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Programs for trusted travellers

Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) wants your experience at the border to be as streamlined as possible. Learn about programs to make border crossings faster and easier for eligible travellers including individuals, private or corporate aircraft, private boat operators and commercial drivers.

Services and information


Program to make clearing the border easier for people who travel often between Canada and the U.S.

Program for private and corporate aircraft

Allows approved Canadian and U.S. private or corporate aircraft to clear the border faster when entering Canada.

Free and Secure Trade program

Pre-approved commercial drivers can clear the Canada–U.S. border faster and with less documentation.

Entry program for private boat operators in the Arctic

Facilitates clearing the border for private boats entering Canadian waters in the North.

Program for commercial drivers

Makes clearing the border faster for pre-approved commercial drivers transporting goods into Canada from the U.S.

Permit to cross off-hours at remote Quebec ports of entry

Permit holders can report to the CBSA by phone during off-hours at 5 ports of entry when crossing into Quebec from the U.S.

Permit to enter Canada in remote areas

Permit holders entering Canada in remote areas of Ontario and Manitoba do not need to report to a border officer in person.

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