E1 – Ship Stores Declaration
A link to the Portable Document Format (PDF) of this form is provided below. The content of the form is duplicated in HTML following the PDF link.
- Arrival/Departure
- Page: (number)
- Name of ship
- Port of arrival/departure
- Date of arrival/departure
- Nationality of ship
- Port arrived from/destination
- Number of persons on board
- Period of stay
- Place(s) of storage, including ships canteen
- Name of article
- All meals except cooked canned meat
- 10. Quantity
- 11. For official use
- Cigarettes
- 10. Quantity
- 11. For official use
- Cigars
- 10. Quantity
- 11. For official use
- Tobacco
- 10. Quantity
- 11. For official use
- Spirits
- 10. Quantity
- 11. For official use
- Champagne and wines in bottles
- 10. Quantity
- 11. For official use
- Wine in tanks or barrels
- 10. Quantity
- 11. For official use
- Beer and ale
- 10. Quantity
- 11. For official use
- Live animals
- 10. Quantity
- 11. For official use
- Narcotics and drugs
- 10. Quantity
- 11. For official use
- Firearms
- 10. Quantity
- 11. For official use
- Pornography
- 10. Quantity
- 11. For official use
- Currency
- 10. Quantity
- 11. For official use
- All meals except cooked canned meat
Articles removed from the vessel must be reported to the proper customs officer. Serious penalties are provided for violations of the Customs Act.
- Date
- Signature of master or authorized agent
Notice to masters and crews of vessels
All articles and goods subject to customs control in your possession or custody must be reported.
These include goods held or intended for someone else and goods not to be landed in Canada.
The maximum quantity of spirituous liquor and tobacco products a crew member may have in his possession at time of arrival shall not exceed 200 cigarettes, 50 cigars, 0.9 kg (2 lbs.) of tobacco, and 1.1 litres (40 oz.) of liquor, or 8.2 litres (288 oz.) of beer or ale.
Any quantities exceeding the allowance shall be secured.
Prohibited goods include dangerous drugs, hand guns, offensive weapons, and books, paintings, prints, photographs or representations of any kind of a treasonable or seditious, or of an immoral or indecent character.
All individual crew members with currency or monetary instruments exceeding a value of $10,000.00 CAD must report to a Canadian customs officer.
All goods found in the ship and not reported will be liable to forfeiture, and the owner or person in possession of such goods liable for prosecution.
If in doubt about any article, declare it.
- Date modified: