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Apply for, renew or replace a NEXUS card: After you apply

Fee increase coming

The NEXUS application fee will increase to US$120 for a 5-year membership.

Read this news release for details: The CBSA and U.S. CBP provide an update on the NEXUS program.

Check the Trusted Traveller Programs System for the status of your application.

Once the program approves the first part of your application, you may schedule an interview. You must complete an interview at an enrolment centre to finalize your membership.

Applicants under 18 years of age

Either one or both parents, a legal guardian or another adult must accompany a minor applying for NEXUS to the enrolment interview.

If only one parent with custody can attend the interview, or if the minor is accompanied by someone other than a parent or legal guardian, the accompanying adult needs to bring a letter of consent to the interview.

The letter of consent is not required if the accompanying adult has sole custody or is the sole person recorded on the minor's birth certificate.

Letter of consent and supporting documents

If applicable, the other parent with custody or shared custody, or the legal guadian of the minor must sign the letter of consent indicating that they agree to the minor becoming a NEXUS member.

The accompanying adult must also provide supporting documents and the custody agreement, confirming that the child can legally leave the custodial jurisdiction.

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