e-Longroom - Vessel (ELR/VESSEL)
Designated office that offers email service for the submission of eligible vessel clearance documents.
Green circles indicate groups of offices, or groups of red pins. The number in the circle indicates how many offices or red pins are in the group. Zoom in to make the offices or red pins appear in order to select one.
A red pin indicates a CBSA office. Select the red pins you are interested in viewing. Information about this location will appear on the map.
List of Offices
Name | Province |
Kitimat | British Columbia |
Prince Rupert | British Columbia |
Vancouver Commercial Operations West | British Columbia |
Victoria (Operations) | British Columbia |
Saint John | New Brunswick |
Halifax Commercial | Nova Scotia |
Sydney | Nova Scotia |
Fisher Harbour | Ontario |
Goderich Harbour | Ontario |
Hamilton CBSA Office/John C. Munro Hamilton International Airport | Ontario |
Hamilton Harbour | Ontario |
Owen Sound Town Dock | Ontario |
Petro Canada Dock (Clarkson) | Ontario |
Petro Canada Dock - Bronte | Ontario |
Sault Ste. Marie Bridge | Ontario |
St. Lawrence Cement (Cargo only) | Ontario |
Sudbury | Ontario |
Montreal | Quebec |
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