Personnel Screening, Consent and Authorization Form

Protected (when completed)

Important Notes:

Administrative Information

Administrative Instructions

The information required in this section has been sent to you by your hiring official. If you did not receive all the required information, please contact your hiring official.

Residency and Travel Outside of Canada Instructions

If applicable, select “Yes” for the following questions: “Have you lived or travelled abroad for 6 consecutive months or more during the last five (5) years?” (Note that for Reliability Status requests it will indicate 5 years and for Secret/Top Secret requests it will indicate 10 years).

If “Yes” is selected, additional information on your time spent outside of Canada will be requested in the following sections (see referenced sections further in the instructions for additional information):

  1. Biographical Information - Residence: a message will ask if the entry is part of the time you spent outside of Canada. You may add all applicable addresses at this stage by selecting “Yes” and entering all applicable data. To add addresses in Canada, select “No”.
  2. Citizenship information: enter all information if applicable to you.
  3. Employment information: enter all information if you worked while you were outside of Canada.
  4. Travel information: indicate all as applicable.
  5. Residency and Travel Outside of Canada Information: enter all fields as applicable. Provide as much information as possible.

Personnel Screening, Consent and Authorization Form - Disclaimer

Users assume the risk associated with any transfer of information to the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA). The CBSA has made all reasonable efforts to protect the confidentiality of the information you provide and to ensure that your electronic transactions with us are secure. However, the CBSA is not liable for any damages that may arise from interception, loss, theft or their action regarding your personal information while in transit.

The CBSA is not responsible for any losses or damages incurred by anyone because of any restriction, delay, malfunction, or unavailability of the Personnel Security Screening on-line screening application Form.

Users are solely responsible for the accuracy of the information provided to the CBSA via this service.

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Important Notes:

  • The Personnel Screening, Consent and Authorization Form will permit you to print the information that you have entered but will not permit you to save the form. Prior to entering any data, please ensure that you have all of the required information on hand.

  • The following links are provided as a reference only - do not complete or submit the following forms to Security. The links are provided for you to gather the required information before completing the below e-application (scroll down):

    • If you are requesting a CBSA Reliability Status, you will be required to provide the information found on the Personnel Security Screening Form (TBS/SCT 330-23).
    • If you are requesting a Security Clearance, otherwise known as a Secret or Top Secret, you will be required to provide the information found on the Personnel Security Screening Form (TBS/SCT 330-23) and the Security Clearance Form (TBS/SCT 330-60).
    • If you have been out of the country for 6 consecutive months or more within the last 5 years for Reliability Status, and 10 years for Security Clearance, you will be required to provide the information found on the Residency and Travel Outside of Canada Questionnaire (BSF641)

    Please do not begin entering any information on the Personnel Screening, Consent and Authorization Form until you have compiled all of the required information. If you have any questions related to these instructions, please contact your hiring official.

  • Only use letters and numbers in your application. Any special characters (#, $, %, (), {}, [], ‹›, *, etc) will result in your application not being processed. Consequently, the application will have to be redone by the applicant.

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Note: For Privacy Act Statement refer to the Consent and Verification section of this form and for completion instructions refer to the instructions section.

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Instructions for Personnel Screening, Consent and Authorization Form

Once completed, the information from this form shall be safeguarded and handled at the level of Protected A.

1. Administrative Information

The information required in this section has been sent to you by your hiring official. If you did not receive all the required information, please contact your hiring official.

2. Residency and Travel Outside of Canada

If applicable, select “Yes” for the following questions: “Have you lived or travelled abroad for 6 consecutive months or more during the last five (5) years?” (Note that for Reliability Status requests it will indicate 5 years and for Secret/Top Secret requests it will indicate 10 years).

If “Yes” is selected, additional information on your time spent outside of Canada will be requested in the following sections (see referenced sections further in the instructions for additional information):

  1. Biographical Information - Residence: a message will ask if the entry is part of the time you spent outside of Canada. You may add all applicable addresses at this stage by selecting “Yes” and entering all applicable data. To add addresses in Canada, select “No”.
  2. Citizenship information: enter all information if applicable to you.
  3. Employment information: enter all information if you worked while you were outside of Canada.
  4. Travel information: indicate all as applicable.
  5. Residency and Travel Outside of Canada Information: enter all fields as applicable. Provide as much information as possible.

3. Biographical Information

Enter in all of the required fields. It is essential that you enter all the names/aliases that you use in order to ensure an accurate security assessment can be provided.


Ensure that you enter all residences that you have lived at within the last five years (Reliability Status) or 10 years (Secret or Top Secret), even if the dates overlap. However, there can be no gaps in time between residences.

Criminal Convictions In and Outside of Canada

List only criminal convictions for which a pardon has not been granted. Applicant must include convictions outside of Canada.

Offences under the National Defence Act are to be included as well as convictions by courts-martial are to be recorded.

4. Marital Status/Common-Law Partnership Information

“Common-law partner”, in relation to an applicant, means a person who is cohabiting with the individual in a conjugal relationship having so cohabited for a period of at least one year. This includes persons of the same gender.

Include previous spouse and common-law partner as applicable during the last five years.

5. Immediate Relatives Information

For all security clearance requests all Immediate Relative(s) information must be provided.

Immediate family includes the following:

  • All children 18 years and over that you or your spouse or common-law partner have a parental relationship.
  • Your father, mother, brothers and sisters. Include “half” or “step” relatives as well.
  • Your current spouse’s or common-law partner’s father and mother. Include “half” or “step” relatives as well.

If any relative mentioned above is deceased, the date of death and the last address while living is to be provided.

6. Citizenship Information

If you are a naturalized Canadian, it is important to show the certificate number and date of issue. A photocopy of the certificate may be requested at a later date.

If you are born abroad of Canadian parents, a copy of you Certificate of Registration of Birth Abroad may be requested at a later date.

If you are not a Canadian Citizen, indicate if an application has been made for Citizenship. In this case, passport or identity card number and particulars should be provided on the form. A copy of your Immigrant Visa or Record of Landing documentation may be requested at a later date.

7. Employment Information

Record your present employment first. Please note that it may be necessary to contact your present employer.

Time at school and periods of unemployment are also to be shown (as well as secondments, educational leave and courses of over six months’ duration). Indicate “unemployed” or “student” in the job title field in these cases.

8. Travel Information

This section is to record travel under 6 months. If you have traveled for over 6 months, you need to include the travel in your residency.

One day visits to countries, such as cruise stopover, do not have to be recorded. An employee or contractor on Canadian Government business is not required to record details of travel in this section. A security official may ask for details in regards to your travels.

9. Character References in Canada

Character references must be colleagues, peers and friends who have known you well for over three years and should be able to cover your non-work environment and activities.

Character references are not to include relatives and must be residing in Canada.

Neighbourhood reference is an individual who has known you for over six months preferably at your current address. If not, the individual has been a neighbour during the past five years.

10. Education information

To be completed as requested.

11. Military Information

List last or current unit and dates of total service in the Canadian Armed Forces.

12. Residency and Travel Outside of Canada Information

If applicable, indicate any and all business, financial and/or personal assets outside of Canada. Indicate all applicable details. A security officer may contact you for further information.

13. Consent and Verification

Consent may be given only by an applicant who has reached the age of majority; otherwise, the signature of guardian is mandatory.

The age of majority is:

  • 19 years in NFLD., N.S., N.B., B.C., Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut;
  • 18 years in P.E.I., Que., Ont., Man., Sask., and Alta.

The applicant is to check and initial each box.

CBSA applicant:

  • Reliability Screening (for all types of screening identified within the Administrative Section): complete boxes 1 and 2 and 3 and 5.
  • Security Clearance (for all types of screening identified within the Administrative Section): complete boxes 1 to 5.

IAAC applicant:

  • Reliability Screening (for all types of screening identified within the Administrative Section): complete boxes 1 and 2 and 3 if applicable.
  • Security Clearance (for all types of screening identified within the Administrative Section): complete boxes 1 to 4 and 5 where applicable.
  • Other: box 5 is used only where prior Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat approval has been obtained
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