Arhived - CBSA Today
Commercial news for stakeholders

Issue No. 12, Winter 2017
ISBN 2369-1530

We have archived this page on the web

The information on this page is for reference only. It was accurate at the time of publishing but may no longer reflect the current state at the Canada Border Services Agency. It is not subject to the Government of Canada web standards.

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Modernizing to prepare for the future

For the past five to ten years, the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) has undertaken a number of initiatives to modernize commercial processing in Canada, some of which are described in this issue. These initiatives will allow us to keep up with global changes and prepare for the future.

The goal of our commercial and trade programs is to ensure the border is a gateway to trade and prosperity, while it remains closed to threats. Our responsibilities are vast and complex, from the collection of duties, to facilitating trade and ensuring businesses comply with laws.

Our newsletter provides you, our trade chain partners, with important updates and news to support your cross border activities. With this issue, we are pleased to launch a new "look"—one that we feel complements our modernization efforts on the commercial and trade fronts.

If you have ideas for newsletter articles, email us.

eManifest requirements

The CBSA reminds carriers that with the implementation of eManifest, highway carriers transporting goods into Canada are required to transmit electronic Advance Commercial Information (ACI)/eManifest to the CBSA prior to arrival (Memorandum D3-4-2 – Highway Pre-arrival and Reporting Requirements). The requirement to transmit pre-arrival cargo and conveyance data is in addition to the release requirements (Memorandum D17-1-4 – Release of Commercial Goods). If you are a carrier seeking the release of your goods at the first point of arrival (FPOA), you must contact the importer/broker prior to arriving at the FPOA to ensure the release request is submitted and accepted in the CBSA system. Having ACI/eManifest data and the release request on file as per the requirements will help ensure a faster, more efficient border crossing.

In order to avoid monetary penalties under the CBSA's Administrative Monetary Penalty System, carriers are encouraged to comply with eManifest requirements.

For further information on ACI/eManifest requirements, visit the eManifest section of this website.

New eManifest notices

The CBSA is pleased to report that the onboarding of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) clients to receive an initial set of eManifest Notices has progressed well over the past several months. These notices offer EDI clients increased insight into the status of their shipments. Two notices were made available on July 4, 2016, followed by nine additional notices on September 1, 2016, completing the initial set. These notices will become available to highway carriers and freight forwarders in the eManifest Portal in early 2017. For more information, email the Technical Commercial Client Unit (TCCU).

Outreach to freight forwarders

On June 30, 2016, the CBSA announced the implementation timeline for freight forwarders to electronically transmit advance house bill data on consolidated freight to the CBSA within prescribed mode-specific time frames. To support you through this transition, the CBSA is now offering regularly scheduled webinars. If you would like to be notified of eManifest Webinar dates, email the eManifest team.

Single Window Initiative update

The Single Window Initiative (SWI) provides Canadian importers with a single point of entry for the electronic reporting of information for both regulated and non-regulated goods. The SWI involves nine Participating Government Departments and Agencies responsible for 38 programs. The transition to an electronic import declaration, meeting Government of Canada requirements, is a significant step forward for both trade and government resulting in streamlined border processes for you. New procedures will allow importers and customs brokers using certified service providers to onboard to the SWI without additional system testing. For information about the Electronic Data Interchange registration/certification process, please contact the CBSA's Technical Commercial Client Unit. For additional information about the SWI, email the SWI team.

Reporting conveyances arriving in Canada

The Conveyance Arrival Certification Message (CACM) is transmitted by marine, rail and air carriers once their respective conveyances arrive in Canada. This allows you to meet requirements to report your conveyances. CACM also triggers the release of goods if there is a release request in good standing. In order to avoid any delays in the trade chain pertaining to release of goods, it is important that you transmit CACM with the accurate Conveyance Reference Number. Marine, rail and air carriers who do not comply with CACM requirements may be issued Administrative Monetary Penalty System penalties.

The CBSA Assessment and Revenue Management Project

The CBSA continues to prepare for the solicitation of a vendor to work with the Agency to design and deliver CBSA Assessment and Revenue Management (CARM). We expect the solicitation to be issued over the winter and will actively engage trade chain partners once a vendor is onboard. CARM is a multi-year project to transform how the CBSA assesses, collects, manages and reports on import revenue and trade information.

Importer account off-setting

The CBSA launched the Accounts Receivable Ledger (ARL) across Canada on January 25, 2016, bringing about important changes to the collection of commercial revenue by the Government of Canada. In order to provide you with additional time to adapt to the implementation of ARL, we delayed the introduction of importer account off-setting to August 20, 2016.

Account off-setting automatically applies a credit to your account by reducing an existing amount owing, allowing you to more quickly benefit from your entitled credit.

Off-setting significantly reduces the number of disbursements issued to importers, resulting in reduced costs to the Government.

The CBSA continues to communicate and support the broker and importer community during this transition. For more information on ARL, refer to Customs Notice 16-19.

Small and Medium Enterprises Toolkit centralizes key information

The CBSA launched the Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) toolkit last summer to help you find the information you need for your cross border activities.

The toolkit assists businesses by centralizing information for commercial and trade programs managed by the CBSA, its Canadian partners and U.S. counterparts. We developed the toolkit in collaboration with key stakeholders who asked that we make trade information more easily accessible to SMEs and better promote our programs.

This convenient page identifies relevant websites and outreach products, and provides details on programs, policies and regulations intended to make it easier and faster for commercial goods to cross the border while enhancing border and trade chain security.

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