eManifest Portal
Glossary of Common Terms
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- Accepted (status)
- Indicates a Trade Document has passed validation checks and has been accepted by the CBSA.
- Account Browser
- An Account Browser is a user role in the Portal that has read-only access to Trade Documents, Lookups, Useful Links and System Messages.
- Account Owner
- An Account Owner is a user role in the Portal that has the unique ability to register, update and delete their Business Account. They have the ability to: view, create and edit Trade Documents, Lookups and Useful Links; assign user roles to all other users in their Portal Business Account; view System Messages; and send and view Secondary Notices.
- Account User
- An Account User is a user role in the Portal that has the ability to view, create, and edit Trade Documents, Lookups, Useful Links; view System Messages; and send and view Secondary Notices.
- Acquitted (status) – freight forwarders
- Indicates goods are no longer controlled by a House bill.
- Acquitted (status) – highway carriers
- Indicates goods are no longer controlled by a Highway Cargo Document.
- Adjusted From (status)
- Indicates a manual adjustment has been made to the key (document number) of the trade document; for example, a change to the Client ID. This is considered the “New” document.
- Adjusted To (status)
- Indicates a manual adjustment has been made to the key (document number) of the trade document; for example, a change to the Client ID. This is considered the “Old” document.
- Arrived (status) – freight forwarders
- Indicates the client’s House bill has arrived at its Port of Destination.
- Arrived (status) – highway carriers
- Indicates the client’s Cargo has arrived at its Port of Destination.
- Authorized to Deliver (status)
- Indicates the Customs Self-Assessment (CSA) goods can be delivered to the intended recipient.
- Business Account
- A Portal Business Account is an accredited CBSA-assigned business profile in the eManifest Portal dedicated to individual companies as a means to conduct secure, data transmissions with the CBSA as well as with other trade chain partners.
- Business Type
- Identifies the type of service offered by your company. The Business Types with permission to use the eManifest Portal are: highway carriers, freight forwarders, brokers and warehouse operators. Air carriers are treated as highway carriers in the Portal.
- Cancelled (status)
- Indicates a Trade Document submission has been cancelled by the client or internally by the CBSA.
- Cargo Complete (status)
- Indicates a non-consolidated Primary Cargo Document has been transmitted to the CBSA and Accepted. If consolidated, it indicates that all of the related secondary cargo (i.e. House bills) has been transmitted as well.
- Client Identifier
- A unique number that identifies the trade chain partner. For highway carriers and freight forwarders the client identifier is a carrier code. For warehouse operators it is a sublocation code and for brokers it is an account security number.
- Close Message
- A document which provides information to the CBSA about the various shipments arriving to Canada by linking various House bill documents together. This document is identified by a Close Message Number.
- Combined Highway Document
- Merges a Highway Cargo Document and a Highway Conveyance Document into a single Trade Document in the Portal to simplify data entry.
- Company Contact Person
- The company contact person is the individual to whom all Business Account related enquiries (profile changes, statuses, etc.) are made. The contact person must be an employee of the business, such as the signing authorities of the company (President, Vice President, CEO, CFO, Director, Owner or Secretary Treasurer) or any employee authorized by them. For the purposes of a Shared Secret application, the Company Contact Person must be one of the contacts identified in the CBSA's carrier code records. Business account information will only be disclosed to company contacts.
- Credential
- A "credential", in the information systems context, is an attestation of identity authentication. The combination of a user ID or card number and a password is an example of a credential. It provides you with safe and secure access to information and services as well as protects your privacy. Currently the two types of credentials offered are Sign-In Partner and GCKey.
- Deconsolidated (status)
- Indicates the CBSA has authorized the transfer of Cargo Control from a consolidated shipment to the related secondary House bills that were submitted to CBSA.
- Document Not on File Notice – freight forwarders
- Indicates to a Freight Forwarder that a Release Request (e.g. PARS) or a Close Message was submitted to the CBSA and the cargo document identified (CCN) on that Release Request or Previous Cargo Control Number on that Close Message has not yet been submitted to the CBSA.
- Document Not on File Notice – highway carriers
- Indicates to a Carrier that a Release Request (e.g. PARS) or a Close Message was submitted to the CBSA and the cargo document identified (CCN) on that Release Request or Previous Cargo Control Number on that Close Message has not yet been submitted to the CBSA.
- Document Package Complete (status)
- Indicates all shipments described by a Cargo Document are linked to a pre-arrival Release.
- Draft Document
- A Trade Document that has been saved in the Portal and has not been submitted to the CBSA.
- eManifest Portal
- The eManifest Portal (Portal) is a secure data transmission option developed by the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) that allows the trade community to electronically transmit their pre-arrival data online and access notifications.
- eManifest Portal Lead Sheet
- A document generated once a Highway Conveyance Document or Combined Highway Document has been submitted through the Portal. The Portal generated Lead Sheet includes machine readable bar code of the Conveyance Reference Number (CRN) as well as a list of all associated Cargo Control Numbers (CCN).
- eManifest Portal User Account
- An eManifest Portal User Account is a standard way for all users to establish their identity in the Portal. All users of the Portal must create an eManifest Portal User Account.
- GCKey
- The GCKey service is provided by the Government of Canada to allow you to securely conduct online business with various governmental programs and services. The GCKey credential service issues the GCKey.
A GCKey is a unique credential that protects your communications with online government programs and services.
- Held for CBSA (status)
- Indicates the cargo is being held for further determination/processing and cannot be released.
- Highway Cargo Document
- A Cargo Control Document submitted by a highway carrier that represents the initial record of a shipment arrival into Canada and enables the CBSA to control the movement of goods being imported. Also known as a Cargo Control Document (CCD) and is identified by a Cargo Control Number (CCN).
- Highway Conveyance Document
- A Conveyance Reference Document submitted by a highway carrier that represents a record of the transportation vehicle used to import goods in Canada. This document is identified by a Conveyance Reference Number (CRN).
- House bill
- The initial record of a shipment arrival into Canada, submitted by a freight forwarder, which enables the CBSA to control the movement of goods being imported. This document is identified by a Cargo Control Number (CCN).
- Log In
- The process of allowing you online access to the eManifest Portal.
- Log Out
- The process of ending your online access to the eManifest Portal.
- Lookup
- A feature of the Portal, available to highway carriers and freight forwarders, designed to save time by allowing users to create and store information for re-use. This can be done for Trailer, Tractor, Shipper, Consignee, Delivery Address, Notify Party and Trade Document. Freight forwarders can also create a lookup for a consolidator and a Secondary Notify Party (SNP).
- Manifest Forward
- An electronic notice that contains the entire data set of a Trade Document submitted to the CBSA by a Trade Chain Partner.
- Matched (status) – freight forwarders
- Indicates a Close Message is linked to one or more House bills.
- Matched (status) – highway carriers
- Indicates a specific Trade Document is linked to a related Trade Document.
- My Profile
- Contains information that was provided by a user when creating an eManifest Portal User Account.
- Not Matched (status) – freight forwarders
- Indicates a House bill has no links to a Close Message.
- Not Matched (status) – highway carriers
- Indicates either no links to a related Trade Document have been established, or a previously Matched document becomes unlinked through a change or cancellation.
- Port of Cargo Arrival
- The port where the cargo reached its final destination and achieved Arrived status.
- Port of Report
- The port where cargo physically crossed into Canada at the First Port of Arrival (FPOA). The port of arrival of all cargo on board a conveyance should match the port of report.
- Proxy Account Owner
- A Proxy Account Owner is a user role in the Portal that has the ability to: view, create and edit Trade Documents, Lookups and Useful Links; assign user roles to Account Users and Account Browsers in their Portal Business Account; and view System Messages and Manifest Forwards.
- Rejected (status)
- Indicates a Trade Document has been rejected by the CBSA and the rejection reason(s) is provided.
- Related Document Number
Related Document Number identifies the document number of the Related Document Type. It is only provided when the primary document does not quote it.
Example of Related Document Number: transaction number of the Pre-arrival Review System (PARS) where a Matched or Document Not On File Notice of a related CCN is sent to a carrier.
- Related Document Type
- Related Document Type identifies the document type of the Related Document Number.
- Released (status)
- Indicates when goods have been authorized to be removed from the CBSA office, a sufferance warehouse, or a bonded warehouse for use in Canada.
- Reported (status) – freight forwarders
- Indicates goods declared on the House bill have reported at the First Port of Arrival as per the requirements of Section 12(1) of the Customs Act.
- Reported (status) – highway carriers
- Indicates a Highway Conveyance Document and associated Highway Cargo Document(s), if applicable, have reported at First Port of Arrival as per the requirements of Section 12(1) of the Customs Act.
- Secondary Notices
- A Secondary Notice is an electronic notice sent to a Secondary Notify Party (carrier, freight forwarder, warehouse operator or broker). on behalf of a Trade Chain Partner (TCP) or the CBSA. There are two Secondary Notice types: Manifest Forward and Document Not on File.
- Shared Secret
- A temporary access code that a business will require to register for the eManifest Portal the first time. The Shared Secret will be issued to businesses that request access to the Porta and must be used within 90 days of the issue date.
- Sign-In Partner
- Sign-In Partner is a credential option offered in collaboration with participating financial institutions. This service gives you a familiar and convenient option for accessing government services by allowing you to log in to the eManifest Portal using your established online banking credential.
- Status – freight forwarders
- Statuses refer to the state of the latest version of a Trade Document received and accepted by the CBSA. The statuses applicable to freight forwarder Trade documents are: Accepted, Acquitted, Adjusted To; Adjusted From, Arrived, Cancelled, Cargo Complete, Deconsolidated, Document Package Complete, Held for CBSA, Matched, Not Matched, Rejected, Released, Reported and Updating…
- Status – highway carriers
- Statuses refer to the state of the latest version of a Trade Document received and accepted by the CBSA. The statuses applicable to highway carrier Trade documents are: Accepted, Acquitted, Arrived, Authorized to Deliver, Cancelled, Cargo Complete, Deconsolidated, Document Package Complete, Held for CBSA, Matched, Not Matched, Rejected, Released, Reported and Updating…
- Submitted (status)
- Indicates a Trade Document has been submitted to the CBSA.
- Submitted Trade Document
- A Trade Document that has been sent to the CBSA.
- System Message
- System Messages are bulletins created and published by the CBSA for trade chain partners to learn about important information related to the Portal or their activities with the CBSA. These bulletins are not related to the status of a Submitted Trade Document.
- Trade Document – freight forwarders
- For freight forwarders, there are two Trade Documents: House bill and Close Message.
- Trade Document – highway carriers
- For highway carriers, there are three Trade Documents: Highway Cargo, Highway Conveyance and Combined Highway.
- Updating… (status)
- Indicates a Trade Document submitted to the CBSA from the Portal is being processed.
- Useful Link
- A Useful Link is similar to a bookmark or a favourite in a Web browser. It can be created by users in a Business Account or by the CBSA.
- User Access
- A section of the Portal where Account Owners and Proxy Account Owners may add users to their Business Account, assign user roles, and suspend or remove users from a Business Account.
- User Reference Number (URN)
- A User Reference Number (URN) is a system-generated number uniquely associated with a Portal User Account. A URN is used by an Account Owner to assign a role to a user in the company's Business Account.
- User Role
- Defines the features made available to a user in a Business Account. There are four user roles in the Portal: Account Owner, Proxy Account Owner, Account User and Account Browser.
- User Status
- Defines the ability or inability of a user to access a Business Account. There are two statuses: Active or Suspended.
- Date modified: