List of Services

Accounts Receivable Ledger Office (ARL)

Designated office that offers commercial accounting and payment. Importers and brokers can obtain a paper copy of their daily notice, statement of account and view their account balance.

Airport of Entry (AOE)

An authorized airport of entry for clearance of all classes of scheduled and unscheduled aircraft (travellers and cargo).

AOE/#: An airport of entry for the clearance of scheduled and unscheduled air traffic but with traveller restrictions as indicated by an appropriate numerical designator (e.g. AOE/125).

Airport of Entry/15 (AOE/15)

An airport used solely for clearing persons arriving by general aviation aircraft (private or company) where the flights are unscheduled and the number of non-paying travellers on each flight does not exceed 15 (including the crew). Operators of these flights must obtain CBSA approval by contacting the CBSA's Telephone Reporting Center to enter or return to Canada, and they must land at an approved AOE during CBSA hours of business.

Airport of Entry/15/Seaplane (AOE/15/SEAPL)

A water aerodrome airport of entry solely for the clearance of persons arriving by seaplane where the flights are unscheduled and the traveller capacity does not exceed 15 people (including the crew). Operators of these flights must obtain CBSA approval by contacting the CBSA’s Telephone Reporting Center to enter or return to Canada, and they must land at an approved AOE during CBSA hours of business.

Airport of Entry/CANPASS (AOE/CAN)

An airport of entry designated for CANPASS private and corporate permit holders only. CANPASS members can land at an AOE any time the airport is open for landing, regardless of the hours of business of the local CBSA office.

Airport of Entry/CANPASS/Seaplane (AOE/CAN/SEAPL)

A water aerodrome designated for CANPASS private and corporate permit holders.

A water aerodrome airport of entry designated only for CANPASS private and corporate permit holders to a maximum of 15 people (including crew). CANPASS members can land at an AOE any time the airport is open for landing, regardless of the hours of business of the local CBSA office.

Airport of Entry/Cargo (AOE/CARGO)

An airport of entry solely for the reporting and processing of commercial cargo and crew arriving by air transport.

Airport of Entry/Military (AOE/M)

An airport of entry for clearance of military aircraft only, unless otherwise designated (e.g. AOE/15).

Casual Refund Centre (CRC)

An office for the processing of non-commercial refund claims for duties and taxes on postal/courier and travellers importations.

CBSA Mail Centre (CMC)

A CBSA office for the processing and examination of international mail. No public access.

Commercial Vessel (C/VESS)

An authorized marine port of entry where cargo and commercial vessels, other than ferry boats or cruise ships, but including other commercial passenger vessels such as tour boats and charter boats (e.g., whale-watching, fishing, sightseeing), report to the CBSA.

Cruise Ship Operations (CSO)

An authorized disembarkation site for travellers and crew of all types of cruise ships.

Designated Commercial Office (DCO)

A designated port of entry which provides 24 hour service - 7 days a week, for the reporting and clearing of commercial goods.

Designated Export Reporting Office (EXPORT)

A designated office for the reporting and processing of export declarations and permits.

Direct Reporting Site for Marine Private Vessel (DRS/M)

A CBSA staffed marine port of entry where private pleasure craft MUST report directly.

Duty-Free Shop (SHOP)

A location at which a duty free shop is located within close proximity to the CBSA port of entry.

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)

A CBSA office that provides for the electronic transmission and interchange of cargo, release, and accounting data.

e-Longroom - Export (ELR/EXPORT)

Designated office that offers email service for the submission of export permits, licences, certificates and other acceptable documents.

e-Longroom - Manifest (ELR/MANIFEST)

Commercial office that offers email service for certain paper cargo requests and corrections.

e-Longroom - Release (ELR/RELEASE)

Commercial office that offers email service for certain paper release requests and corrections.

e-Longroom - Vessel (ELR/VESSEL)

Designated office that offers email service for the submission of eligible vessel clearance documents.

Ferry Terminal (FERRY)

An authorized point of entry for the disembarkation of travellers and/or vehicles arriving by ferry.

Free and Secure Trade (FAST)

A land border port of entry at which Free and Secure Trade (FAST) program members can receive expedited clearance for commercial cargo.

Free and Secure Trade/Driver Enrollment Centers (FAST/DEC)

Offices having a driver enrollment centre for the Free and Secure Trade (FAST) program located on the premises.

Highway/Land Border Office (HWY/B)

A CBSA highway port of entry for the processing of travellers, crew and/or for the reporting and clearing of commercial goods.

HUB/Central Office (HUB)

A CBSA office responsible for providing service to Inland Alternate Service (IAS) sites and other service locations reporting to the Central Office.

Inland Alternate Service (IAS)

A location that is not staffed by the CBSA for which a designated Central Office provides commercial and traveller services.

Inland Office (INLAND)

A CBSA office classified as a non-direct point of entry providing a full range of CBSA services to the general public and to other service sites, e.g. In-bond highway, marine, rail, etc.

Low Value Shipments Program (LVS)

A CBSA office where courier Low Value Shipments (LVS) Program clearances are performed.


An authorized point of entry for members of the joint Canada/U.S. NEXUS Air Program only.


An authorized point of entry for members of the joint Canada/U.S. NEXUS Highway Program only.


An authorized point of entry for members of the joint Canada/U.S. NEXUS Marine Program only.

Non-Terminal Office (NTO)

The CBSA does not accept electronic release or accounting data for commercial transactions at these offices.

Pilot Project for Travellers in Remote Areas/Quebec (PPTRA-Q)

An authorized land port of entry solely for members of the Pilot Project for Travellers in Remote Areas - Quebec permit holders.

Railway Depot (RAIL)

An authorized point of entry for the reporting of travellers and/or freight arriving by rail.

Sufferance Warehouse/Highway (SWH)

A privately owned and operated facility licensed by the CBSA for the control, short term storage, transfer, delivery and examination of in-bond goods until the goods are released by the CBSA or exported from Canada.

Telephone Reporting Site/Land (TRS/L)

An authorized port of entry for persons arriving in Canada aboard a non-commercial passenger conveyance other than a marine vessel, aircraft or train at which persons onboard must report by telephone, unless directed otherwise by an officer.

Telephone Reporting Site/Marine (TRS/M)

A marine port of entry at which private pleasure craft operators must report by telephone, unless directed otherwise by an officer.

Trade Operations (TRADE)

Offices with Senior Officers Trade Compliance (SOTC) that conduct compliance verifications and provide trade services including rulings, B2 adjustments, drawbacks and duties relief. No public access is available.

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