Anti-dumping and countervailing
The CBSA supports Canadian producers who face unfair foreign competition in the domestic marketplace. The CBSA is responsible for the administration of the Special Import Measures Act (SIMA), which helps protect Canadian industry from injury caused by the dumping and subsidizing of imported goods.
- Statement of reasons—Initiation of investigations: Renewable Diesel (RD 2025 IN)
- Statement of reasons—Expiry review determination: Hot-rolled carbon steel plate 5 (PLA5 2024 ER)
- Notice of initiation of investigations: Polyethylene Terephthalate Resin 2 (PETR2 2025 IN)
- Notice of initiation of administrative review: Large Line Pipe (LLP 2025 UP1)
More: Anti-dumping and countervailing archived notices
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Proceedings and investigations
Measures in force
List of goods subject to anti-dumping or countervailing measures pursuant to the SIMA.
List of all dumping and subsidy investigations conducted pursuant to the SIMA.
Administrative reviews
List of updates to normal values, export prices or amounts of subsidy for goods subject to a measure in force.
Normal value reviews
List of updates to normal values, export prices or amounts of subsidy of a single exporter subject to review.
List of updates to normal values, export prices or amounts of subsidy of a measure subject to review.
Expiry reviews
Find whether an order or finding by the CITT is rescinded or continued for another five years.
President-level re-determinations
List of appeals regarding the subjectivity of goods or the application of anti-dumping and countervailing duty assessments.
Expedited reviews
Review normal values, export prices, or subsidy amounts for shippers not previously asked to submit info in a proceeding.
Scope proceedings
Learn about whether goods fall within the product description of a measure in force under the SIMA.
Anti-circumvention investigations
Search determinations of whether circumvention of existing anti-dumping or countervailing measures is occurring.
Participating in proceedings and investigations
Filing a complaint
Steps to prepare a dumping and/or subsidizing complaint concerning imported goods causing injury to Canadian industry.
Filing a circumvention complaint
Steps to prepare and submit a complaint to the CBSA to initiate an anti-circumvention investigation.
Applying for a scope ruling
Preparing and filing an application for a scope proceeding to determine if goods are subject to a CITT order or finding.
Information for expedited reviews
Eligibility requirements, how to request an expedited review, and the review process.
Submitting information to the CBSA in a SIMA proceeding
Guide on structure and methodology for submissions, including templates and references.
Requesting a re-determination under SIMA
Memorandum D14-1-3 requirements for requests to re-determine SIMA duties and apply for refunds.
Program information
Canada's anti-dumping and countervailing investigative processes
Introduction to dumping, subsidies, injury, the complaint process, investigative proceedings, and duties.
Anti-dumping and/or countervailing investigation self-initiation: a framework for fair trade
Learn more about CBSA expectations concerning the self-initiation of an anti-dumping and/or countervailing investigation.
Assistance for small or medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
Support for Canadian manufacturers or producers relating to the use of the CBSA's trade remedy program.
Guide for self-assessing SIMA duties
Assistance for importers and brokers importing goods subject to duties under SIMA.
Disclosure of confidential information
Outlines CBSA policy and procedures respecting the submission and disclosure of information in proceedings.
Information about penalties (AMPS)
Administrative monetary penalty system contraventions specific to the SIMA.
Samples and official documents with respect to proceedings under the SIMA.
Guiding policy, regulations, and legislation
Statement of administrative practices
Explanation of investigative activities conducted by the CBSA to help protect Canadian industry from material injury.
Legislation, regulations and D-Memoranda
Legislative framework as well as supporting documents relating to the SIMA.
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