within the area serviced by the same CBSA office. Importers/brokers must add the transfer information shown on this example by means of a block stamp or by typing the data directly onto the body of the coding form. In this example, the transferor, as well as the transferee, must sign the certificate indicating that a transfer of ownership has been effected. In addition, the number of the bonded warehouse from which the goods will be transferred must also be completed in Field No. 44. Field No. 18 must indicate the time the goods may continue to remain in the warehouse. Field Nos. 24 and 25 must be completed to identify the previous transaction number and line on which the goods were warehoused or transferred. Importers/brokers must note in Field No. 22 the number of times the goods in question have been transferred.


Type 30 - Transfer of goods to another CBSA office

This example shows the format to be used when goods are transferred from a warehouse in an area serviced by one CBSA office to a warehouse in an area serviced by another CBSA office. Importers/brokers must indicate the CBSA office for the area to which the goods are being transferred and the warehouse number, if known, in the body of the coding form. In addition, it should be noted in Field No. 22 the number of times the goods in question have been transferred. It is also necessary to complete Field Nos. 24 and 25 to indicate the previous Form B3 transaction number and line reference on which the goods were warehoused or transferred. Field No. 18 shows the time the transferred goods may remain in the warehouse.


Type 30 - Transfer of ownership and goods to another CBSA office

This example shows the format to be used when goods are transferred to a new owner in an area serviced by another CBSA office. Importers/brokers must affix the necessary transfer information, as illustrated in the example, by means of a block stamp or by typing the information directly onto the body of the coding form. The transferor must sign the transfer certificate, but only the name of the transferee need appear. In addition, the CBSA office number and name, which services the area to which the goods are being forwarded, must be completed. If known, the new bonded warehouse number should be completed. Field No. 18 must indicate the time the goods may continue to remain in the warehouse. Field Nos. 24 and 25 must identify the previous Form B3 transaction number and line reference on which the goods were warehoused.


Form B3B Coding Instructions

The fields of Form B3B must be completed according to the following instructions.

Field No. 1 - Transaction Number - Show the transaction number that appears on the corresponding Form B3

Field No. 2 - Page Number - Show the page number of Form B3B. If Form B3B has more than one page, each page is to be numbered in sequence, starting with 1.

Field No. 3 - Cargo Control Number - List all the cargo control numbers accounted for on the attached Form B3 following the same format shown in Field No. 45 of Appendix B or C.


Units of Measure Conversion Factor Units of Measure Units of Measure Codes
Ounce 28.34952 Gram GRM
Ounce 0.02835 Kilogram KGM
Pound 0.45359 Kilogram KGM
Pound 0.0004535 Metric Ton


Hundred Weight 45.35923 Kilogram KGM
Hundred Weight, Air Dried 45.35923 Kilogram of Substance 90% Air Dried


Hundred Weight 0.04536 Metric Ton


Short Ton (2000 lb.) 0.907185 Metric Ton


Long or Gross Ton (2240 lb.) 1.016047 Metric Ton


Troy Ounce 0.03110 Kilogram KGM
Square Inch 6.4516 Square Centimetre


Square Inch 0.00065 Square Metre


Square Foot 0.09290 Square Metre


Square Yard 0.83613 Square Metre


Roof Square (100 Square Feet)      
(Quantity of Wooden Shakes/Shingles to Cover 100 Square Foot Area) 9.29030 Square Metre MTK
Board Foot (Lumber) 0.002359 Cubic Metre


Thousand Board Feet (Lumber) 2.35974 Cubic Metre


Board Foot (Logs) 0.00453 Cubic Metre


Thousand Board Feet (Logs) 4.53 Cubic Metre


Square Feet of 1/8" Plywood (3.18 mm) 0.000295 Cubic Metre


Square Feet of 1/4" Plywood (6.35 mm) 0.00059 Cubic Metre


Square Feet of 3/8" Plywood (9.53 mm) 0.00088 Cubic Metre


Square Feet of 1/2" Plywood (12.7 mm) 0.00118 Cubic Metre


Square Feet of 5/8" Plywood (15.88 mm) 0.00148 Cubic Metre


Square Feet of 3/4" Plywood (19.05 mm) 0.00178 Cubic Metre


Cubic Foot 0.02832 Cubic Metre


Cubic Yard 0.76455 Cubic Metre


Barrel (Oil, 42 U.S. Gallons) 0.15899 Cubic Metre


Cord (Peeled) 2.69030 Cubic Metre


Cord (Unpeeled) 2.40690 Cubic Metre


Gallon 0.04546 Hectolitre


Gallon 4.54609 Litre LTR
Proof Gallon 2.60539 Litre of Absolute Alcohol LPA


A transaction number consists of three elements:

The check digit is calculated by applying the "Modulo 10" formula to the combined account security and sequential number.

To apply the formula, the account security number must have five digits and the sequential number must have eight digits (with leading zeros inserted if necessary).

The Modulo 10 calculation is as follows:


Given an account security number of 12345 and a sequential number of 6789, calculate the appropriate check digit for the transaction number.


The following are three examples of detailed coding statements with a brief explanation of each:

Example 1 - Notification of Rejection - This detailed coding statement is generated when the system encounters an error while processing Form B3 input data. The statement displays Form B3 data input as well as system calculations. At the end of the display of Form B3 information, a list of messages shows the importer/broker the error that requires correction.

Example 2 - Notification of Adjustment - This detailed coding statement is generated when the total revenue payable calculated by the system does not match the total revenue payable input from Form B3, but the discrepancy is less than the variance threshold that is equal to $2. In this case, Form B3 is accepted using the system calculated totals which will appear on Form K84, Importer/Broker Account Statement. The detailed coding statement is forwarded to the importer/broker for information purposes.

Example 3 - Notification of Acceptance - This detailed coding statement is generated when neither an error nor a variance is found and Form B3 is a cash type, i.e., no Form K84 will be generated. In this case, the detailed coding statement will be stamped "duty paid" and returned to the importer/broker after payment is received.


No. Name
1(a) CBSA Office Codes - Alphabetical by Region
1(b) CBSA Office Codes - Numeric Listing
2 Country (including U.S.) and Currency Codes
3 Unit of Measure Codes
4 Goods and Services Tax Status Codes
5 U.S. Foreign Trade Zone Codes
6 U.S. Port of Exit Codes
7 Excise Tax Exemption Codes

List 1(a) - CBSA Office Codes - Alphabetical by Region



214 Andover
921 Argentia
201 Bathurst
200 Bloomfield
225 Campobello
221 Caraquet
215 Centreville
101 Charlottetown
216 Clair
900 Clarenville
911 Corner Brook
202 Dalhousie
208 Deer Island Point
213 Edmundston
222 Forest City
919 Fortune
220 Fosterville
203 Four Falls
204 Fredericton
912 Gander
219 Gillespie Portage
913 Goose Bay
217 Grand Falls, New Brunswick
910 Grand Falls - Windsor, Newfoundland
224 Grand Manan
009 Halifax
026 Halifax Robert L. Stanfield International Airport
007 Halifax - Postal Operations 
922 Harbour Grace
010 Kentville
011 Liverpool
013 Lunenburg
206 Moncton
015 New Glasgow
207 Miramichi
019 Port Hawkesbury
226 River de Chute
209 St. Andrews
205 St. Croix
914 St. John's, Newfoundland
218 St. Leonard
211 St. Stephen
231 St. Stephen 3rd Bridge
210 Saint John, New Brunswick
020 Shelburne
918 Stephenville
102 Summerside
021 Sydney
022 Truro
212 Woodstock
025 Yarmouth

318 Abercorn
329 Armstrong
355 Baie-Comeau
376 Beebe
363 Cap-aux-Meules
365 Chartierville
301 Chicoutimi
337 Clarenceville
311 Covey Hill
356 Cowansville
371 Daaquam
303 Drummondville
330 Dundee
362 East Hereford
369 East Pinnacle
332 Frelighsburg
304 Gaspé
370 Glen Sutton
305 Granby
333 Hemmingford
302 Herdman
366 Hereford Road
334 Highwater
342 Joliette
343 Lachute
351 Lacolle
324 Lacolle : Route 221
341 Lacolle : Route 223
344 Montmagny
396 Montréal - Pierre Elliot Trudeau International Airport (Dorval)
399 Montréal - International Airport (Mirabel)
398 Montréal - Intermediate Terminal (C.D.L.)
395 Montréal - Main Longroom
367 Morses Line
319 Napierville Junction
368 Noyan
331 Pohénégamook
358 Quai Richelieu
312 Québec
345 Richmond
313 Rimouski
340 Rivière-du-Loup
314 Rock Island
375 Rock Island, Rte 143
349 Rouyn-Noranda
328 St. Armand-Philipsburg
320 St-Hyacinthe
321 St-Jean
346 St-Jérôme
335 St-Pamphile
361 Sept-Îles
315 Shawinigan
316 Sherbrooke
317 Sorel
354 Stanhope
347 Thetford Mines
322 Trois-Rivières
307 Trout River
350 Val-d'Or
323 Valleyfield
327 Victoriaville
308 Woburn

494 Arnprior
402 Belleville
405 Brockville
473 Cobourg
409 Cornwall
478 Fort Frances
403 Iqaluit
490 Kenora
420 Kingston
456 Lansdowne
477 Lindsay
428 North Bay
431 Ottawa - Longroom/Sufferance
485 Ottawa - Air Cargo Centre (OACC) Macdonald-Cartier International Airport (MCIA)
469 Pembroke
470 Perth
400 Peterborough
475 Pigeon River
439 Prescott
488 Rainy River
441 Sault Ste. Marie
474 Smiths Falls
444 Sudbury
461 Thunder Bay
467 Timmins
449 Trenton

459 Barrie
460 Bracebridge
480 Brampton
404 Brantford
457 Cambridge
406 Chatham
458 Collingwood
410 Fort Erie
414 Guelph
483 Halton Hills
417 Hamilton
448 Hanover
401 Kitchener
423 London
424 Midland
486 Newmarket
427 Niagara Falls
476 Oakville
429 Orillia
430 Oshawa
482 Owen Sound
435 Parry Sound - Georgian Bay Airport
471 Port Colborne
445 St. Catharines
446 St. Thomas
440 Sarnia
442 Simcoe
465 Sombra
425 Stratford
447 Tillsonburg 
491 Toronto - International Mail Division
496 Toronto - Interport Sufferance Warehouse (Dixie)
497 Toronto - International Airport (Pearson)
495 Toronto - Metro Operations Division 
499 Toronto - Sufferance Truck Terminal (Kennedy Road)
450 Wallaceburg
451 Welland
453 Windsor - Ambassador Bridge
452 Windsor - Detroit/Canada Tunnel
454 Windsor - Metro Operations 
492 Woodstock

706 Aden
614 Big Beaver
507 Boissevain
701 Calgary
612 Carievale
521 Cartwright
707 Carway
709 Chief Mountain
511 Churchill
619 Climax
615 Coronach
524 Coulter
705 Coutts
520 Crystal City
708 Del Bonita
702 Edmonton
502 Emerson
610 Estevan
508 Goodlands
503 Gretna
512 Inuvik
522 Lena
703 Lethbridge
523 Lyleton
620 Monchy
601 Moose Jaw
602 North Portal
613 Northgate
616 Oungre
517 Piney
603 Prince Albert
604 Regina
607 Regway
605 Saskatoon
509 Snowflake
506 South Junction
505 Sprague
516 Tolstoi
617 Torquay
514 Tuktoyaktuk
618 West Poplar River
711 Wild Horse
621 Willow Creek
519 Windygates
518 Winkler
504 Winnipeg - Main Longroom
510 Winnipeg - International Airport
515 Yellowknife

841 Aldergrove
892 Beaver Creek, Yukon
815 Boundary Bay
838 Campbell River
834 Carson
816 Cascade
836 Chopaka
830 Courtenay
801 Cranbrook
894 Dawson City
839 Dawson Creek
840 Douglas
893 Fraser
817 Huntingdon
814 Kamloops
831 Kelowna
818 Kingsgate
827 Kitimat
835 Midway
804 Nanaimo
828 Nelway
819 Osoyoos
842 Pacific - Customs Brokers Highway Sufferance Warehouse
813 Pacific Highway
832 Paterson
807 Penticton
891 Pleasant Camp
825 Port Alberni
826 Powell River
820 Prince George
808 Prince Rupert
824 Roosville
822 Rykerts
837 Sydney
803 Vancouver - Mail Centre
810 Vancouver - Commercial Operations East
809 Vancouver - Commercial Operations West 
821 Vancouver - International Airport
806 Vancouver - International Marine Operations
823 Vernon
811 Victoria
833 Waneta
890 Whitehorse

List 1(b) - CBSA Office Codes - Numeric Listing

7 Halifax - Postal Operations
9 Halifax
10 Kentville
11 Liverpool
13 Lunenburg
15 New Glasgow
19 Port Hawkesbury
20 Shelburne
21 Sydney
22 Truro
25 Yarmouth
26 Halifax - International Airport
101 Charlottetown
102 Summerside
200 Bloomfield
201 Bathurst
202 Dalhousie
203 Four Falls
204 Fredericton
205 St. Croix
206 Moncton
207 Miramichi
208 Deer Island Point
209 St. Andrews
210 Saint John, New Brunswick
211 St. Stephen
212 Woodstock
213 Edmundston
214 Andover
215 Centreville
216 Clair
217 Grand Falls, New Brunswick
218 St. Leonard
219 Gillespie Portage
220 Fosterville
221 Caraquet
222 Forest City
224 Grand Manan
225 Campobello
226 River de Chute
231 St.Stephen 3rd Bridge
900 Clarenville
910 Grand Falls, Newfoundland
911 Corner Brook
912 Gander
913 Goose Bay
914 St. John's, Newfoundland
918 Stephenville
919 Fortune
921 Argentia
922 Harbour Grace

301 Chicoutimi
302 Herdman
303 Drummondville
304 Gaspé
305 Granby
307 Trout River
308 Woburn
311 Covey Hill
312 Québec
313 Rimouski
314 Rock Island
315 Shawinigan
316 Sherbrooke
317 Sorel
318 Abercorn
319 Napierville Junction
320 St-Hyacinthe
321 St-Jean
322 Trois-Rivières
323 Valleyfield
324 Lacolle: Route 221
327 Victoriaville
328 St. Armand-Philipsburg
329 Armstrong
330 Dundee
331 Pohénégamook
332 Frelighsburg
333 Hemmingford
334 Highwater
335 St-Pamphile
337 Clarenceville
340 Rivière-du-Loup
341 Lacolle : Route 223
342 Joliette
343 Lachute
344 Montmagny
345 Richmond
346 St-Jérôme
347 Thetford Mines
349 Rouyn-Noranda
350 Val-d'Or
351 Lacolle
352 Cantic Station
354 Stanhope
355 Baie-Comeau
356 Cowansville
358 Quai Richelieu
361 Sept-Îles
362 East Hereford
363 Cap-aux-Meules
365 Chartierville
366 Hereford Road
367 Morses Line
368 Noyan
369 East Pinnacle
370 Glen Sutton
371 Daaquam
375 Rock Island, Rte 143
376 Beebe
395 Montréal - Main Longroom
396 Montréal - International Airport (Dorval)
398 Montréal - Intermediate Terminal (C.D.L.)
399 Montréal - International Airport (Mirabel)

400 Peterborough
402 Belleville
403 Iqaluit
405 Brockville
409 Cornwall
420 Kingston
428 North Bay
431 Ottawa - Longroom/Sufferance
439 Prescott
441 Sault Ste. Marie
444 Sudbury
449 Trenton
456 Lansdowne
461 Thunder Bay
467 Timmins
469 Pembroke
470 Perth
473 Cobourg
474 Smiths Falls
475 Pigeon River
477 Lindsay
478 Fort Frances
485 Ottawa - Air Cargo Centre (OACC) Macdonald-Cartier International Airport (MCIA)
488 Rainy River
490 Kenora
494 Arnprior

401 Kitchener
404 Brantford
406 Chatham
410 Fort Erie
414 Guelph
417 Hamilton
423 London
424 Midland
425 Stratford
427 Niagara Falls
429 Orillia
430 Oshawa
435 Parry Sound - Georgian Bay Airport
440 Sarnia
442 Simcoe
445 St. Catharines
446 St. Thomas
447 Tillsonburg
448 Hanover
450 Wallaceburg
452 Windsor - Detroit/Canada Tunnel
453 Windsor - Ambassador Bridge
454 Windsor - Metro Operations
457 Cambridge
458 Collingwood
459 Barrie
460 Bracebridge
465 Sombra
471 Port Colborne
476 Oakville
480 Brampton
482 Owen Sound
483 Halton Hills
486 Newmarket
491 Toronto -International Mail Division
492 Woodstock
495 Toronto -Metro Operations Division
496 Toronto -Interport Sufferance Warehouse (Dixie)
497 Toronto -International Airport (Pearson)
499 Toronto -Sufferance Truck Terminal (Kennedy Road)

502 Emerson
503 Gretna
504 Winnipeg -Main Longroom
505 Sprague
506 South Junction
507 Boissevain
508 Goodlands
509 Snowflake
510 Winnipeg - International Airport
511 Churchill
512 Inuvik
514 Tuktoyaktuk
515 Yellowknife
516 Tolstoi
517 Piney
518 Winkler
519 Windygates
520 Crystal City
521 Cartwright
522 Lena
523 Lyleton
524 Coulter
601 Moose Jaw
602 North Portal
603 Prince Albert
604 Regina
605 Saskatoon
607 Regway
610 Estevan
612 Carievale
613 Northgate
614 Big Beaver
615 Coronach
616 Oungre
617 Torquay
618 West Poplar River
619 Climax
620 Monchy
621 Willow Creek
701 Calgary
702 Edmonton
703 Lethbridge
705 Coutts
706 Aden
707 Carway
708 Del Bonita
709 Chief Mountain
711 Wild Horse

801 Cranbrook
803 Vancouver - Mail Centre
804 Nanaimo
806 Vancouver - International Marine Operations
807 Penticton
808 Prince Rupert
809 Vancouver - Commercial Operations West
810 Vancouver - Commercial Operations East
811 Victoria
813 Pacific Highway
814 Kamloops
815 Boundary Bay
816 Cascade
817 Huntingdon
818 Kingsgate
819 Osoyoos
820 Prince George
821 Vancouver - International Airport
822 Rykerts
824 Roosville
825 Port Alberni
826 Powell River
827 Kitimat
828 Nelway
830 Courtenay
831 Kelowna
832 Paterson
833 Waneta
834 Carson
835 Midway
836 Chopaka
837 Sydney
838 Campbell River
839 Dawson Creek
840 Douglas
841 Aldergrove
842 Pacific - Customs Brokers Highway Sufferance Warehouse
890 Whitehorse
891 Pleasant Camp
892 Beaver Creek, Yukon
893 Fraser
894 Dawson City

List 2 - Country (including U.S. States) and Currency Codes

Country/U.S. States Country Code Currency Currency Code
Afghanistan AF Afghani AFN
Albania AL Lek ALL
Algeria DZ Algerian Dinar DZD
American Samoa AS US Dollar USD
Andorra AD Euro Dollar EUR
Angola AO Kwanza AOA
Anguilla AI East Caribbean Dollar  XCD
Antarctica AQ US Dollar USD
Antigua and Barbuda AG East Caribbean Dollar XCD
Argentina AR Argentine Peso ARS
Armenia AM Dram AMD
Aruba AW Aruban Guilder AWG
Australia AU Australian Dollar AUD
Austria AT Euro Dollar EUR
Azerbaijan AZ Manat AZN
Bahamas BS Bahamian Dollar BSD
Bahrain BH Bahraini Dinar BHD
Bangladesh BD Taka BDT
Barbados BB Barbados Dollar BBD
Belarus BY Belarussian Ruble BYR
Belgium BE Euro Dollar EUR
Belize BZ Belize Dollar BZD
Bermuda BM Bermudian Dollar USD
Bhutan BT Indian Rupee INR
Bolivia BO Boliviano BOB
Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba BQ US Dollar USD
Bosnia and Herzegovina BA Convertible Mark BAM
Botswana BW Pula BWP
Bouvet Island BV Norwegian Krone NOK
Brazil BR Brazilian Real BRL
British Indian Ocean Territory IO US Dollar USD
Brunei Darussalam BN Brunei Dollar BND
Bulgaria BG Lev BGN
Burkina Faso BF CFA Franc BEAC XAF
Burundi BI Burundi Franc BIF
Cambodia KH Riel KHR
Cameroon CM CFA Franc BEAC XAF
Canada CA Canadian Dollar CAD
Cape Verde CV Cape Verde Escudo CVE
Cayman Islands KY Cayman Islands Dollar KYD
Central African Republic CF CFA Franc BEAC XAF
Ceuta and Melilla EA Euro dollar EUR
Chile CL Chilean Peso CLP
China CN Yuan Renminbi CNY
Christmas Island CX Australian Dollar AUD
Cocos (Keeling) Islands CC Australian Dollar AUD
Colombia CO Colombian Peso COP
Comoros KM Comoro Franc KMF
Congo (Demographic Republic of) CD Franc Congolais CDF
Cook Islands CK New Zealand Dollar NZD
Costa Rica CR Costa Rican Colon CRC
Côte-d'Ivoire CI CFA Franc BEAC XAF
Croatia HR Crotian Kuna HRK
Cuba CU Cuban Peso CUP
Curacao CW Netherland Anillean Guilder ANG
Cyprus CY Euro Dollar EUR
Czech Republic CZ Czech Koruna CZK
Denmark DK Danish Krone DKK
Djibouti DJ Djibouti Franc DJF
Dominica DM East Caribbean Dollar XCD
Dominican Republic DO Dominican Peso DOP
East Timor(Timor-Leste) TL U.S. Dollar USD
Ecuador EC U.S. Dollar USD
Egypt EG Egyptian Pound EGP
El Salvador SV El Salvador Colon SVC
Equatorial Guinea GQ CFA Franc BEAC XAF
Eritrea ER Nakfa ERN
Estonia EE Euro Dollar EUR
Ethiopia ET Ethiopian Birr ETB
Falkland Islands (Malvinas)  FK Falkland Islands Pound  FKP
Faroe Islands FO Danish Krone DKK
Fiji FJ Fiji Dollar FJD
Finland FI Euro Dollar EUR
France FR Euro Dollar EUR
French Guiana GF Euro Dollar EUR
French Polynesia PF CFP Franc XPF
French Southern Territories TF Euro Dollar EUR
Gambia GM Dalasi GMD
Georgia GE Lari GEL
Germany DE Euro Dollar EUR
Ghana GH Cedi GHS
Gibraltar GI Pound Sterling GBP
Greece GR Euro Dollar EUR
Greenland GL Danish Krone DKK
Grenada GD East Caribbean Dollar XCD
Guadeloupe GP Euro Dollar EUR
Guam GU US Dollar USD
Guatemala GT Quetzal GTQ
Guernsey GG Pound Sterling GBP
Guinea GN Franc GNF
Guinea-Bissau GW CFA Franc BEAC  XAF
Guyana GY Guyanese Dollar GYD
Haiti HT Gourde HTG
Heard Islands and McDonald HM Australian Dollar AUD
Holy See (Vatican City State) VA Euro Dollar EUR
Honduras HN Lempira HNL
Hong Kong HK Hong Kong Dollar HKD
Hungary HU Forint HUF
Iceland IS Iceland Krona ISK
India IN Indian Rupee INR
Indonesia ID Rupiah IDR
Iran (Islamic Republic of) IR Iranian Rial IRR
Iraq IQ Iraqi Dinar IQD
Ireland IE Euro Dollar EUR
Isle of Man IM Pound Sterling GBP
Israel IL New Israeli Shekel ILS
Italy IT Euro Dollar EUR
Ivory Coast (refer to Côte d'Ivoire)    
Jamaica JM Jamaican Dollar JMD
Japan JP Yen JPY
Jersey JE Pound Sterling GBP
Jordan JO Jordanian Dinar JOD
Kazakhstan KZ Tenge KZT
Kenya KE Kenyan Shilling KES
Kiribati KI Australian Dollar AUD
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of KP North Korean Won KPW
Korea, Republic of KR Won KRW
Kosovo XK Euro Dollar EUR
Kuwait KW Kuwaiti Dinar KWD
Kyrgyzstan KG Som KGS
Lao, People's Democratic Republic LA Kip LAK
Latvia LV Latvian Lats LVL
Lebanon LB Lebanese Pound LBP
Lesotho LS Loti LSL
Liberia LR Liberia Dollar LRD
Libyan, Arab Jamahiriya LY Libyan Dinar LYD
Liechtenstein LI Swiss Franc CHF
Lithuania LT Lithuania Litas LTL
Luxembourg LU Euro Dollar EUR
Macau MO Pataca MOP
Macedonia,  MK Dinar MKD
Madagascar MG Malagasy Ariary MGA
Malawi MW Kwacha MWK
Malaysia MY Malaysian Ringgit MYR
Maldives MV Rufiyaa MVR
Malta MT Euro Dollar EUR
Marshall Islands MH US Dollar USD
Martinique MQ Euro Dollar EUR
Mauritania MR Ouguiya MRO
Mauritius MU Mauritius Rupee MUR
Mayotte YT Euro Dollar EUR
Mexico MX Mexican Nuevo Peso MXN
Micronesia,  FM US Dollar USD
Moldova, Republic of  MD Moldovan Leu MDL
Monaco MC Euro Dollar EUR
Mongolia MN Tugrik MNT
Montenegro ME Euro Dollar  EUR
Montserrat MS East Caribbean Dollar XCD
Morocco MA Moroccan Dirham MAD
Mozambique MZ Mozambique Metical MZN
Myanmar MM Kyat MMK
Namibia  NA Namibian Dollar NAD
Nauru NR Australian Dollar AUD
Nepal NP Nepalese Rupee NPR
Netherlands NL Euro Dollar EUR
Netherlands Antilles AN Netherlands Antillian Guilder ANG
New Caledonia NC CFP Franc XPF
New Zealand NZ New Zealand Dollar NZD
Nicaragua NI Cordoba  NIO
Nigeria NG Naira NGN
Niue NU New Zealand Dollar NZD
Norfolk Island NF Australian Dollar AUD
Northern Mariana Islands MP US Dollar USD
Norway NO Norwegian Krone NOK
Oman OM Rial Omani OMR
Pakistan PK Pakistan Rupee PKR
Palau PW US Dollar USD
Panama PA Balboa PAB
Panama PA US Dollar USD
Papua New Guinea PG Kina PGK
Paraguay PY Guarani PYG
Peru PE Nuevo Sol PEN
Philippines PH Phillipine Peso PHP
Pitcairn PN New Zealand Dollar NZD
Poland PL Zloty  PLN
Portugal PT Euro Dollar EUR
Puerto Rico PR US Dollar USD
Qatar QA Qatari Rial QAR
Réunion RE Euro Dollar EUR
Romania RO Leu RON
Russian Federation RU New Ruble RUB
Rwanda RW Rwanda Franc RWF
Saint Helena SH Saint Helena Pound GBP
Saint Kitts and Nevis KN East Caribbean Dollar XCD
Saint Lucia LC East Caribbean Dollar XCD
Saint Pierre and Miquelon  PM Euro Dollar EUR
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines VC East Caribbean Dollar XCD
Samoa WS Tala WST
San Marino SM Euro Dollar EUR
Sao Tome and Principe ST Dobra STD
Saudi Arabia SA Saudi Riyal SAR
Senegal SN CFA Franc BEAC XAF
Serbia RS New Serbian Dinar RSD
Seychelles SC Seychelles Rupee SCR
Sierra Leone SL Leone SLL
Singapore SG Singapore Dollar SGD
Sint Maarten  SX Netherlands Antillean Guilder ANG
Slovakia SK Euro dollar EUR
Slovenia SI Euro dollar EUR
Solomon Islands SB Solomon Ilands dollar SBD
Somalia SO Somali Shilling SOS
South Africa ZA Rand ZAR
South Georgia  GS Pound Sterling GBP
South Sudan SS South Sudanese Pound SSP
Spain ES Euro Dollar EUR
Sri Lanka LK Sri Lanka Rupee LKR
Sudan SD Sudanese Pound SDG
Suriname SR Suriname dollar SRD
Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands SJ Norwegian Krone NOK
Swaziland SZ Lilangeni SZL
Sweden SE Swedish Krona SEK
Switzerland CH Swiss Franc CHF
Syria Arab Republic SY Syrian Pound SYP
Taiwan TW New Taiwan Dollar TWD
Tajikistan TJ Somoni TJS
Tanzania, United Republic of TZ Tanzanian Shilling TZS
Thailand TH Baht THB
Tokelau TK New Zealand Dollar NZD
Tonga TO Pa'anga TOP
Trinidad and Tobago TT Trinidad and Tobago Dollar  TTD
Tunisia TN Tunisian Dinar TND
Turkey TR Turkish Lira TRY
Turkmenistan TM Turkmen New Manat TMT
Turks and Caicos Islands TC US Dollar USD
Tuvalu TV Australian Dollar AUD
Uganda UG Uganda Shilling UGS
Ukraine UA Hryvnia UAH
United Arab Emirates AE UAE Dirham AED
United Kingdom GB Pound Sterling GBP
United States US US Dollar USD
- Alabama UAL US Dollar USD
- Alaska UAK US Dollar USD
- Arizona UAZ US Dollar USD
- Arkansas UAR US Dollar USD
- California UCA US Dollar USD
- Colorado UCO US Dollar USD
- Columbia (District of) UDC US Dollar USD
- Connecticut UCT US Dollar USD
- Delaware UDE US Dollar USD
- Florida UFL US Dollar USD
- Georgia UGA US Dollar USD
- Hawaii UHI US Dollar USD
- Idaho UID US Dollar USD
- Illinois UIL US Dollar USD
- Indiana UIN US Dollar USD
- Iowa UIA US Dollar USD
- Kansas UKS US Dollar USD
- Kentucky UKY US Dollar USD
- Louisiana ULA US Dollar USD
- Maine UME US Dollar USD
- Maryland UMD US Dollar USD
- Massachusetts UMA US Dollar USD
- Michigan UMI US Dollar USD
- Minnesota UMN US Dollar USD
- Mississippi UMS US Dollar USD
- Missouri UMO US Dollar USD
- Montana UMT US Dollar USD
- Nebraska UNE US Dollar USD
- Nevada UNV US Dollar USD
- New Hampshire UNH US Dollar USD
- New Jersey UNJ US Dollar USD
- New Mexico UNM US Dollar USD
- New York UNY US Dollar USD
- North Carolina UNC US Dollar USD
- North Dakota UND US Dollar USD
- Ohio UOH US Dollar USD
- Oklahoma UOK US Dollar USD
- Oregon UOR US Dollar USD
- Pennsylvania UPA US Dollar USD
- Rhode Island URI US Dollar USD
- South Carolina USC US Dollar USD
- South Dakota USD US Dollar USD
- Tennessee UTN US Dollar USD
- Texas UTX US Dollar USD
- Utah UUT US Dollar USD
- Vermont UVT US Dollar USD
- Virginia UVA US Dollar USD
- Washington 
(State of)
- West Virginia UWV US Dollar USD
- Wisconsin UWI US Dollar USD
- Wyoming UWY US Dollar USD
United States Minor Outlying Islands UM US Dollar USD
Uruguay UY Uruguayo Peso UYU
Uzbekistan UZ Som UZS
Vanuatu VU Vatu VUV
Vatican City State (refer to Holy See)    
Venezuela VE Bolivar Fuerte VEF
Vietnam VN  Dong VND
Virgin Islands, British VG US Dollar USD
Virgin Islands, U.S. VI US Dollar USD
Wallis and Futuna  WF CFP Franc XPF
West Bank and Gaza Strip  PS New Israeli Shekel ILS
Western Sahara EH Moroccan Dirham MAD
Yemen YE Yemeni Rial YER
Yugoslavia YU New Yugoslavian Dinar YUD
Zaire (refer to Congo,Democratic Republic of)    
Zambia ZM Kwacha ZMK
Zimbabwe ZW Zimbabwe Dollar ZWD

List 3 - Unit of Measure Codes

Unit Name Code
Millimeter MMT
Centimeter CMT
Decimetre DMT
Metre MTR
Hectometre HMT
Kilometre KMT
Megametre MAM
Square Millimetre MMK
Square Centimetre CMK
Square Decimetre DMK
Square Metre MTK
Square Kilometre KMK
Cubic Millimetre MMQ
Cubic Centimetre CMQ
Cubic Decimetre DMQ
Cubic Metre MTQ
Thousand Cubic Metres TMQ
Million Cubic Metres HMQ
Millilitre MLT
Centilitre CLT
Decilitre DLT
Litre LTR
Hectolitre HLT
Megalitre MAL
Litre, Pure Alcohol LPA
Hectolitre, Pure Alcohol HPA
Metric Carat CTM
Milligram MGM
Gram GRM
Hectogram HGM
Kilogram KGM
Kilogram of Named Substance KNS
Kilogram - 90% Air Dry KSD
Deciton DTN
Metric Ton TNE
Kiloton KTN
Piece PCE
Number NMB
Hundred CEN
Thousand MIL
Million MIO
Dozen DZN
Score SCO
Gross GRO
Great Gross GGR
Number of Packs NAP
Pair PAR
Dozen Pairs DPR
Number of Parcels NPL
Number of Sets SET
Joule JOU
Kilojoule KJO
Watt-Hour WHR
Kilowatt-Hour KWH
Megawatt-Hour MWH
Gigawatt-Hour GWH
Watt WTT
Kilowatt KWT
Megawatt MAW
Kilovolt-Ampere KVA
Megavolt-Ampere MVA
Curies CCI
Millicuries MCI

List 4 - Goods and Services Tax Status Codes and Explanations (codes also apply for purposes of the Harmonized Sales Tax)

Code 48 Applies to goods that are non-taxable as prescribed publications imported in accordance with the Publications Supplied by a Non-resident Registrant Regulations (Memorandum D5-1-13, Publications Imported by Mail or Courier).

48 Publications that are prescribed property in the Publications Supplied by a Non-resident Registrant Regulations that are sent by mail or courier by a non-resident registered person.

Code 49 Applies to goods that are non-taxable by virtue of Section 10 of Schedule VII to the Excise Act.

49 Money or certificates or other documents evidencing a right that is a financial instrument.

Code 50 Applies to goods prescribed by the Value of Imported Goods (GST/HST) Regulations, made pursuant to Subsection 215(2) of the Excise Tax Act, these Regulations prescribe the manner of determining the value of goods imported in certain circumstances.

50 This code does not provide non-taxable status for imported goods; this is not an exemption code. The code is only for those cases where the value of the goods for purposes of calculating the GST/HST payable on importation may be determined under the Regulations.

Codes 51 to 55 Apply to goods that are non-taxable by virtue of Sections 1 to 5.1 of Schedule VII to the Excise Tax Act.

51 Goods that are classified under heading numbers 98.01, 98.02, 98.03, 98.04, 98.05, 98.06, 98.07, 98.10, 98.11, 98.12, 98.15, 98.16,in  the Customs Tariff, to the extent that the goods are not subject to duty under that Act, but not including goods that are classified under tariff item 9804.30.00 of that Chapter.

52 Medals, trophies, and other prizes, not including usual merchantable goods that are won outside Canada in competitions, that are bestowed, received, or accepted outside Canada or that are donated by persons outside Canada, for heroic deeds, valour, or distinction (Section 2 of Schedule VII).

53 Printed matter that is to be made available to the general public, without charge, for the promotion of tourism, where imported by or on the order of a foreign government, or an agency or representative thereof; or where imported by a board of trade, chamber of commerce, municipal or automobile association, or similar organization to which it was supplied for no consideration, other than shipping and handling charges (Section 3 of Schedule VII).

54 Goods that are imported by a charity or a public institution in Canada and that have been donated to the charity or institution (Section 4 of Schedule VII).

55 Goods that are imported by a particular person where:

Codes 56 to 65 Apply to goods that are non-taxable by virtue of Section 6 and 7 of Schedule VII.

56 Prescription drugs and biologicals described in Part I of Schedule VI.

57 Medical and assistive devices as enumerated in Part II of Schedule VI.

59 Food or beverages for human consumption (including sweetening agents, seasonings, and other ingredients to be mixed with or used in the preparation of such food or beverages) as provided in Section 1 of Part III of Schedule VI but excluding: wine, spirits, beer, malt liquor, or other alcoholic beverages; carbonated beverages; non-carbonated fruit juice beverages or fruit-flavoured beverages containing less than 25% by volume of a natural fruit juice or combination of natural fruit juices; candies; confectionery; snack foods, and snack mixtures, salted nuts and salted seeds; granola products; ice lollies, fruit bars, rolls, or drops; ice cream, ice milk, sherbet, frozen yogurt or frozen pudding all in single servings; sweetened baked goods in quantities of less than six single servings; pudding or beverages (other than unflavoured milk) in individual single servings other than when prepared and packaged specially for consumption by babies; prepared salads; sandwiches and similar products; platters of cheese, cold cuts, fruit or vegetables, and other arrangements of prepared food; unbottled water.

60 Goods related to agriculture and fishing as enumerated in Part IV of Schedule VI but not including property that is provided by Agriculture and Fishing Property (GST/HST) Regulations pursuant to Section 10 of that Part.

61 Goods related to agriculture and fishing which are provided for by the Agriculture and Fishing Property (GST/HST) Regulations pursuant to Section 10 of Part IV of Schedule VI but not including fishing boats purchased for use in the commercial fisheries.

62 Fishing boats purchased for use in the commercial fisheries, are provided for by the Agriculture and Fishing Property (GST/HST) Regulations pursuant to Section 10 of Part IV of Schedule VI.

63 Goods for the use of the Governor General as provided by Section 1 of Part VIII of Schedule VI.

64 Goods for use in the construction of a bridge or tunnel that crosses the boundary between Canada and the United States when imported by an international bridge or tunnel authority as provided for by Section 2 of Part VIII of Schedule VI.

65 Goods other than prescribed goods in the Mail and Courier Imports (GST/HST) Regulations that are sent to the recipient of the goods at an address in Canada by mail or courier and the value of which is not more than $20 as provided for by Section 7 of Schedule VII.

Code 66 Applies to goods that ate prescribed under the Non-taxable Imported Goods (GST) Regulations made pursuant to Section 8 of Schedule VII.

66 Prescribed goods imported in prescribed circumstances and under prescribed terms and conditions as provided for by section 8 of Schedule VII. The only goods that are prescribed are those in the Non-Taxable Imported Goods (GST) Regulations. To qualify for non-taxable status on importation, the goods must meet the terms, conditions, and circumstances that are specified in the Non-Taxable Imported Goods (GST) Regulations. Additionally, certain goods must also satisfy the requirements of the Temporary Importation (Tariff Item No. 9993.00.00) Regulations.

Codes 67 to 85 Apply to goods that are non-taxable by virtue of an Act to Parliament other than the Excise Tax Act.

67 Goods for the personal use of foreign representatives and their dependents, members of the administrative and technical staff of diplomatic missions and their dependents, consular employees and their dependents, and senior officials of international organizations and their dependents.

68 Goods for the official use of diplomatic missions, consular posts, and international organizations.

69 Furniture, personal effects, and a motor vehicle for the personal use of members of the Visiting Forces and their dependent spouses and children, on their first arrival in Canada.

70 Goods for the exclusive use of the Visiting Forces.

71 Goods imported by the government of the province of Alberta.

72 Goods imported by the government of the province of British Columbia.

73 Goods imported by the government of the province of Manitoba.

74 Goods imported by the government of the province of Newfoundland and Labrador.

75 Goods imported by the government of the province of New Brunswick.

76 Goods imported by the government of the province of Nova Scotia.

77 Goods imported by the government of the province of Ontario.

78 Goods imported by the government of the province of Prince Edward Island.

79 Goods imported by the government of the province of Quebec.

80 Goods imported by the government of the province of Saskatchewan.

81 Goods imported by the government of the Northwest Territories.

82 Goods imported by the government of the Yukon Territory.

83 Goods which were previously imported temporarily and were subject to full GST at that time, and which are being reimported by the same importer.

84 Containers that, because of regulations made under paragraph 129(a) of the Customs Tariff, may be imported free of customs duties.

85 Goods imported by the government of Nunavut.

List 5 - U.S. Foreign Trade Zone Codes




















































List 6 - U.S. Port of Exit Codes

Port Code
Aberdeen - Hoquiam, WA 3003
Addison Airport, Dallas, TX 5584
Aguadilla, PR 4901
Air Cargo Handling Services Inc. 2773
Air Cargo Handling Services, San Francisco, CA 2871
Air France (Mach Plus), JFK Int'l Airport, NY 4774
Airborne Express @ SEATAC, WA 3074
Akron, OH 4112
Alameda, CA 2813
Albany, NY 1002
Albuquerque, NM 2407
Alcan, AK 3104
Alexandria, VA 5402
Alexandria Bay, NY 708
Algonac, MI 3814
Alitalia (AliExpress) 4777
Allentown (Lehigh Valley International airport), PA 1119
Allentown-Bethlehem, PA 1181
Alpena, MI 3843
Amarillo, TX 5502
Ambrose, ND 3410
Anacortes, WA 3010
Anchorage, AK 3126
Andrade, CA 2502
Annapolis, MD 1301
Antler, ND 3413
Arapahoe County Public Airport, NJ 3384
Arkansas Aeroplex, Blythville, AR 2083
Ashland, WI 3511
Ashtabula/ Conneaut, OH 4122
Astoria, OR 2901
Atlanta, GA 1704
Atlantic City User Fee Airport, NJ 1182
Austin, TX 5506
Avion Brokers @ SEATAC, WA 3072
Avondale, LA 2012
Baltimore, MD 1303
Bangor, ME 102
Bar Harbor, ME 112
Bath, ME 111
Baton Rouge, LA 2004
Battle Creek, MI 3805
Baudette, MN 3424
Beaumont, TX 2104
Beaufort-Morehead City, NC 1511
Beecher Falls, VT 206
Belfast, ME 132
Bellingham, WA 3005
Binghamton Regional Airport, NY 981
Birmingham, AL 1904
Blaine, WA 3004
Bluegrass Airport, Lexington, KY 4184
Boca Grande, FL 1807
Boise, ID 2907
Boston, MA 401
Boundary, WA 3015
Bridgeport, CT 410
Bridgewater, ME 127
Brownsville - Cameron, TX 2301
Brunswick, GA 1701
Buffalo - Niagara Falls, NY 901
Burlington Air Express, OH 4192
Burlington, VT 207
Butte, MT 3305
BWI Airport  1305
Calais, ME 115
Calexico - East, CA 2507
Cambridge, MD 1302
Camden, NJ 1107
Cape Vincent, NY 706
Capital Region International Airport, Lansing, MI 3883
Capitan, CA 2715
Carbury, ND 3421
Carquinez Strait, CA 2830
Champlain - Rouses Point, NY 712
Charleston, SC 1601
Charlestown, WV 1409
Charlotte Amalie, VI 5101
Charlotte, NC 1512
Chattanooga, TN 2008
Chester, PA 1102
Chicago, IL 3901
Christiansted, VI 5104
Cincinnati - Lawrenceburg, OH 4102
Clayton NY 714
Cleveland, OH 4101
Columbia, SC 1604
Columbia Snake River, OR 2904
Columbus, NM 2406
Columbus, OH 4103
Coos Bay, OR 2903
Coral Bay, VI 5103
Corpus Christi, TX 5312
Crisfield, MD 1304
Crockett, CA 2815
Cruz Bay, VI 5102
Calexico CA 2503
Dallas - Fort Worth, TX 5501
Dallas Love Field User Fee Airport, Dallas, TX 5588
Dalton Cache, AK 3106
Danville, WASH. 3012
Davenport, IA 3908
Dayton, OH 4104
Daytona Beach Airport, FL 1884
Decatur User Fee Airport, Decatur, IL 3985
Del Bonita, MT 3322
Del Rio, TX 2302
Denver, CO 3307
Derby Line, VT 209
Des Moines, IA 3513
Destrehan, LA 2009
Detour City, MI 3819
Detroit, MI 3801
Detroit Metropolitan Airport, MI 3807
DHL Airways, NY 4772
DHL Worldwide Express, WA 3073
DHL Worldwide Express, San Francisco, CA 2870
DHL, Cincinnati, OH 4197
DHL-HUB Riverside, CA 2792
DHL, Los Angeles, CA 2770
DHL, Miami, FL 5296
Douglas, AZ 2601
Duluth, MN 3510
Dunseith, ND 3422
Dupage Airport, IL 3984
Durham, NC 1503
Dworkin/Cosell Courier, JFK Int'l Airport, NY 4775
Eagle County Regional Airport 3385
Eagle Pass, TX 2303
East Chicago, IN 3904
Eastport, ID 3302
Eastport, ME 103
Edinburg User Fee Airport, TX 2381
El Paso, TX 2402
Emery World Courier, Dayton, OH 4195
MICOM 4773
Erie, PA 4106
Escanaba, MI 3808
Eureka, CA 2802
Everett, WA 3006
Fabens, TX 2404
Fairbanks, AK 3111
Fairport, OH 4111
Fajardo, PR 4904
Fall River, MA 407
Fargo, ND 3411
Federal Express, Anchorage, AK 3195
Federal Express, Memphis, TN 2095
Federal Express , Oakland, CA 2895
Fedex ECCF, NJ 4671
Federal Express Indianapolis, IN 4198
Federal Express Corp. 4770
Federal Express Courier HUB Miami, FL 5297
Fernandina, FL 1805
Ferry, WA 3013
Ferrysburg, MI 3844
Fort Fairfield, ME 107
Fort Kent, ME 110
Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood Int'l Airport, FL 5210
Fort Meyers, FL 1822
Fort Pierce, FL 5205
Fort Wayne Airport, IN 4183
Fort Worth Alliance, TX 5583
Fortuna, ND 3417
Frederiksted, VI 5105
Freeport, TX 5311
Fresno, CA 2803
Friday Harbour, WA 3014
Front Royal, VA 1410
Frontier, WA 3020
Galveston, TX 5310
Gary, IN 3905
Gateway Freight Services Inc., CA 2772
Georgetown, SC 1602
Gloucester City, NJ 1113
Gloucester, MA 404
Good Hope, LA 2014
Gramercy, LA 2010
Grand Forks, ND 3427
Grand Haven, MI 3816
Grand Portage, MN 3613
Grand Rapids, MI 3806
Grant County Airport, WA 3082
Great Falls, MT 3304
Greater Rockford Airport, Rockford, IL 3909
Green Bay, WI 3703
Greenville, MS 2011
Greenville-Spartanburg, SC 1603
Guanica, PR 4905
Guayanilla, PR 4912
Gulfport, MS 1902
Hannah, ND 3408
Hansboro, ND 3415
Harrisburg, PA 1109
Hartford, CT 411
Highgate Springs-Alburg, VT 212
Hildago, TX 2305
Hilo, HI 3202
Honolulu Int'l. Airport, HI 3205
Honolulu Airport 3295
Honolulu, HI 3201
Hopewell, VA 1408
Houlton, ME 106
Houston Intercontl, TX 5309
Houston, TX 5301
Hulman Regional Airport, IN 3984
Humacao, PR 4906
Huntsville, AL 1910
Huron, OH 4117
IBC Courier HUB, FL 5298
IBC Pacific, Burlingame, CA 2873
IBC Pacific, CA 2776
Indianapolis IN 4110
International Falls-Ranier, MN 3604
International Courier Assoc, LA 5270
JFK International Airport, NY 4701
Jackman, ME 104
Jacksonville, FL 1803
Jobos, PR 4911
Jonesport, ME 122
Juneau, AK 3101
Kahului, HI 3203
Kalama, WA 2909
Kalispell Airport, MT 3324
Kansas City, MO 4501
Kenmore Air Harbor, WA 3018
Ketchikan, AK 3102
Key West, FL 5202
Knoxville, TN 2016
Kona, HI 3206
L.G. Hanscom Field, MA 481
Lake Charles, LA 2017
Lancaster, MN 3430
Laredo, TX 2304
Las Vegas, NV 2722
Laurier, WA 3016
Lawrence, MA 416
Lebanon Airport, NH 181
Leesburg Regional Airport, FL 1887
Limestone, ME 118
Little Rock, N. Little Rock, AR 2003
Logan Airport, Boston, MA 417
Long Beach, CA 2709
Longview, WA 2905
Lorain, OH 4121
Los Angeles, CA 2791
Los Angeles, CA 2704
Los Angeles Int'l Airport, CA 2720
Louisville, KY. 4115
Lubbock, TX 5503
Lukeville, AZ 2602
Lynden, WA 3023
Mackinac Island, MI 3820
Madawaska, ME 109
Maida, ND 3416
Manchester User Fee Airport, Manchester, NH 182
Manitowoc, WI 3706
Marinette, WI 3702
Marquette, MI 3809
Martinez, CA 2820
Massena, NY 704
Mayagues, PR 4907
Meadows Field Airport, CA 2786
Medford-Jackson County Airport, Medford, OR 2982
Melbourne Regional Airport, FL 1885
Mellville, RI 503
Memphis, TN 2006
Metaline Falls, WA 3025
Miami Int'l Airport, Cargo Facilities Service Inc., FL 5272
Miami Int'l Airport, FL 5206
Miami, FL 5201
Midamerican Airport, IL 4581
Midland International Airport, Midland, TX 5582
Milwaukee, WI 3701
Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN 3501
Minot Airport, ND 3434
Mobile, AL 1901
Monterey, CA 2805
Morgan City, LA 2001
Morgan, MT 3319
Morristown Airport, Newark, NJ 4681
Morro, CA 2719
Muskegon, MI 3815
Myrtle Beach Int'l Airport, Myrtle Beach, SC 1681
Naco, AZ 2603
Naples Municipal User Fee Airport, FL 1880
Nashville, TN 2007
Natrona County Int'l Airport 3382
Nawiliwili, Port Allen, HI 3204
Neah Bay, WA 3027
Nech, ND 3404
New Bedford, MA 405
New Haven, CT 412
New London, CT 413
New Orleans, LA 2002
New River Valley Airport, Dublin, VA 1412
New York, NY 1001
Newark, NJ 4601
Newport News, VA 1402
Newport, OR 2902
Newport, RI 501
Nighthawk, WA 3011
Nogales, AZ 2604
Noonan, ND 3420
Norfolk, VA 1401
Northgate, ND 3406
Norton, VT 211
Noyes, MN 3402
NYACC, Jamaica, NY 4771
Oakland, CA 2811
Oakland Pontiac Airport, Detroit, MI 3881
Ocala Regional Airport, FL 1886
Ogdensburg, NY 701
Oklahoma City, OK 5504
Olympia, WA 3026
Omaha, NE 3512
Ontario Int'l Airport, CA 2721
Opheim, MT 3317
Orange, TX 2103
Orlando, FL 1808
Orlando Executive Airport, FL 1888
Orlando-Sanford Airport, FL 1809
Oroville, WA 3019
Oswego, NY 904
Otay Mesa Station, CA 2506
Owensboro-Evansville, KY 4116
Pal-Waukee Municipal Airport, IL 3983
Palm Springs Regional Airport, CA 2781
Panama City, FL 1818
Pascagoula, MS 1903
Paulsboro, NJ 1105
Pembina, ND 3401
Pensacola, FL 1819
Peoria, IL 3902
Perth Amboy, NJ 4602
Petersburg, AK 3112
Philadelphia Int'l Airport, PA 1108
Philadelphia, PA 1101
Phoenix, AZ 2605
Piegan, MT 3316
Pinecreek, MN 3425
Pittsburgh, PA 1104
Plymouth, MA 406
Point Roberts, WA 3017
Ponce, PR 4908
Port Angeles, WA 3007
Port Arthur, TX 2101
Port Canaveral, FL 1816
Port Hueneme, CA 2713
Port Huron, MI 3802
Port Lavaca, TX 5313
Port Manatee, FL 1821
Port Sulphur, LA 2005
Port Townsend, WA 3008
Portal, ND 3403
Porthill, ID 3308
Portland Int'l Airport, OR 2910
Portland, ME 101
Portsmouth, NH 131
Presidio, TX 2403
Presque Isle, MI 3842
Progresso, TX 2309
Providence, RI 502
Provincetown, MA 409
Port Everglades, FL 5203
Racine, WI 3708
Raymond, MT 3301
Redwood City, CA 2821
Reidsville, NC 1506
Reno, NV 2833
Richford, VT 203
Richmond, CA 2812
Richmond-Petersburgh, VA 1404
Rio Grande City, TX  2307
Rochester User Fee Airport, MN 3581
Rochester, NY 903
Rockland, ME 121
Rogers City, MI 3818
Roma, TX  2310
Roosville, MT 3318
Roseau, MN 3426
Sabine, TX 2102
Sacramento Int'l Airport, CA 2835
Saginaw/Bay City, Flint, MI 3804
Salem, MA 408
Salt Lake City, UT 3303
San Antonio, TX 5507
San Bernadino Int'l Airport, Los Angeles, CA 2782
San Diego, CA 2501
San Francisco, CA 2809
San Francisco Int'l Airport, CA 2801
San Joaquin River, CA 2828
San Jose Int'l Airport, San Fransisco, CA 2834
San Juan Int'l Airport, PR 4913
San Juan, PR 4909
San Luis, AZ 2608
San Pablo Bay, CA 2829
San Ysidro, CA 2504
Sand Point, AK 3125
Santa Teresa Airport, NM 2481
Santa Teresa, NM 2408
Sarasota-Bradenton Airport, FL 1883
Sarles, ND 3409
Sasabe, AZ 2606
Sault Ste. Marie, MI 3803
Savannah, GA 1703
Scobey, MT 3309
Searsport, ME 152
Seattle, WA 3001
Seattle-Tacoma Int'l Airport, WA 3029
Segundo, CA 2711
Selby, CA 2827
Sheboygan, WI 3707
Sherwood, ND 3414
Shreveport-Bossier City, LA 2018
Sioux Falls, SD 3502
Sitka, AK 3115
Skagway, AK 3103
Sodus Point, NY 905
Spirit of St. Louis Airport, MO  4506
Spokane, WA  3022
Springfield, MA 402
Springfield, MO 4505
St. Albans, VT 201
St. John, ND 3405
St. Joseph, MO 4502
St. Louis, MO 4503
St. Petersburg, FL 1814
St. Rose, LA 2013
Stockton, CA 2810
Sugar Land Regional Airport, TX 5381
Suisan Bay, CA 2831
Sumas, WA 3009
Sweetgrass, MT 3310
Swift Sure Courier Services Limited, NY 972
Swissair (Skyracer), JFK Int'l Airport, NY 4776
Syracuse, NY 906
Tacoma, WA 3002
Tampa, FL 1801
Tecate, CA 2505
Texas City, TX 5306
TNT Express Consignment, TX 3971
TNT Express Worldwide, LAX, CA 2775
TNT Skypak, Buffalo, NY 971
TNT Skypak, JFK Int'l Airport, NY 4778
TNT Skypak, San Francisco, CA 2872
Toledo, OH 4105
Trenton/ Mercer County User Fee Airport, NJ 1183
Tri-City User Fee Airport, Bountville,TN 2027
Trout River, NY 715
Tucson, AZ 2609
Tulsa, OK 5505
Turner, MT 3306
UPS 4670
UPS Courier Hub, Miami, FL 5295
UPS Courier Hub, Philadelphia, PA 1195
UPS Courier Hub, Seattle, WA 3095
UPS, Miami Int'l Airport, FL 5273
UPS, Anchorage, AK 3196
UPS, Honolulu, HI 3295
UPS, Louisville, KY 4196
UPS, Newark, NJ 1069
UPS, Ontario, CA 2795
UPS, Seattle, WA 3071
Utica, NY 907
Valdez, AK 3107
Valley International Airport, TX 2383
Van Buren, ME 108
Vanceboro, ME 105
Vancouver, WA 2908
Ventura, CA 2712
Vicksburg, MS (including Jackson Municipal
Airport) 2015
Virgin Atlantic Cargo, CA 2774
Walhalla, ND 3407
Warroad, MN 3423
Washington, DC 5401
Waukegan Airport, Waukegan, IL 3981
West Palm Beach, FL 5204
Westhope, ND 3419
Whitetail, MT 3312
Whitlash, MT 3321
Wichita, KS 4504
Wildhorse, MT 3323
Williston Airport, ND 3433
Willow Creek, MT 3325
Willow Run Airport, MI 3882
Wilmington, DE 1103
Wilmington, NC 1501
Winston-Salem, NC 1502
Wilkes-Barre/ Scranton, PA 1106
Worchester, MA 403
Wrangell, 3105
Yakima Air Terminal, Yakima, WA 3081

List 7 - Excise Tax Exemption Codes

Customs Heading Numbers

85 Goods listed in tariff item No. 9804.30.00 in the Customs Tariff.

86 Goods enumerated in Customs Tariff items listed in Section 1 of Part VII of Schedule III to the Excise Tax Act.

Educational, Technical, Cultural, Religious, and Litterary

87 Goods, other than spirits and wines, manufactured or produced more than one hundred years prior to the date of their importation or sale, according to section 13 of Part III of Schedule III to the Excise Tax Act.

Taxable Goods Under Licence

88 Raw materials and partly manufactured goods imported by a licensed manufacturer for further manufacture by him or on his behalf. New motor vehicles designed for highway use, including parts and equipment for installation thereon - "E" licence.

89 Goods imported by a licensed wholesaler or a duty-free sales outlet for resale - "W" licence.

Taxable Goods Exempt Conditionally Upon End-use

90 All other conditionally exempt goods; articles and materials for use exclusively in the manufacture of conditionally tax exempt goods.

91 Ships' stores imported by owners, or their authorized agents, of the classes of ships or marine vessels and aircraft listed in Customs Memorandum D4-2-1, Ships' Stores Regulations.

92 Goods for placement as exhibits and not for sale in public museums, libraries, universities, colleges, or schools as outlined in Section 12 of Part III of Schedule III to the Excise Tax Act.

93 Diesel fuel for use in the generation of electricity, except where the electricity so generated is used primarily in the operation of a vehicle, as outlined in paragraph 23(8)(c) of the Excise Tax Act.

94 Other imported goods covered by an Order in Council authorizing the remission of the excise tax paid or payable thereon.

95 Imported goods qualifying under other exemptions provided for or changed by impending law, excise policy or regulation, predicated on a budget announcement; prior approval must be obtained from the CRA before this code may be used.

Taxable Goods Qualifying for Excise Tax Exemption When Imported by Certain Institutions and Others, for Their Own Use and Not for Resale, as Specified in the Excise Tax Act

96 Goods imported by provincial governments other than those for which there is in force, at the time of their importation, a reciprocal taxation agreement.

Note: Only the provincial governments of Alberta and New Brunswick are allowed excise tax exemption. The other provincial governments have negotiated reciprocal taxation agreements.

97 Goods imported by diplomats (accredited representative as per Article 34 of the Convention set out in Schedule I to the Foreign Missions and International Organizations Act or Article 49 of the Convention set out in Schedule II to that Act).

99 Goods imported by municipalities which are exempted by paragraph 8(a) of Schedule I to the Excise Tax Act (air conditioners for permanent installation or permanently installed in an ambulance or hearse). In addition, goods exempted by paragraphs 10(a) and (b) of Schedule I to the Excise Tax Act (automobiles, station wagons and vans sold under conditions that qualify the sale as a zero-rated supply for the purpose of Part IX of the Act or imported for police or fire-fighting services).


Bar Code Specifications Applicable to all Customs Bar Code Labels

1. Bar Code Symbologies

Either of the following bar code symbologies may be selected:

Note: For cargo control numbers longer than 18 characters, it may not be possible to use code 3 of 9. The maximum length of 4.5 in. (11.43 cm) will be strictly enforced.

2.Width of Narrow Bar

The minimum width of a narrow bar must be 0.009 in. (0.023 cm).

The maximum width of a narrow bar is dependent on the bar code symbology selected as follows:

3. Width of Wide Bar

For code 3 of 9, the wide bar must be no less than two and no more than three times that of a narrow bar, according to the narrow bar specifications in paragraph 2 of this appendix.

For code 128, there are four different bar widths. These must be one to four times that of a narrow bar, where the maximum width of the narrow bar is as specified in paragraph 2 of this appendix.

4. Length of Quiet Zones

Both the leading and the trailing quiet zones must be a minimum of either 10 times the narrow bar width or 0.125 in. (0.3 cm), whichever is greater. Longer quiet zones will increase the readability of the code.

5. Bar Code Symbol Height

The bar code symbol must be between 0.375 in. (0.95 cm) and 0.625 in. (1.60 cm) in height.

6. Bar Code Symbol Length

The bar code symbol, including the leading and trailing quiet (blank) zones, as well as the human readability component, must totally reside within the delimited area as defined in paragraph 15 of this appendix.

7. Human Readable Format

8. Print Contrast Ratio

The print contrast ratio is the ratio of the difference of reflectivity between the bars and spaces, as follows:

Where reflectance is defined as a percentage figure, the print contrast ratio must be a minimum of 55% with an optimum value of 75%.

9. Readability

The average first read rate for bar code symbols produced must be 95% (i.e., only 5 in 100 will require more than one scan). All bar codes produced through carbons must meet the same read rate as the original.

10. Lifetime

The bar code symbol must be readable for a minimum of 8 months with a 95% first read rate.

11. Print Type

The bar code symbol may be printed with either carbon or non-carbon ink.

12. Label Size

If labels are used, the maximum length and width of the label is as defined in the delimited area of paragraph 15 of this appendix. There should be no wording above the bar code itself and there should be 0.125 in. (0.3 cm) between the top of the bar code and the edge of the label. The label must be a self-adhesive, permanent label and must be smudge-proof.

Bar Code Specifications Specific to Account Security Holder Transaction Numbers

13. Code for Transaction Numbers

The bar code symbol represents a 14-digit (transaction) code, where the first five digits are the account security number, the next eight digits are the importer/broker assigned number, and the last digit is the check digit.

The Modulo 10 checksum digit formula, as specified by CBSA (see Appendix F), must be used to calculate all check digits. The assigned number must not be repeated for a period of seven years plus three currents months.

14. Human Readable Format

Below each bar code symbol, the encoded data must be printed in a human readable format. The human readable number must be 14 digits long not including the dash or space which is found after the first 5 digits (account security number), i.e., 12345 000067897 or 12345-000067897. The bar code symbol should read only the 14 digits found in the human readable number and should not read the dash or space. The human readable transaction number must begin on the left side of the bar code directly below the point where the bar code starts. If a broker or importer's name is to be printed on the bar code label, it should be printed on the same line but must be separated by a blank character space, a slash, and another blank character space (e.g., 12345-123456781/ABC customs brokers). If the broker's or importer's name is too long to fit on one line with the human readable number, it should be printed below and start at the left of the human readable number but should not start any further left than where the broker's or importer's name started on the line above (e.g., 12345-123456781/Associated National - Customs Brokers of Canada).

Only names and not numbers are acceptable after the 14-digit transaction number.

The human readable print must be at least 0.0984 in. (0.25 cm) and the spacing between the bar code and the human readable format and any subsequent lines must be at least 0.03 in. (0.08 cm).

The CADEX indicator should not be printed on the bar code label. It should be printed on the release information card or on the release documentation itself as close to the bar-coded label as possible.

15. Delimited Area

The bar-coded label must fit into a space that is 4 in. (10.2 cm) long by 1 in. (2.54 cm) high. The symbol itself can be no longer than 3.75 in. (9.5 cm) and no higher than 0.625 in. (1.60 cm).

16. Private Printing

Bar codes must be printed privately and approval for quality control must be obtained in advance from customs. Requests for approval must be accompanied by sample bar-coded/human readable transaction numbers and should be submitted to:

CCS Systems Maintenance
Systems Operations Division
Canada Border Services Agency
250 Tremblay Road, 6th floor
West Tower
Ottawa ON  K1A 0L8


This appendix details the completion instructions for type F consolidated documents for goods released under the Courier Low Value Shipment Program.

For further details regarding this program, refer to Memorandum D17-4-0, Courier Low Value Shipment Program..

The following are three types of acceptable formats.

(a)  Total Consolidation

This accounting is a monthly summary of total duties and taxes.

Field No. 1 - Importer Name and Address - Indicate "Various" for the importer's name and the broker or agent's business number and import/export (RM) account in the space provided in the field "No."

Field No. 2 - Transaction Number - Self-explanatory, as per Appendix B.

Field No. 3 - Type - Indicate "F."

Field No. 4 - Office Number - Self-explanatory, as per Appendix B.

Field No. 5 - GST Registration Number - Leave blank.

Field No. 6 - Payment Code - Leave blank.

Field No. 7 - Mode of Transport - Indicate "2."

Field No. 8 - Port of Unlading - Leave blank.

Field No. 9 - Total Value for Duty - Indicate amount in Canadian dollars, rounded to the nearest dollar.

Field No. 10 - Sub-header Number - Indicate "1."

Field No. 11 - Vendor Name and Number - Indicate "Various" and "UNY 12345" on a second line in the Name field and leave the Number field blank.

Field No. 12 - Country of Origin - Indicate "UNY" for goods entitled to tariff treatments "2" (Most-Favoured-Nation Tariff); "10" (United States Tariff); "12" (Mexico-United States Tariff); and "13" (Canada-Israel Agreement Tariff). For all other tariff treatments, indicate the country of origin. Show the three-digit alphabetic state code if the country of origin is the United States. Show the two-digit alphabetic code for other countries. Please refer to Appendix H, List 2, for the appropriate codes.

Field No. 13 - Place of Export - Indicate "UNY" for goods entitled to tariff treatments "2" (Most-Favoured-nation Tariff); "10" (United States Tariff); "12" (Mexico-United States Tariff); and "13" (Canada-Israel Agreement Tariff). For all other countries, indicate the country of export. Show the three-digit alphabetic state code if the country of export is the United States. Show the two-digit alphabetic code if the country of export is other than the United States. Please refer to Appendix H, List 2, for the appropriate codes.

Field No. 14 - Tariff Treatment - Indicate the tariff treatment code for the goods (duties and taxes must be calculated off entry using the appropriate tariff treatment). For a list of tariff treatment codes, see Appendix B, Field No. 14 - Tariff Treatment. Each new tariff treatment must be shown on a new sub-header.

Field No. 15 - U.S. Port of Exit - Indicate "1001."

Field No. 16 - Direct Shipment Date - Leave blank.

Field No. 17 - Currency Code - Indicate "CAD" (currency conversions are made off entry).

Field No. 18 - Time Limit - Leave blank.

Field No. 19 - Freight - Indicate "1."

Field No. 20 - Release Date - Indicate the first day of the current month.

Field No. 21 - Line - Self-explanatory, as per Appendix B.

Field No. 22 - Description - Indicate "LVS."

Field No. 23 - Weight in Kilograms - Indicate "1."

Field No. 24 - Previous Transaction Number - Leave blank.

Field No. 25 - Previous Transaction Line - Leave blank.

Field No. 26 - Special Authority - Leave blank.

Field No. 27 - Classification Number - Use the dummy classification number "0000999900."

Field No. 28 - Tariff Code - Leave blank.

Field No. 29 - Quantity - Show the number of consolidated shipments on this line.

Field No. 30 - Unit of Measure - Leave blank.

Field No. 31 - Value for Duty Code - Indicate "13."

Field No. 32 - SIMA Code - Indicate "51" if the SIMA is applicable; otherwise, leave blank.

Field No. 33 - Rate of Customs Duty - Indicate "1.0" (duties and taxes must be calculated off entry using the appropriate duty rate).

Field No. 34 - Excise Tax Rate - Indicate "44.0" (excise tax must be calculated off entry using the appropriate rates).

Field No. 35 - Rate of GST - Indicate "39.0" (GST must be calculated off entry using the appropriate rate).

Field No. 36 - Value for Currency Conversion - Use "CAD" (currency conversions are made off entry).

Field No. 37 - Value for Duty - Use "CAD."

Field No. 38 - Customs Duties - Indicate the customs duty amount.

Field No. 39 - SIMA Assessment - Show the total SIMA assessment payable, if applicable.

Field No. 40 - Excise Tax - Enter the total excise tax payable.

Field No. 41 - Value for Tax - Use "CAD."

Field No. 42 - GST - Enter the total GST payable.

Field No. 43 - Deposit - Leave blank.

Field No. 44 - Warehouse Number - Leave blank.

Field No. 45 - Cargo Control Number - Leave blank.

Field No. 46 - Carrier Code at Importation - Leave blank.

Field No. 47 - Customs Duties - Enter the total customs duties payable.

Field No. 48 - SIMA Assessment - Enter the total SIMA assessment payable.

Field No. 49 - Excise Tax - Enter the total excise tax payable.

Field No. 50 - GST - Enter the total GST payable.

Field No. 51 - Total - Enter the total payable.

(b)  Consolidation by Importer

Consolidation by importer is an alternative to the total consolidation method. It is a monthly accounting summarizing duties and taxes.

Field No. 1 - Importer Name and Address - Use actual business number or broker's/agent's business number and import/export (RM) account in the space provided in the field "No."

Field No. 2 - Transaction Number - Self-explanatory, as per Appendix B.

Field No. 3 - Type - Indicate "F."

Field No. 4 - Office Number - Self-explanatory, as per Appendix B.

Field No. 5 - GST Registration Number - Leave blank.

Field No. 6 - Payment Code - Leave blank.

Field No. 7 - Mode of Transport - Indicate "2."

Field No. 8 - Port of Unlading - Leave blank.

Field No. 9 - Total Value for Duty - Use "CAD" rounded to the nearest dollar.

Field No. 10 - Sub-header number - Indicate "1."

Field No. 11 - Vendor Name and Number - Indicate "Various" and "UNY 12345" on a second line in the Name field and leave the Number field blank.

Field No. 12 - Country of Origin - Indicate "UNY" for goods entitled to tariff treatments "2" (Most-Favoured-Nation Tariff); "10" (United States Tariff); "12" (Mexico-United States Tariff); and "13" (Canada-Israel Agreement Tariff). For all other tariff treatments, indicate the country of origin. Show the three-digit alphabetic state code if the country of origin is the United States. Show the two-digit alphabetic code for other countries. Please refer to Appendix H, List 2, for the appropriate codes.

Field No. 13 - Place of Export - Indicate "UNY" for goods entitled to tariff treatments "2" (Most-Favoured-Nation Tariff);"10" (United States Tariff); "12" (Mexico-United States Tariff); and "13" (Canada-Israel Agreement Tariff). For all other countries, indicate the country of export. Show the three-digit alphabetic state code if the country of export is the United States. Show the two-digit alphabetic code if the country of export is other than the United States. Please refer to Appendix H, List 2, for the appropriate codes.

Field No. 14 - Tariff Treatment - Indicate the tariff treatment code for the goods (duties and taxes must be calculated off entry using the appropriate tariff treatment). For a list of tariff treatment codes, see Appendix B, Field No. 14 - Tariff Treatment. Each new tariff treatment must be shown on a new sub-header.

Field No. 15 - U.S. Port of Exit - Indicate "1001."

Field No. 16 - Direct Shipment Date - Leave blank.

Field No. 17 - Currency Code - Indicate "CAD" (currency conversions are made off entry).

Field No. 18 - Time Limit - Leave blank.

Field No. 19 - Freight - Indicate "1."

Field No. 20 - Release Date - Indicate the first day of the current month.

Field No. 21 - Line - Self-explanatory, as per Appendix B.

Field No. 22 - Description - Indicate "LVS."

Field No. 23 - Weight in Kilograms - Indicate "1."

Field No. 24 - Previous Transaction Number - Leave blank.

Field No. 25 - Previous Transaction Line - Leave blank.

Field No. 26 - Special Authority - Leave blank.

Field No. 27 - Classification Number - Use the dummy classification number "0000999900."

Field No. 28 - Tariff Code - Leave blank.

Field No. 29 - Quantity - Show the number of consolidated shipments on this line.

Field No. 30 - Unit of Measure - Leave blank.

Field No. 31 - Value for Duty Code - Indicate "13."

Field No. 32 - SIMA Code - Indicate "51" if the SIMA is applicable; otherwise, leave blank.

Field No. 33 - Rate of Customs Duty - Indicate "1.0" (duties and taxes must be calculated off entry using the appropriate duty rate).

Field No. 34 - Excise Tax Rate - Indicate "44.0" (excise tax must be calculated off entry using the appropriate rates).

Field No. 35 - Rate of GST - Indicate "39.0" (GST must be calculated off entry using the appropriate rate).

Field No. 36 - Value for Currency Conversion - Use "CAD" (currency conversions are made off entry).

Field No. 37 - Value for Duty - Use "CAD."

Field No. 38 - Customs Duties - Indicate the customs duty amount.

Field No. 39 - SIMA Assessment - Show the total SIMA assessment payable, if applicable.

Field No. 40 - Excise Tax - Enter the total excise tax payable.

Field No. 41 - Value for Tax - Use "CAD."

Field No. 42 - GST - Enter the total GST payable.

Field No. 43 - Deposit - Leave blank.

Field No. 44 - Warehouse Number - Leave blank.

Field No. 45 - Cargo Control Number - Leave blank.

Field No. 46 - Carrier Code at Importation - Leave blank.

Field No. 47 - Customs Duties - Enter the total customs duties payable.

Field No. 48 - SIMA Assessment - Enter the total SIMA assessment payable.

Field No. 49 - Excise Tax - Enter the total excise tax payable.

Field No. 50 - GST - Enter the total GST payable.

Field No. 51 - Total - Enter the total payable.

(c)  Special Authority Shipments

Shipments released under this program that are accounted for using a special authority number, specifically OICs and duty deferral, must be accounted for separately, either individually on a transaction-by-transaction basis or consolidated by importer. Multiple transactions using the samespecial authority for an importer can be combined into one line if the following information is equal for each transaction:

In cases where one importer uses more than one special authority, the information can be consolidated into one entry with each special authority reported on a separate line on the entry.

Accounting is not necessary for shipments released under the Courier Imports Remission Order (CIRO).

Field No. 1 - Importer Name and Address - Use importer's business numbers and import/export (RM) account number in the space provided in the field "No."

Field No. 2 - Transaction Number - Self-explanatory, as per Appendix B.

Field No. 3 - Type - Indicate "F."

Field No. 4 - Office Number - Self-explanatory, as per Appendix B.

Field No. 5 - GST Registration Number - Leave blank.

Field No. 6 - Payment Code - Leave blank.

Field No. 7 - Mode of Transport - Indicate "2."

Field No. 8 - Port of Unlading - Leave blank.

Field No. 9 - Total Value for Duty - Use "CAD" rounded to the nearest dollar.

Field No. 10 - Sub-header Number - Self-explanatory, see Appendix B.

Field No. 11 - Vendor Name and Number - Indicate "Various" and "UNY 12345" on a second line in the Name field and leave the Number field blank.

Field No. 12 - Country of Origin - Indicate "UNY" for goods entitled to tariff treatments "2" (Most-Favoured-Nation Tariff); "10" (United States Tariff); "12" (Mexico-United States Tariff); and "13" (Canada-Israel Agreement Tariff). For all other tariff treatments, indicate the country of origin. Show the three-digit alphabetic state code if the country of origin is the United States. Show the two-digit alphabetic code for other countries. Please refer to Appendix H, List 2, for the appropriate codes.

Field No. 13 - Place of Export - Indicate "UNY." for goods entitled to tariff treatments "2" (Most-Favoured-Nation Tariff); "10" (United States Tariff); "12" (Mexico-United States Tariff); and "13" (Canada-Israel Agreement Tariff). For all other countries, indicate the country of export. Show the three-digit alphabetic state code if the country of export is the United States. Show the two-digit alphabetic code if the country of export is other than the United States. Please refer to Appendix H, List 2, for the appropriate codes.

Field No. 14 - Tariff Treatment - Self-explanatory, as per Appendix B.

Field No. 15 - U.S. Port of Exit - Indicate "1001."

Field No. 16 - Direct Shipment Date - Leave blank.

Field No. 17 - Currency Code - Indicate "CAD" (currency conversions are made off entry).

Field No. 18 - Time Limit - Leave blank.

Field No. 19 - Freight - Indicate "1."

Field No. 20 - Release Date - Indicate the first day of the current month.

Field No. 21 - Line - Self-explanatory, as per Appendix B.

Field No. 22 - Description - Self-explanatory, as per Appendix B.

Field No. 23 - Weight in Kilograms - Indicate "1."

Field No. 24 - Previous Transaction Number - Leave blank.

Field No. 25 - Previous Transaction Line - Leave blank.

Field No. 26 - Special Authority - Show the Order in Council number in this field.

Field No. 27 - Classification Number - Show the correct classification number as indicated in the Customs Tariff.

Field No. 28 - Tariff Code - Leave blank.

Field No. 29 - Quantity - Show the number of consolidated shipments on this line.

Field No. 30 - Unit of Measure - Leave blank.

Field No. 31 - Value for Duty Code - Indicate "13."

Field No. 32 - SIMA Code - Indicate "51" if SIMA is applicable; otherwise, leave blank.

Field No. 33 - Rate of Customs Duty - Self-explanatory, as per Appendix B.

Field No. 34 - Excise Tax Rate - Self-explanatory, as per Appendix B.

Field No. 35 - Rate of GST - Self-explanatory, as per Appendix B.

Field No. 36 - Value for Currency Conversion - Use "CAD" (currency conversions are made off entry).

Field No. 37 - Value for Duty - Use "CAD."

Field No. 38 - Customs Duties - Indicate the customs duty amount.

Field No. 39 - SIMA Assessment - Show the total SIMA assessment payable, if applicable.

Field No. 40 - Excise Tax - Enter the total excise tax payable.

Field No. 41 - Value for Tax - Use "CAD."

Field No. 42 - GST - Enter the total GST payable.

Field No. 43 - Deposit - Leave blank.

Field No. 44 - Warehouse Number - Leave blank.

Field No. 45 - Cargo Control Number - Leave blank.

Field No. 46 - Carrier Code at Importation - Leave blank.

Field No. 47 - Customs Duties - Enter the total customs duties payable.

Field No. 48 - SIMA Assessment - Enter the total SIMA assessment payable.

Field No. 49 - Excise Tax - Enter the total excise tax payable.

Field No. 50 - GST - Enter the total GST payable.

Field No. 51 - Total - Enter the total payable.


Total Consolidation

This example shows a total consolidation of various importers' shipments under the broker's/agent's business number and import/export account and the generic classification number 0000999900.

Consolidation by Business Number

This example shows a consolidation by business number. Note that within a business number it is also possible to consolidate by special authority number (two different Orders in Council are shown here). The remainder of this importer's shipments has been consolidated under the generic classification number 0000999900.


Issuing office:
Assessment Unit
Assessment and Licensing Division
Trade Programs and CARM Directorate
Headquarters file:
7580-0, 7580-1, 7600-1, 7640-1
Legislative references:
Customs Tariff
Customs Act
Excise Tax Act
Excise Act
Financial Administration Act
Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements and Established Programs Financing Act, 1977
Other references:
D1-7-1, D3-1-1, D4-2-1, D4-3-7, D7-4-1, D8-1-1, D8-2-8, D13, D14, D15, and D16 Series, D17-1-1, D17-1-2, D17-1-3, D17-1-5, D17-1-11, D17-4-0
Superseded memorandum D:
D17-1-10, dated January 27, 2003
Date modified: