Airport of Entry/15/Seaplane (AOE/15/SEAPL)

A water aerodrome airport of entry solely for the clearance of persons arriving by seaplane where the flights are unscheduled and the traveller capacity does not exceed 15 people (including the crew). Operators of these flights must obtain CBSA approval by contacting the CBSA’s Telephone Reporting Center to enter or return to Canada, and they must land at an approved AOE during CBSA hours of business.

More information on Airport of Entry/15/Seaplane

Green circles indicate groups of offices, or groups of red pins. The number in the circle indicates how many offices or red pins are in the group. Zoom in to make the offices or red pins appear in order to select one.

A red pin indicates a CBSA office. Select the red pins you are interested in viewing. Information about this location will appear on the map.

List of Offices

Name Province
Atlin Airport British Columbia
Bedwell Harbour British Columbia
Brechin Point Seaplane British Columbia
Kamloops Seaplanes British Columbia
Patricia Bay Floats British Columbia
Seal Cove British Columbia
The Spit(Corilair) British Columbia
Vancouver Harbour Flight Centre British Columbia
Vancouver International Airport River Landing Site British Columbia
Victoria Inner Harbour CBSA Seaplane Terminal British Columbia
Fosterville New Brunswick
St. Leonard New Brunswick
Goose Bay Otter Creek Newfoundland and Labrador
Inuvik (Shell Lake) Seaplanes Northwest Territories
Sydney Harbour (Seaplanes) Nova Scotia
Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport Ontario
Brockville Blockhouse Island Ontario
Canadian Bushplane Heritage Centre(Seaplanes) Ontario
Cyclone Island Ontario
Gananoque Municipal Marina Ontario
Gananoque River P.U.C. Day Dock Ontario
Goderich Harbour (Seaplanes) Ontario
Gore Bay Dock Manitoulin Island Ontario
Kenora City Dock Ontario
Lakehead Aviation (Seaplanes) Ontario
Orillia/Lake St. John (Seaplanes) Ontario
Rainy Lake Sports Ontario
Rainy River (Seaplanes) Ontario
Sand Point Lake Ontario
Wiarton (Keppel) Seaplane Landing Ontario
Charlottetown Marine Terminal Prince Edward Island
Drummondville Airport Quebec
Lac-des-Rapides Quebec
Quai Richelieu Quebec
Dawson City Yukon River Landing Yukon
Old Crow Airport Yukon
Schwatka Lake Yukon
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