Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)

A CBSA office that provides for the electronic transmission and interchange of cargo, release, and accounting data.

More information on Electronic Data Interchange

Green circles indicate groups of offices, or groups of red pins. The number in the circle indicates how many offices or red pins are in the group. Zoom in to make the offices or red pins appear in order to select one.

A red pin indicates a CBSA office. Select the red pins you are interested in viewing. Information about this location will appear on the map.

List of Offices

Name Province
Aden Alberta
Calgary Air Commercial Alberta
Carway Alberta
Coutts Alberta
Del Bonita Alberta
Edmonton International Airport Commercial Office Alberta
Abbotsford-Huntingdon British Columbia
Aldergrove British Columbia
Boundary Bay British Columbia
Cascade British Columbia
Cranbrook CBSA Office / Cranbrook Airport British Columbia
Fraser British Columbia
Kamloops Airport British Columbia
Kelowna International Airport British Columbia
Kingsgate British Columbia
Osoyoos British Columbia
Pacific Highway British Columbia
Penticton Airport British Columbia
Pleasant Camp British Columbia
Prince George Airport British Columbia
Rykerts British Columbia
Sidney - Victoria International Airport (Operations) British Columbia
Stewart British Columbia
Vancouver International Airport Commercial Operations (821) British Columbia
Victoria (Operations) British Columbia
Waneta British Columbia
Boissevain Manitoba
Emerson Manitoba
Winnipeg Manitoba
Winnipeg James Armstrong Richardson International Airport Manitoba
Andover New Brunswick
Bathurst New Brunswick
Campobello New Brunswick
Centreville New Brunswick
Clair New Brunswick
Edmundston New Brunswick
Fredericton New Brunswick
Gillespie Portage New Brunswick
Grand Falls New Brunswick
Moncton New Brunswick
Saint John New Brunswick
St. Croix New Brunswick
St. Leonard New Brunswick
St. Stephen 3rd Bridge New Brunswick
Woodstock Road New Brunswick
Corner Brook Newfoundland and Labrador
Fortune CBSA Office Newfoundland and Labrador
Goose Bay Newfoundland and Labrador
St. John's Newfoundland and Labrador
Yellowknife Northwest Territories
Halifax Commercial Nova Scotia
Sydney Nova Scotia
Yarmouth Nova Scotia
Ambassador Bridge Ontario
Barrie Ontario
CFB Trenton Ontario
Cornwall Commercial Office Ontario
Fort Frances Bridge Ontario
Hamilton CBSA Office/John C. Munro Hamilton International Airport Ontario
Kitchener-Waterloo International Airport (Region of) Ontario
Lansdowne (Thousand Islands Bridge) Ontario
London CBSA Office/London International Airport Ontario
North Bay CBSA Office/Jack Garland Airport Ontario
Oshawa Ontario
Ottawa Cargo Services (OCS) Ontario
Ottawa Macdonald-Cartier International Airport Ontario
Pigeon River Ontario
Prescott Ontario
Queenston Lewiston Bridge (Travellers and Commercial) Ontario
Sarnia (Blue Water Bridge) Ontario
Sault Ste. Marie Bridge Ontario
Sudbury Ontario
TFI Transport 8 L.P.(Interport Sufferance Warehouse Ltd) Ontario
Thunder Bay Ontario
Toronto Lester B. Pearson International Airport Commercial Operations Ontario
Windsor-Detroit Tunnel Ontario
Charlottetown Prince Edward Island
Abercorn Quebec
Armstrong Quebec
Clarenceville Quebec
Covey Hill Quebec
Dundee Quebec
East Hereford Quebec
East Pinnacle Quebec
Frelighsburg Quebec
Hemmingford Quebec
Herdman Quebec
Hereford Road Quebec
Highwater Quebec
Intermediate Terminals Warehousing Inc. (Côte-de-Liesse) Quebec
Lacolle: Route 221 Quebec
Lacolle: Route 223 Quebec
Montreal Quebec
Montreal-Mirabel International Airport Quebec
Montreal-Pierre Elliott Trudeau: Commercial Quebec
Morses Line Quebec
Noyan Quebec
Quebec Quebec
St-Armand/Philipsburg Quebec
St-Bernard-de-Lacolle: Highway 15 Quebec
Stanhope Quebec
Stanstead (55) Quebec
Trois-Rivières Quebec
Trout River Quebec
Woburn Quebec
North Portal Saskatchewan
Regina Saskatchewan
Regway Saskatchewan
Saskatoon Commercial Saskatchewan
Beaver Creek Yukon
Little Gold Creek Yukon
Whitehorse Yukon
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