Customs Self Assessment Program
Beyond the Border Action Plan
Under the Beyond the Border Action Plan, Canada and the U.S. have committed to adopting a common framework for Trusted Trader programs that will align requirements and enhance member benefits. In the Action Plan, a commitment was made to align Canada's Customs Self Assessment (CSA) and the United States' Importer Self Assessment (ISA) programs to the greatest extent possible. As part of this commitment, Canada is implementing CSA-Platinum.
What is CSA-Platinum?
CSA-Platinum is an added benefit offered to CSA importers who demonstrate that their business systems, internal controls and self-testing processes are effective and reliable at ensuring compliance with the CBSA's trade programs, including tariff classification, preferential tariff treatment, trade incentives program, value for duty and anti-dumping and countervailing. CSA-Platinum is voluntary and places the responsibility for trade compliance testing directly with the client, allowing the CBSA to invest its post-release verification resources in areas of higher or unknown risk.
Who is eligible for CSA-Platinum?
To be eligible for CSA-Platinum, a participant (importer) must first obtain and maintain their membership in good standing in the CSA program.
CSA-Platinum Benefits:
- Assistance to clients in attaining the highest rate of compliance with trade programs. The CBSA will review the participant's internal controls and business systems, and where it identifies areas for improvement, will inform the client.
- Less exposure to CBSA trade verifications. Once a participant is afforded the benefit, the participant will conduct their own self-testing of trade program compliance and reporting on an annual basis, thus Platinum members are subject to reduced trade compliance verifications by the CBSA, allowing the Agency to invest resources in areas of higher or unknown risk. The CBSA will reserve the right to perform or have the participant perform verifications for high risk or sensitive issues, including Verification Priorities.
- Decreased exposure to trade-related penalties. In cases of non-compliance with CBSA trade program requirements, the CBSA may opt to not rely, as a first response, on the assessment of Administrative Monetary Penalties.
- Improved access to CBSA officers. The participant continues to have ready access to their CSA officer who will continue to act as their first point of contact, for CSA and CSA-Platinum related concerns (i.e. compliance assistance, risk assessments, internal controls, CBSA audit trails, data analysis support, etc.).
- Greater control over trade compliance activities. This affords the client greater business certainty as they take direct responsibility for the verification and testing of their trade compliance.
How to apply?
The application package is contained in the CSA-Platinum Handbook. Only CSA importer members may apply. The package is comprised of four documents which are required to be completed in their entirety and submitted together:
- Application
- Internal Control Questionnaire
- Participants Declaration
- Self-Testing Plan
To obtain an electronic copy of the CSA-Platinum Handbook and fillable PDF versions of the Application and Internal Control Questionnaire, please e-mail:
Client Support and Contact Information:
Customs Self Assessment (CSA) - Platinum
Canada Border Services Agency
1980 Matheson Boulevard
Mississauga, ON L4W 5R7
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