BSF831: Exporter reporting application form

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The information provided on this form is collected under the authority of the Customs Act for the purpose of administering the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) Export Program. The information may be disclosed to internal and external Government of Canada institutions for the purposes of enforcement, safety, security, statistics and intelligence. You have the right to access or make corrections to your personal information under the Privacy Act. The collection, use, disclosure and retention of your personal information is further described in Information about Programs and Information Holdings (formerly Info Source) under Personal Information Bank Export Program CBSA PPU 1103. Should you have concerns about the CBSA's handling of your personal information, you have a right to file a complaint with the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada.

Type your responses or print legibly.

1. Language Preference

2. Application Date

Part A: Exporter Information

3. Will this account be used to provide customs services for other exporters?

4. Legal Name of the Company

5. Operating Name of the Company (if different from legal name)

6. Business Number

7. Exporter Email Address

PART B: Customs Service Provider Information

8. Will a customs service provider submit export declarations on behalf of the company identified in Part A?

9. Legal Name of the Company

10. Operating Name of the Company (if different from legal name)

11. Business Number

12. Licence Number (only for G7-EDI Associations)

PART C: G7-EDI Software Information

13. Will the G7-EDI reporting method be used to report the goods?

PART D : Signatory

14. Is the customs service provider identified in Part B signing this application form on behalf of the exporter identified in Part A?

15. Authorized Signatory

16. I declare that the information and answers provided on this application are true, accurate and complete.

ANNEX: G7-EDI Software Information

17. What type of G7-EDI registration is required?

18. Name and Provider of Software Used

19. Method of Communication

20. Sender Identification

21. Mailbox ID

22. Contact Information for G7-EDI Representative

Once completed, send the form by email to:

Completion Instructions

Acronyms and Abbreviations

CERS: Canadian Export Reporting System
G7-EDI: G7 Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Export Reporting

1. Language Preference (mandatory)

The selected language will be used by the CBSA for communicating with clients about this account.

2. Application Date (mandatory)

The date the form was completed.


Exporter Information

3. Will this account be used to provide customs services for other exporters? (mandatory)

Customs services primarily include the submission of export declarations by a customs service provider on behalf of an exporter. However, they also include becoming an EDI service provider to allow exporters or customs service providers to submit declarations using a G7-EDI connection.

4. Legal Name of the Company (mandatory)

The legal name of the exporter as registered with the Canada Revenue Agency.

Note: The CBSA uses the address you have provided to the Canada Revenue Agency. It is your obligation to make sure that this information is always up to date.

5. Operating Name of the Company (mandatory if different from legal name)

The name used by the company in the course of its day-to-day operations.

6. Business Number (mandatory)

A unique nine (9)-digit number for businesses designated by the Canada Revenue Agency.

The RM is a six (6)-character alphanumeric program identifier (e.g. RM0001) that notes the business is enrolled in a CBSA program (e.g. Exporter, Importer, Carrier).

For information on obtaining a business number and/or RM program identifier, please consult the CBSA Web site.

7. Exporter's Email Address (mandatory)

The email address of the exporter is required even if you are a customs service provider acting on behalf of the exporter.


Customs Service Provider Information

8. Will a customs service provider submit export declarations on behalf of the company identified in Part A? (mandatory)

Answering “yes” will create an association between the customs service provider identified in Part B with the exporter identified in Part A, allowing the customs service provider to submit export declarations on behalf of the exporter. This association will persist until either the customs service provider or exporter asks the CBSA to remove the association.

9. Legal Name of the Company (mandatory if “Yes” was selected for number 8)

Legal name for the customs service provider as registered with the Canada Revenue Agency.

Note: The CBSA uses the address you have provided to the Canada Revenue Agency. It is your obligation to make sure that this information is always up to date.

10. Operating Name of the Company (mandatory if different from legal name and if “Yes” was selected for number 8)

The name used by the company in the course of its day-to-day operations.

11. Business Number (mandatory if “Yes” was selected for number 8)

A unique nine (9)-digit number for businesses designated by the Canada Revenue Agency.

The RM is a six (6)-character alphanumeric program identifier (e.g. RM0001) that notes the business is enrolled in a CBSA program (e.g. Exporter, Importer, Carrier).

For information on obtaining a business number and/or RM program identifier, please consult the CBSA Web site.

12. Licence Number (mandatory for G7-EDI Associations if “Yes” was selected for number 8)

A number provided to the customs service provider upon registration for G7-EDI.


13. Will the G7-EDI reporting method be used to report the goods? (mandatory)



14. Is the customs service provider identified in Part B signing this application form on behalf of the exporter identified in Part A? (mandatory)

If you are a customs service provider acting on behalf of an exporter, the CBSA may request that you provide a written authority from the exporter before accepting to transact business with you. The CBSA accepts any form of written authority, including email from the exporter to the customs service provider, that indicates the customs service provider has been authorized to transact business on the exporter’s behalf.

A written authority typically contains the following information:

Note: The exporter retains full liability for providing to the CBSA true, accurate and complete information as required by the Customs Act, and any related regulations, regardless of whether a customs service provider is used.

15. Authorized Signatory (mandatory)

First name, last name, title, telephone number and email address (all are mandatory) of the authorized signatory.

The authorized signatory is the person responsible for completing the form on behalf of the company. It is generally assumed that employees of the exporter and employees of the customs service provider have the necessary authority to transact business on behalf of their employers. Should there be any doubt, the CBSA may refuse to transact business with that employee until satisfactory proof of authority has been provided.

16. Signature and Date (mandatory)

The form is signed by the authorized signatory. The date refers to the date of signature.


G7-EDI Software Information

17. What type of G7-EDI registration is required? (mandatory if “Yes” was selected for Part C)

Establishing a relationship with an exporter to use G7-EDI is similar to creating an association within CERS. This relationship will allow the customs service provider in Part B to submit export declarations on behalf of the exporter in Part A using G7-EDI.

Establishing a connection with the CBSA network, through an EDI service provider that has established a G7-EDI connection, will allow the customs service provider or exporter in Part A to submit G7-EDI export declarations, using the connection of the third party organization identified in the Annex.

Establishing your own connection (Customs Internet Gateway or Direct Connection) with the CBSA network will allow the exporter (or the customs service provider) to transmit G7-EDI export declarations to the CBSA themselves.

18. Name and Provider of Software (mandatory if “Yes” was selected for Part C)

Identify whether you have developed your own software to submit customs information, have purchased software or will be using your service provider's software.

If you have not developed your own software, please identify the name of the software and the name of the software supplier that you will be using to transmit your customs information (e.g. ABC Software, XYZ Company).

19. Method of Communication (mandatory if “Yes” was selected for Part C)

Identify the method of communication that you intend to use or that the authorized agent and/or service provider is to use. You may select one or more methods of communication to transmit customs information to the CBSA. Complete the following for each communication method that will be utilized:

Value Added Network (VAN): A public EDI network providing an opportunity to exchange EDI transactions with a large number of trading partners using a single communication interface. Include the name of the VAN that will be used.

Direct Connection: Provides clients with a direct connection to CBSA. Include the name of the direct connection.

Customs Internet Gateway (CIG): A method to transmit and receive data over the Internet; requires information to be transmitted from Canada. Include the certificate number that you will be using for testing (if applicable) and the certificate number that you will be using in production.

20. Sender Identification (mandatory if “Yes” was selected for Part C)

Provide your partner ID in the ISA or UNB segment.

21. Mailbox ID (mandatory if “Yes” was selected for Part C)

Partner ID, the ISA or UNB segment.

22. Contact Information for G7-EDI Representative (mandatory if “Yes” was selected for Part C)

Provide information for a person within the company that the CBSA may contact regarding testing and production.

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